Ahead of the G20 Summit scheduled to take place on September 9 and 10, Manmohan Singh, said that he was “more optimistic about India’s future than worried,” but that optimism is “contingent on India being a harmonious society”
Goods vehicles carrying Essential Commodities such as milk, vegetables, fruits, medical supplies, etc., having valid ‘No Entry Permissions’ will be allowed to enter into Delhi.
During her visit to the national capital, Banerjee will meet leaders of different political parties, besides attending the official engagements, they said.
Narendra Modi said he was looking forward to three bilateral meetings at his residence on Friday, ahead of the G20 Summit over the weekend. | Latest News India
All things considered, India has navigated a tumultuous landscape to charter a successful G20 presidency. India strived hard to ensure the Ukrainian crisis and climate finance didn’t disrupt deliberations between the world’s biggest economies, prioritised Global South viewpoints, and even managed a host of “soft” financial outcomes