Feel likike we get t to know th Sitcom C characters s there E Y frieiends are hoping itts goi to pivotot anymore. You think They W were . For Pururely Selfi purely immmmature. ArE Y you still m master of R Domainin and Pointnted Youou ho Thatat Wellll H have those E Kf Relatitionships Inin your Life Tonight T is about Celelebratin Ouour enduring bond as Fred Nay family, good to seE You. Do girl, wherere Do You G God Carnrnival friends . Sometimes its more families than the people that youre related to. Somethingngs bobothering never r been labiaia trying g tE Your W Way in the E World Haviv Sasafe Harbor R where evererybo knows yourur name ive knownwn anybody im m out im out of the contrarast agreeee. Make gooood is He Havingng Thanksgiviving Didinner with h Ugly Nakeded Ga Frieiends or seinfnfeld. Do yoy Wantnt Me To Chohoose . I Cant Answswer that, s s Itits Soso s subjective E Chal acceptpted contest s seinfeld, will win. I t think It T was smsmart. Seseinfeld, Ththe Ship Bririlli H
everyone seemed to be going all in all the time. and now it s time to take a look at the whole crazy year with our guest, laura barron lopez, omar jimenez, laura coates, john berman, charlotte, boy wire, max foster. we re playing for keeps. it s all the best, all the worst 2023. welcome. i m tom foreman, and it s worth asking how did we get past through the past 12 months? many of us hoped it would be easier in recent tumultuous years. and there were moments of accomplishment, community, and joy. but we were also challenged, divided over issues and often unable to agree even on what we want. and it was widely apparent where we begin with the biggest news stories of the year. the worst big news for many americans started in their pocketbooks. the economy this year was an absolute emotional roller coaster. unemployment was down, earnings were up. at any moment, a lot was going well. but even then, for a lot of people a lot just didn t feel quite right. it s flying
> here we g go. pipivot. pivot. pipivot. pivot! > shut up, , shut up, s shut! i feel l like we geget to kn thesese sitcom c characters;s; e yoyour friendsds. i don t think it t s going t pivot t anymore. > you thinknk? they were purely selfish and purely immature. a are you stitill master r o domain? i m queueen of the e castle. > you hope e that you l ll h those kikinds of relelationship yourur real lifefe. tononight is ababout celebra our enduring bonds as friends, nay, family. good to see you too girl, where you going? carnival? ha! your friends, sometimes that s more family than the people that you re related to. something s bothering you! i ve nenever been h happier. tryining to make e your way the woworld and hahaving a safa harbrbor. yoyou know, whwhere everybybody yoyour name. > afternoonon everybody. norm! i m m out. what? yeah i m m out, i m o out of contest.t. uglgly naked guguy is havini thananksgiving d dinner withth nanaked ga