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Sputnik International
The dead included Qi Fabao, the regimental commander
Chen Hongjun, one of the soldiers, was posthumously awarded the title of Guardian of the Frontier Hero
Beijing: China said for the first time on Friday (February 19) that five Chinese military officers and soldiers were killed in last year s Galwan Valley clash in eastern Ladakh with the Indian Army, the People s Liberation Army (PLA) officially acknowledged for the first time.
Five Chinese frontier officers and soldiers stationed in the Karakoram Mountains have been recognised by the Central Military Commission of China (CMC) for their sacrifice in the border confrontation with India, which occurred in the Galwan Valley in June 2020, the PLA Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese military reported on Friday.
MoS Anurag Thakur has told the Rajya Sabha that 80 Chinese firms are actively doing business in India
The BJP leader also said that 92 Chinese companies are currently registered in India.
New Delhi: Amid heightened tension with China at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), Minister of State (MoS) for Finance Anurag Thakur has informed the Rajya Sabha that as many as 80 Chinese companies are actively doing business in the country.
The BJP leader said that 92 Chinese companies are currently registered in India. Thakur made these remarks while replying to a question about restricting the Chinese companies from doing business in the country in the aftermath of the Galwan Valley clashes during which at least 40 Indian soldiers and an undisclosed number of Chinese soldiers were killed.
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