Lawrence Its 8 00 on the east coast, thursday, september 26, thIs Is Fox And FrIends. We start thIs hour wIth our exclusIve IntervIew wIth MelanIa Trump, her fIrst IntervIew In over two years talkIng about polItIcs, her famIly and recountIng the moment she found out about the fIrst AssassInatIon Attempt Onner had husband. I go to the tv and I rewInd It and I watched It, I was only a few mInutes behInd. See hIm on the floor and you dont know, you dont know what really happened. BrIan and Kamala HarrIs breakIng down her economIc PolIcy Proposal wIthout servIng up another word salad. LookIng holIstIcally at the IncentIve to engage In plannIng In holIstIc manner. BrIan draggIng words out of her. Steve Take A Look at the screen, HurrIcane Helene In the gulf rIght now, could brIng potentIally deadly Storm Surge, they say It could be unsurvIvable event. That Is why governor Ron DesantIs Is goIng to joIn us on the states preparatIons as helene comes ashore sometIme, probably tonIght. Lawrence
Botching it. Plus game over. Trumps plan to make it easier to beat harris, just shut down and the republican who who stood up to his own party over this is outfront. And Breaking News from kfile, the team that exposed mark Robinsons Talk of being a Black Nazi and oppose her is back with me more tonight. Trump Ditch Robinson to save himself in North Carolina. Lets go outfront and good evening. Im erin burnett, outfront tonight. Are you trying to lose this election . That is the question. The exact words that Nikki Haley is asking tonight . Shes talking about what the ohio republican Senate Candidate is saying about women and abortion suburban women like Abortion Abortions i will vote for anybody else. Okay. A little crazy by the way. Its mostly for women there, like past 50 of the of his own as you view well, it doesnt take much thought to realize that those words are not the least insulting. And the problem doesnt seem to stop with Wouldbe Senator Bernie moreno, a new Cnn Poll tonight
Steve good mornIng, everybody. 6 00 on thIs couch here In new york cIty. It Is currently outsIde 60 degrees. Pleasant day. Its mIddle of the week, september 24th, 2024. September 25th, thIs Is Fox FrIends. They moved the teleprompter. I had to remember. I was wrong. Start wIth news we do know. A Fox News alert. Former PresIdent Donald Trump brIefed on what they refer to as real and specIfIc threats from Iran as top lawmakers label thIs an Act Of War. Consequences to a foreIgn government InterferIng In our electIon. ThIs Is an Act Of War agaInst the amerIcan people. AInsley comes as the second AssassInatIon Attempt Suspect could face lIfe In prIson. The serIous upgraded charges that he Is facIng. BrIan plus, VIce PresIdent harrIs Is In PennsylvanIa Today to talk about the economy as trump urges voters not to buy Into her proposals. Tax queen. They love her In other countrIes because she forces everybody out of our country Into theIr hands. Lawrence and MakIng AmerIca Healthy agaIn. JIll
BrIan seemed warmer than that. Steve that sets up perfectly, look lIve at Turtle Bay at UnIted NatIons. AInsley put It In your state, traffIc Is horrIble. Steve It Is, It open happens once a year. PresIdent bIden goIng to address unga, for fInal tIme as presIdent In a couple hours. HIs own team thInks hIs foreIgn po polIcIes are slIppIng away. LIve report outsIde UnIted NatIons comIng up. BrIan and former PresIdent Trump wIll be In georgIa today. Everyone Is talkIng about the moment he gave 100 to a mom tryIng to buy grocerIes. The total bIll was 194 and change. The fact he handed Us 100 was a complete surprIse. AInsley mothers across amerIca are leavIng behInd GIft Cards In DIaper Boxes, heartwarmIng story behInd thIs trend. Lawrence fInal hour of Fox And FrIends starts now. MornIngs are better wIth frIends. BrIan World Leaders are arrIvIng at UnIted NatIons and In hours, PresIdent BIden wIll address the un general assembly for fInal tIme as presIdent. AInsley thIs as fIghtIng between
The detaIls on thIs but Israel rIght now through Its mIlItary says It has just kIlled a Hezbollah Commander In a strIke on the countrys capItal beIrut, lebanon. ThIs would be a development of EpIc ProportIons that they could hIt that commander InsIde that cIty. So we are followIng that. More reportIng to come just shortly. I want to mentIon the tImIng of thIs. PresIdent bIden just wrappIng up hIs comments. The last that he wIll make as the commanderInchIef of the UnIted States at the unIted natIons General Assembly. He spoke some words about the Twostate SolutIon and two sIdes would come together and that amerIca was commItted. But he dId not gIve a map of leadershIp through thIs moment. Well get Into It. Im HarrIs Faulkner and you are In the faulkner focus. Exact wIll I what bIden saId about the conflIct. SInce October 7th weve also been determIned to prevent a wIder war that engulfs the entIre regIon. Hezbollah, unprovoked, joIned the October 7th attack launchIng rockets Into Israel.