kaopectate stops it fast. powerful liquid relief speeds to the source. fast. [ male announcer ] stop the uh-oh fast with kao. at the beginning, i thought tuesday was the happiest day in my life. there were people for the first time gathering in huge numbers. this is the start of the rest of my life, of a new happy life, honestly, as cheesy as it sounds, that s exactly how i feel right now. i m ayesha, at cnn headquarters joined by anderson cooper and wolf blitzer. we continue to follow the results in egypt where reports of widespread looting and lawlessness are rampant. we received word of a mass serve
seems to rain. cnn, cairo, egypt. it is incredible just how you drive through neighborhoods and literally every block, you are stopped by six, a dozen young men, old men, armed with all sorts of weapons, makeshift weapons, clubs, kitchen knives, they check out who you are, want to see some sort of identification. then, when they realize you re not a looter, they re generally friendly and tell you to move on. but it s block after block after block. it s very difficult now just getting anywhere in cairo because of the time it takes to get through all these roadblocks. we ll have continuing coverage all the way through this evening. when we come back, we ll take a look at what happens if president mubarak does step down and does leave egypt and what happens if he doesn t.
dominance. you have intellectuals, students, the muslim brotherhood, who are seen out now corralling the demonstrations, a bigger presence in the demonstrations. even one neighborhood, i show you this here we picked up, a flyer, driving through one of the neighborhoods past the vigilante group, they handed this out to us this evening, this is for an islamist group way more radical than the muslim brotherhood. they re demanding an islamic state in egypt. you have all these different groups. it s quite clear over time a struggle will evolve between them, who controls what where? who has the power, something that appears to be coming down the line. president mubarak has certainly used concern in the west and even concern here about islamic fundamentalists to his advantage over these last 30 years as a way to stay in power. on the streets here, there has
connect with the aspirations of the egyptians for a change. there is something wrong with our secretary of state saying the egyptian regime is stable when she knew better. there is something wrong with our vice president biden saying that hosni mubarak is not a dictator when every child in exwi egypt we see and every reporter is showing you hosni mubarak is a dictator. there is chaos not only on the streets of cairo but chaos on our end, what to do about egypt and how to understand egypt. what should the u.s. do? i think, look, it s a long story and we have come to this this egyptian protest is happening without any inspiration from the united states. i mean, if you really look at what s happening, not only in egypt but if you widen the lens, and you take a look at the arab world as a whole, you see there is a kind of ir relevance of american power because the
about islamists gaining power, taking control in egypt if mubarak left. that is certainly something mubarak has used over his rein to support western security and to garner support here. how realistic is that? what sort of power do they have here in moving forward if mubarak left? what sort of power would they have? reporter: most egyptian analysts believe if there were free and fair elections the muslim brotherhood and similar groups would win around 30 to 35% of the vote, but certainly not only has the mubarak government exaggerated the so-called islamic threat in fwpt egypt to the united states but did that to a great extent to the egyptian people as well. every time elections would come around, they would send out a message, either vote for mubarak