care less. bill, don t be a pin head. enbrace or fade into ir relevance with the rest of religious. don t believe it will happen, been here 18 years. gene kelly, you re right, bill, the painting of jesus in the west virginia high school was taken down because jesus has a connection to religion, so does martin luther king jr. is he picture being taken down? poppycock, bill, america is being changing because the silent majority is being gagged and over run by a vocal minority. jesus was not killed because he was a fa lose for, he was killed because he claimed to be the son of god. if you were to read the bible you would know the truth, bill. have read the bible, stan.
care less. bill, don t be a pin head. enbrace or fade into ir relevance with the rest of religious. don t believe it will happen, been here 18 years. gene kelly, you re right, bill, the painting of jesus in the west virginia high school was taken down because jesus has a connection to religion, so does martin luther king jr. is he picture being taken down? poppycock, bill, america is being changing because the silent majority is being gagged and over run by a vocal minority. jesus was not killed because he was a fa lose for, he was killed because he claimed to be the son of god. if you were to read the bible you would know the truth, bill. have read the bible, stan.
level. finally, this question about trying to keep your business fresh. as a 37-year-old organization, how do you continuously innovate the organization, not only as product but as people? it s a great question. in essence, if you do not have a culture of innovation and of change and excitement, the company is 37 years old, how do you suddenly create that? i think you have to a favorite quote of mine along these lines is from a general. he said if you dislike change, you ll dislike ir relevance even more. unless you re looking to sunset your business or shut it down when you re gone, you have to innovate, you have to bring in new blood, new ideas, new people and look at doing things in new ways. it s just the essence of what you have to do. we know we have to. but how do you do that in a big old company? i mean, you always have the new people who come in every now and then. it s fresh dna.
that just can t be a solution because i mean they re going to be able to vote. yeah. can i say colin powell is a national treasure. he is. he is. he doesn t have to do any of this. he s getting paid on the speaking circuit. he could glide through it. he doesn t have anything to prove and he speaks out ons these issues of principles. this is a fundamental american principle, people should vote. participation is key. no matter whether you re republican or democrat. so i you ve got to salute him with respect, really. you also wonder he is becoming this kind of republican cassandra. he appears about once a year somewhere, said it on meet the press and whatever the hot thing of the moment is, he ll offer a kind of moderating view. and if the party doesn t heed that, i think they are on a kind of glide path to ir relevance. do republicans still see colin powell as a republican? that s a terrific question. depends on to go back to president clinton, depends on
be the last person in washington to admit he is irrelevant. it is over, grover. yeah, people aren t quick to admit their ir relevance in washington. wall street journal board is even pushing grover norquist on this. they said president obama s re-election means tacks for upper income owners are going to go up one way or the other. bush tax rates expire on december 31st. this is where mr. norquist can give some ground. robert reich, did you ever expect that we would be reading an editorial where the wall street journal is telling grover norquist that he s got to give ground on the tax increase? no, i didn t. election day does magical things to the wall street journal and to a lot of the republican