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Sputnik International
The ongoing border standoff between India and China at the disputed Ladakh border has been the deadliest between the two Asian powerhouses since the 1962 border war..
A Chinese blogger, detained earlier this year for his comments regarding military casualties of Galwan valley clash, has been sentenced to eight months in prison.
Qiu Ziming, an internet celebrity with more than 2.5 million followers, received a jail term for defaming martyrs .
Beijing: A popular Chinese blogger, detained earlier this year for his comments regarding military casualties of Galwan valley clash with India, has been sentenced to eight months in prison.
Qiu Ziming, an internet celebrity with more than 2.5 million followers, on Monday received a jail term of eight months for `defaming martyrs`, marking the first such case in China since a new amendment was attached to the Criminal Law, reported Global Times.