to the russian president s authority means for the dictator. we are all concerned by any potential for instability in russia. norah: deadly storms and tornadoes hit the south and midwest, as 57 million americans brace for more dangerous weather. large hail, wind damage with power outages, and the flood threat. watches and warnings have expanded. three san antonio police officers of been charged with murder. for the way they handled the call involving 46-year-old melissa perez. the shooting officer s actions were not consistent with the policy and training. somebody came down and said we lost contact. we are hearing from a family member who lost both her son and her husband on the titan submersible. both of them really, really wanted to do that for a very long time. speak with the drugmakers behind ozempic are now racing to develop a daily pill for peopleo want to lose weight. norah: and how one tiktok creator helped a community. in peoria, illinois, ma
[draramatic musisic] - - over the n next ten dada, wewe get to sesee the machinines that arare croo, the ballllots ththat are fraraudulent. anand if we rere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. but ifif we re rigight, a a lot of thehem will go o to. [cheerers and applplause] so letet s have trtrial by com. [c[crowd clamomoring] - whwhen giulianani appeared alongsgside donaldld trump on jananuary 6th,, what c came to my y mind was the riot at city hall.l. [c[crowd yelling] - - [whistlingng] - - they marchched arouound city hahall park in a peaeaceful and d orderly fashion, but ththen, minutetes later, thousandnds of copss stormed ththrough the e barrics and raran on top o of cars as they chcharged the e stais of city hahall. [crowd c cheering anand yelli] - peopople called d it at the e ththe riot of f the oppresess. [crorowd yellingng] a a riot of popolicemen. [crowd y yelling] - you hahave a bunchch of offff-duty copsps. [crowd y yelling] - took ovever the roadadway
therere was seisismic acactivity in n seattle. anchchor: the swswifties danced andnd jumped soso muc. ananchor: the e equivalentntf a a 2.3-magnititude earthqhqu. tayloror swift s i impact on p culturure today isis extraordid. the concncert, fromm my undnderstandingng, genenerated billllions of dodo. vanessa a yurkevich:h: one econt susuggests thahat taylor s sw, through h her us touour, coud add $5 b billion to o us gdp. if cacari champioion: you re e o 8080, you knowow a song off tataylor swiftft s. natete rogers: i in modern pop timemes, you havave yoyour cream-o-of-the-cropop ar. and d taylor swiwift is proboy arguably thehe tip of the top. anchor: : pop star t taylor swis takiking her rececord-breakikins tour t to the big g screen. cari c champion: t there sees to be e not only a a fascinati, but an o obsession w with wht shes sininging, who o she singg to, who heher friends s are, whwhat these s songs mean n to. we have e a dedicateted nfl cacam to taylolor swift in all
therere was seisismic acactivity in n seattle. anchchor: the swswifties danced andnd jumped soso muc. ananchor: the e equivalentntf a a 2.3-magnititude earthqhqu. tayloror swift s i impact on p culturure today isis extraordid. the concncert, fromm my undnderstandingng, genenerated billllions of dodo. vanessa a yurkevich:h: one econt susuggests thahat taylor s sw, through h her us touour, coud add $5 billion to o us gdp. if cacari champioion: you re e o 8080, you knowow a song off tataylor swiftft s. nate rogers: i in modern pop timemes, you havave yoyour cream-o-of-the-cropop ar. and taylor swift is probably arguably the tip of the top. anchor: : pop star t taylor swis takiking her rececord-breakikins tour t to the big g screen. cari c champion: t there sees to be e not only a a fascinati, but an o obsession w with wht shes sininging, who o she singg to, who heher friends s are, whwhat these s songs mean n to. we have e a dedicateted nfl cacam to taylolor swift in all of f th
> here we g go. pipivot. pivot. pipivot. pivot! > shut up, , shut up, s shut! i feel l like we geget to kn thesese sitcom c characters;s; e yoyour friendsds. i don t think it t s going t pivot t anymore. > you thinknk? they were purely selfish and purely immature. a are you stitill master r o domain? i m queueen of the e castle. > you hope e that you l ll h those kikinds of relelationship yourur real lifefe. tononight is ababout celebra our enduring bonds as friends, nay, family. good to see you too girl, where you going? carnival? ha! your friends, sometimes that s more family than the people that you re related to. something s bothering you! i ve nenever been h happier. tryining to make e your way the woworld and hahaving a safa harbrbor. yoyou know, whwhere everybybody yoyour name. > afternoonon everybody. norm! i m m out. what? yeah i m m out, i m o out of contest.t. uglgly naked guguy is havini thananksgiving d dinner withth nanaked ga