be banned. is not even that deep. putting things back that always workmos pretty stilt mom and as alcohol, drink half of it, poor water and put it back you don t think it s going be the same? w no it s going be watered down that stuff. it s very easy to see who was shadow band and he was blockinge yes he knew what was going onw because greg, every time we deal with these people they have these god complexes. y and the only surround themsels with people who think like them and you likethho t them.them they virtue signal like i am blocked got filled today and slowed him down. we don t look at is folockr entertainers who are conservative they affected their livelihoods for they affected their ability to make money, to get jobs. poor sweet joe thought he wasas having writers h block. novartis jokes or weird, unfunny, creepy and no one was paying attention twao him. all along he is dropping should
cope with inflation. and one of their suggestions is spend your paycheck right away and also borrow lots of money. something tells me you do not endorse those as solutions to this problem, joe. that is an unfunny as new sex in the city. it s horrible. did i watch the original show, what can i say? i love this headline spend your money before not so transitory inflation makes your dollar even more worthless. i love joy reid s take on this from msnbc. consumer confidence lowest level in decade. low confidence biden s approval rating republicans are seizing and blaming joe biden. americans are seizing on inflation because they feel it every day. inflation sun spinnable. the way the administration can show it seriously is not to ram through trillions of new spending on top of the trillions they have already spent. anyway guys i know you have got to go. there is another show that starts after you. good to see you, ashley, todd
it. i think he is winning it and they are come as you said, raymond the other folks are the most unfunny, unhappy people out there and the rest of us are just having a good time. so you expose them, raymond, and so does chappelle, great job tonight. and still ahead, why is the january 6th rider who led the first charge into the capital being shielded suddenly by the feds, and why is the attorney general refusing to talk about it? congressman thomas massie has the shocking details next. did you know that you don t have to be 65 years old to qualify for medicare? that s right. in fact, many people who are already on medicaid also qualify for a medicare advantage plan.