Transcripts For CNNW Giuliani 20240705

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[dramamatic music]c] ladies a and gentlememen, amerericas mayoyor, Rudy Giuliliani. Today,y, i am o officially y Announcig My Withdrarawal as a candidate e for Presidident Of T the united d states. Veryry difficultlt night for Rudy G Giuliani. We arere going to o make our r country grgreat again. Giuliaiani sees onone thin, opportununity. Trumump is cleararly the bebest choice. E. He thoughtht, this wilillt me back inin the spotltlight. Whwhat i did f for new w york, Donanald Trump Will D do for amererica [cheers s and applauause] ohoh, my god. I momoved on herer, actually. You knknow, She Wawas Downwn in palm b beach. I i moved on h her, and i i fa. Iill admit i it. Whoaoa. I i did try anand [bleep] ]. She wawas married. D. Thatss huge newsws there. Sosome breakining news rigigh. Dadavid fahrenenthold of the Wasashington Popost got his hahands on a t tape. Hehello. Hohow are you . U . Hi. Hihi, mr. Trumump. Hohow are you . U . Nicece seeing yoyou. Teterrific. Pleasurere to meet y you. When thehe Access Hohollywod Tape dropped, i was on air. Donanald trump a and billy bush Hadad Somethingng of a rauaunchy conveversatio. And whwhen youre e a star, they letet you do itit. Yoyou can do a anything. Whatever y you want. Grgrab em by y the [bleep. Hes Braragging Abouout Commmmitting sexexual assaul. So i was j just stunnened, absosolutely stutunned. Therere is a Pololitical Ststorm that h has eruptede. Already y a parade of repubublicans has eitherer condemneded trumpps commentsts, withdrawawn their support t completelyly, or calleled on him t to step d. Any y truth thatat hes d Dropping Ouout . No. Kellyayanne conwayay, reincece priebus, others, Werere Scheduleded to be on the sununday shows. S. All of Thehem Canceleded their r appearanceces. Anand the one e person whoho wn to Defenend Him In W wake of tt was s Rudy Giuliliani. Joining g me now isis former nenew York Citiy Mamayor and dodonald trumpp suppororter, rudy y giuliani. Rudydy giuliani,i, Top Adadvisor To D donald tru. Thanank you. Thanks f for having g me bac. That Wasas A Momentt for Rurudy Giulianani To Realllly Step Upp and shshow that wawas willing to be Donald Trumps number one defender, nunumber one a attack dog. Men n at times, talk like e. I i dont knowow how muchh he wasas exaggeratating. I i dont knowow how much h is. Hes a Dififferent Manan now than he was s then. Men say Ststupid Thingngs in lococker rooms. S. We shoululd move on. N. Rurudy Giulianani Bet T On Trump W when very f few people e were doing. He stutuck with trtrump after the acaccess hollylywood tap. Shameful, but like, you kn, you dodo this becacause youe exexpecting a a reward. I guguess there e are a a few perfecect people. But in my y view, theres ononly been onone. And d that was j jesus chris. Cnn can report that Hillary Clinton has called Dodonald Trumpmp to cononcede the r race. Im M Enormouslyly excited d for the cocountry. I i believe Dodonald Trumpmp l be a trulyly great preresiden. [draramatic musisic] this is s probably one of t the greatesest victories s for the Pepeople F America A since andrdrew jacks. The election of donald trump to the white house shocks the country from coaoast to coast. [a[all cheerining] im so proroud to call him t the presidedent of the u united statates. Eveven people e who are pulling Fofor Donald T Trump Are Amazazed that hehe won. Whwhoo it felt t like this s Increde Periodod of uncertrtainty. Who that i is that . Is t that the Mamayor Thatat showed upup . Rudydy . Mornining after ththe 2016 president itial electioion, if y youre rudydy giuliani, and donald trump had just been Electcted Presidedent of u united statates, youure feelingng that Theres Totons of oppoportunity ahah. Whatss your Rolele Expecteded to be . I have n no expectatation. All i do i is give my y advic. Donanalds been n my frieiend for 28 8 years. All of My Y Work On Bebehalf ofm has s been out o of great loloy Anand Friendshship to him. Whatevever rudy wawants, rurudy gets, b because he e s the guguy who stooood by trum. Whateverer he said, bill c Clinton Didid much wor. Hihis top pickck is sececretary of f state. So is thisis true . Yoyou want to o be secrcretary of s state . [lauaughs] whatetever i wawant to be, ill Discucs Wiwith the preresidentelele. Rudy has d developed a a nk of contactcts in Countntries Across Thehe World in the wakake of 9 111 and His Geopolitical Rock Star Status Where hes treatated almost t like anan expresidident as hee Trtravels Arouound the woror. I ththink he thohought Beining Secretarary of state would bebe a good waway to s stay in thehe game. Youre n not presidedent. Youre n not vice prpresiden. Secretarary of statete is the e most preststigious job in the c cabinet. And i ththink that h he saw that as as an alteternate to the p president iaial ambibitions thatat were nevever going toto be fulfili. John w would be a very good choicece. Is t there anybobody bette . Mamaybe me. I donnt know. He gets a a little toooor ouout ahead ofof himself o on. Anand what wasas Really Happenining Behind T The Scens was thatat there wasas actualy some c concerns ababout rudy a and d whether hehe was up for the chchallenge hehere. Trtrump confididante, Rudy Giuliaiani, formerer new york mayor, mayay not Actuaually Nw be a locock for the e positin of secreretary of ststate. Therees one momement in trp towewer where jajason miller, one ofof the top c communicatn advivisors for t trump, comes out t of the Bulullpen Ofof his team m and says, we neeeed someone e to go in te anand just Lobob Questionsns Ay toto see what t he says. Everybodody scattersrs. Ththe aide whoho does get t pd goes in Bebehind Closesed Doos and is h horrified by what t he hears, a Ququestion Abobout when is the lasast time yououve traveled to the middle easast. That question comes with enough stammering that they have a followup meeting. The aide asks giuliani, you told me yesterdaday that youou hadnt n to t the middle e east for a a. Are yoyou sure abobout that . Are ththere any Otother Tripips you can n remember . . Giululianis facace goes blal. Turns out, his secretary had said rudy had just been in the middle east a month ago. If you talk to people who were talking to trump at the time, they say he was never seseriously Coconsiderd Fofor it, whicich is Probabable Revealining in and o of itsef of the dynynamic of the relatitionship between the two of them. The relationship between trump and rudy is really a fraught one. Itss one wherere trump p really valalues giulianinis defensese of hi. He was t the best mayor inin the Histotory Of T the city ofof new york. Hes a Grereat Personn who loloves our cocountry. But shshows his apappreciati, shows s his love f for rudy with bacackhand and d criticis. Inin Donald Trtrump eyes, theress part of f giulianiss recor. Likeke, he ran f for the prpresidency, and d it totallyly went u up in flamemes. So to donanald trump, hes a a loser. There e was a Momement Aftr Trump had d been electcted, Steve Mnucuchin his Nenew Treaeasury Secreretary is Gettiting Marrieded in wasashington, and d giuliani i is very excitedly y talking. And trtrump stops s him. Says, rudy, youre spipitting all l over. Gogo stand ovever there. And rudydy does. Rudy t Thought Trurump was s going to a appoint him secretary of state. And d that didnnt work. Soso he keeps s around Thee Marginins in any w way he ca, trying t to get backck to ththe center o of the actiti. One has toto really appreciatete to Undersrstand Ththe arc of Rudy Giuliani, how intoxicating fame a and power a are. For r a politicician to lose relevavance is gututting. Whwhat happensns to Polititil Anand Media Fifigures Whenen y Fear I Irrelevancece and Gogo Off The D deep end to become e relevant a again. I i dont thinink he rereally Got O Over Losingg the rarace for preresident. Hehe misses ththe action. He wanants to be a a player. [dramamatic music]c] weve gogot some major newsws that werre still absosorbing as we speaeak right nonow ththat broke o overnight. A Bombshshell Reportrt from the new yoyork times, claimiming that ththe fbi launched a an investigation into p president T Trump To Se if h he was workrking for rura and Agagainst The E united sta. Mostst of trumpps first two yearars in officice Arare Overshadadowed Byby Allegatioions of collllug with russisia to Try T To Tilt t the 2016 elelection. And Thosose Eventualally Landn the Lalap Of The S Special Coul robert mueller. I said, you know, this russia thing with trump and russiaia is a madedeup st. Prpresident neneeds a fighg. He needsds somebody y who he t thinks willll push back agaiainst this i investigatit, Agagainst The E Press Obsessioion with the investstigation, Wiwith The Samame Zeal that he wowould. And says, i need you to fight for me here. Its Divivorce Numbeber Three E for Rudy G Giuliani, new yoyork citys s former may. Anand at a heaearing todaya, it b became cleaear that thihs are e taking a n nasty turn. Since 2016, you see him without any of the tethers that guided him in more productive directions. Peter powers was rudys closest confidant since their boyhood days. If anyone could center him, it was peter. If there was anyone who could calm him down, it was peter. And when peter died during the Trump Campaign, rudy lost his lifeline. And i think thats what happens to him. Hes morore alone than early rudy wawas. Rudy giuiuliani is finally y an Officiaial Membr of the trump team. The former new york mayor now joining the president s legal team. He wants to do battle the way he knows how to do battle, Whwhich Is On Twitter and on t. I have no problem with that. He is treated differenently and ununfairly. I haveve no problelem with t. Hess innocent. T. He wanants giulianani, the prprosecutor, to prosecucute the preress, O Prosecute E the prosececutor. Youveve Got A Hysysteria going on i in the medidia Ththat Interprprets everytytg agagainst donanald trump. Therees No Hysteteria her. Anand that is s what takes giuliaiani all Thehe Way Ththrough The E trump yeara. Waitit. Waitit. Hihis fatheriinlaw jake jake, we e are so wewe are so didistorting the syststem of juststice just to geget donald t trump. Its Goioing To Hurtrt us. He wasas spending g a lot of time inin the west t wing. He was somebody who was constantly on call for the e former president to reach out to. And i ththink this k kind of brought back together this onagain, offagain Longstananding Bromamance between Ththe Two Of T these th of a c certain erara new york. He has t this directct accessss, without t any of Thehe Responsibibility or any of t the accountntabilit. As a Skikilled Profefessionl who figurered out how toto Climb Hisis Way Upup in the lelegal world, anand then up p in the pololil world, thahat he figurured o, now im inin the trumpmp worl. Whatat do i needed to do too succeeeed in this s world . And in t this world,d, loyaly is 100 obedience,e, is 100. And he jusust decided,d, well, this is the woworld im gogoing to be , anand im justst going to o do. Almostst immediatetely, Asas Giulianii joins s the team i in a forml way, hees doing a a lot of pr. When youou tell me that yoyou know, he s should teststify because hess going to o tell the t h and hehe shouldntt worry,y, well, thahats so silly becacause its somebodydys versionon of thehe truth, nonot the tru. He dididnt have a a Converersation Abobout the trututh is truthth. I donnt mean to o go, like, no it i isnt truthth. Truth h isnt trututh. The Presesident Of T the Unitd Stateses says, i d didnt. Trututh isnt trtruth. Mr. Mayor, do o you rerealize whatat, i mean. Ththeres a Momoment Ininside The W white housee where trtrump aides s start criticizining what giuiuliani s said on air, and trump barks at them all and says, at least rudys out there defending me. Whwhen you do o find out . . Iill tell yoyou what. Rurudy knows i its a witctch. He starteded yesterdayay. Hell get t his facts s straig. Hes a g great guy. In 2018, j joe biden is cleararly gearing upp for a a president itial run n and is wididely perceived as the frontrunner. Remember, in 2007, when joe biden was making his sesecond run for the E Presidencycy and d Rudy Giuliliani wawas making h his first, Joe Bibiden Famoususly in a Democratatic Debatee jujust dismissssed giuliana. Thereres Only T Three Thins He M mentions inin a sentenc, a noun, and a verbrb, and 9 . I i mean, thereres nothining. Ththeres noththing else. Giululiani neverer has gotttten over ththat, ever. Rudy giuiuliani called forormer Vice President joe biden a moron and mentally deficient idiot. I believe that he always needs to define himself through anatomy. Right . So, Cathololic School He was good and there were o other kids s who were b. And ththen hes aa prosececutor and h hes gonna lockck up the babad guy. And thenen hes mayoyor and d hes Gonnana Lolock up the e Squeegee Guys andnd jaywalkerers, and now itits biden. Rurudy starts s kind ofof from whatat i can best s say, Fancyiying Himf as Likike The New W roger sto. Opposition research is as old as the game of politics, but its t the lengngths he wenent to. This is s the formerer mayor r of new yorork, this rahrrah proamamerica kindnd of Guy Who O Was Lookining for Didirty Tricksks to t try to harmrm an Americn Polilitical Oppoponent of his f friend, dononald tru. Giulianis been doing business all around the world. And one of the places on the map where he started developing relationships is ukraine. Anand who was s the Obamaa Admininistration p point persn for r dealing wiwith ukraine . It was joe biden. Just think about how rich an opportunity that i is for rudydy giulian, Who Wawants To Prorove himself for donald trump. Giuliani had one aim and one aim only. Anand that wasas how to [bleep] ] up joe bididen. You cacant make t this stuff. Joe bidedens son, hunter b biden, was making Money Off Of A company ownened by a ukrkrainian olili. If Giuiuliani Coululd somehow d a a connectionon between Joe Bn Takingng official l action to help h his son enrnrich himsef inin ukraine, he thinks s ts Going To B Be a goldenen momet for donald t trump. Over the beginning of 2019, i start getting texts from rudy about ukukraine, texexts about t how Hunterer Bideden was corrrrupt and d ukraine, a and pepeople need d to look ininto. At this popoint, giululiani has r really left truth and facts to the side. He has fulully joined d the Consnspiratorialal Mentality of President Trump and his administration, totally signed on to that. Rudy wants to build a case. So he goes to get evidence. Now one of the problems is, is he falllls into this Murky Woworld of rusussia and ukraine e and all sosorts of comompeting agegendas. And d he demonststrates vevery Little E Discernmenet as to o who is a r reliable source a and who isnsnt. The proboblem is, Ththis Wasnt Some B Backroom Dedeal in quee. Thisis was aboutut democracy in ukrkraine surviviving. As rudy isis ramping u p this c Campaign Inin Ukraine To T Try and getet these ininvestigatioions, He Statarts Feelining like Hes Runnnning Into T this roadblb. And d that is ththe us ambasasr to ukrainene, marie yoyovanovi. I heard very, very bad things about her fofor a long p period of t t. Nonot good. Yoyovanovitch h was recalld by p president t Trump Becacause Rudy G Giuliani acacd heher of Hampepering Efforos toto Dig Up Didirt on joe e b. Rurudy giulianani was sayiyint she was s the corrupupt one, en though s she was there pushshing back on c Corrupt Figigures in ukuk. The tataking down,n, the Smearg Anand The Attetempt to Desesy The E Career of f a career f fn service Ofofficial Foror this obscscure polititical persrsonal erranand, it w was the eararly warnining signal, it was the shocking moment of clarity that should have been, bubut wasnt. The e idea that t rudy is ts Powewerful Interernational W wr dealaler and thahat he was g goo go over r to ukrainene and he s going toto pull Thee Stringngs of powerer, thisis Whole Thihing was shaham, it was c crapulous, it was j, it was goioing to be e exacty the [bleepep] show it t turnd into from m the beginnnning. New double pollo fit bowls. Only at el pollo loco. the new festive family meal. Starting at 24. Now celebrating at el pollo loco. When y you make Yoyour Decicisions Basesed on your r e starting at 24. Or basased on yourur ego, y you can do o very Dadamaging Thihings to youour. And so rududy took thahat to t the fourth h power. The new w york Timeses Reporg that t the presidedents persol lawyerer, rudy giuiuliani, is pressising a foreign countryr, ukraine, t to take acactions to h help trump geget reelectcted in 20. This is s giuliani t talking. Were n not meddlining in an n election, werre meddlingng in anan investigagation. Theres nothing illegal about it. Whwhat giulianani and trump wantnt to happenen here Isis An Investstigation into hununter biden. N. Both of f them vieww an invesestigation as pololitically a advantageo. It doesntt really Mamatter Whwhat the oututcome is, a asg as thehey can use e that as a as a pololitical cududgel Agagainst The E son of joee biden,n, who at ththis point, is clearlyly the Biggegest Thrt to a sececond term for r president t trump. Hehes runningng around Represenenting Himseself as sort ofof an arm ofof the se departrtment, a rerepresentate of the preresident. Giuliaiani and thehe people o are e trying to o help him stad Buildingng Relationsnships Wih the peopople they ththought would bebe in power. R. In t the meantimime, ukraie elects a a new presisident. Volodydymyr zelensnskyy, anan actor besest known for r playing ththe presesident of u ukraine, was elecected to lead that t country. I thinink at thiss time, Prpresident Zelenskyy Y was a relativelyly unknown plplayer on ththe world stst. He hadad won Thiss Electition in ukraraine, but hehe had this s backgroud as a p popular comomedian. [nononenglish s speech] zelenskyky parlayed d this r, in whihich a kind d of naive, bubut wellintntentioned schoolteteacher, Bebecomes The E president tf ukraraine, Into O Becoming the presidident of ukrkraine. Thisis throws a a Wrench Intnte interests s of rudy gigiulian. Ththat electioion Createss A Wholole new Dynanamic Thatat Giuliani i then tries to navavigate and d game out. This is s in fragilele new govevernment. Obobviously, r recent Evevents Show W that there isis an Externrnal Dangnger to Ukraraine Ththat they cacannot ignoro. The dangngle from rurudy is, we could o offer you a public show of support to get a meaningful investigation of hunter biden. Rudolph giuliani was not a diplomat. Rudolph giuliani was not an ambassador. Rudolph giuliani was not the secretary of state. Rudolph giuliani was a Hired Political Gun Working G to advancece donaldld trumps partisan e electoral i interes. This scacandal is a a scandl of majoror proportioions. Now, w was i are you u done now . . No, im not dodone now . Bebecause you u havent said anynything. No. You cant t just tatalk the whohole time. Mueller,r, that julyly, testis in a a very Cleaearly Lacklulr Perfrformance toto congress. The Findnding Indicacates Tt The Presesident was s not, u. Trumump not onlyly felt this sensese of exonereratio, he alslso had thisis sense e of vengeanance. I think rorobert Muelllled A Horriblele Job Both H Today and Wiwith Respectct to ththe investigigation. Hehe did nothihing wrong a ae wasnt invnvolved in c collusi, and d he wasnt t involved in obstrucuction. Anand its in n this mimindset, whehere that m morning, trtrump picks up the p phone for a a call with president zelensky. The president says, theres a lot of talk about bidens son, so if you can look into it, it sounds s Horrible T To Me trump p spends thehe call a asking zelelensky Veryry Specificacally to help Him M Investigatate hunter b b. Whwhite house e notes of t t cacall show ththat when zezely asked d for a shipipment ofof antitanknk missiles, Trumump Counterered with these wordrds, I Woululd Lie you to do o us A Favoror Thoug whatat zelensky y doesnt rere is, that i inside the e white house, trump has put a hold on several Millllion Dollarars Ofd toto ukraine i in anticicipation of f Zelensky Agreeingng to thesee investigigations. Manyny of those e who are close toto Donald Trtrump think thatat none of t this Wowould Have H happened withouout rudy giuiuliani. Ukukraine was s giulianiss. These wewere his cononnection, these wewere his souources, this was h his rogue foreign popolicy. I i dont knowow that I Ththie Average E American A at that Te Undederstood Whyhy it was s so importatant that we gigive the Sececurity Assistancece to the ukukrainia. I thinink now in 2 2022 when russia i is Invadingng Ukraie and slaughtering innocent ukrainian civilians, our longstanding ally, we understand why w we had a rore and an oblbligation toto do th. Zezelenskyy heheld firm. And itit was a Weieird Previw that t this Young G Guy Who ty thought wawas a triflele, thy thought, o oh, hes a a punk, hes nobody, hes a comedian, you know, he just an accidental president , hes turned out to be a greater leader in a t time of tererrible, Teterrible Cririsis Ththan either r trump or r r. [nonengnglish speecech] the e Curtain Wawas Lifteded today onn an anonymous whistleblowers explosive complaint against president trumump, detailing his ask for political help from ukraines president. Giuliani is mentioned in the whistleblower complaint more than 30 times. Pointing to that july phone call between President Trump and ukraines president. Ththat was a p perfect cal. An absolututely perfecect cal. You knowow it, they y all know. Im Anannouncing T the house e of represesentatives moving f forward witith an Ofofficial Impmpeachment i inq. Anand everybododys Attentnn Ststarted Turnrning to onene , and ththat was rududy giulian. Rudys Influence Led to trumps impeachment over these ukraine issues. Again, this moment of everybody working to sort of contain the rudy influence and keepep him awayy from t the Presidedent Anand yet, thehe president t keeps s seeking hihim out. Rudydy giuliani i is not a guy who backs down. Rudy is a a guy who dodoubles d. Whwhenever giuiuliani was s e defensive e when he wawas may, Hihis Responsese was to atatt. I dont t remember him everer apologizizing, sasaying, i shshouldnt hahe saidid that or i i overreactc. Anand you see e that Throuout Ththe impeachmhment procese. Whwhat you jusust said is totallyly wrong itits not whahat its Comompletely Wrwrong ththis was a p period where all l his friendnds were kind ofof begging h him to layy low, to O Stop Goingng on tv and pressing this case, and he couldnt do it. Ive got the documents, ive got the proof, anand ive gotot the witnenes. One e person i s spoke to wo met t with him a around Thatate Descscribed Driviving around in a c cab with rurudy, and Rudy O On Two Occacasions during thehe same drivive Rolled Dowown his windndow to high five e constructition wors whwho were wavaving at himi. Even at t the Heightht Of Ththe ukraine e Investigatatn Whwhen you werere having a l thesese Administstration Offffs Teststify about t how Horrifid Ththey were byby what Rudydyd Bebeen Doing A abroad, he just seseemed to bebe having the time of his life. About 10 days before the 2020 election, this clip gets released of the b borat movieie. Yoyou can giveve me your p e numbmber and youour address. Put down y your phone shes 1515, she too o old for. Its Sorort Of Anothther Bloo Rudy A and to his s credibili. I hahad to take e off the electrononic equipmement. And d when the e Electronicc Equipmpment came o off and d i tucked m my shirirt in, i asassure you u thats allll i was doio. I realalize now ththat this i is a setup. P. And d then all o of a sudden, crazy y Sacha Baroron cohen runsns in with a a cape on ad hess yelling a and screamig all kinds s of stupid d stuf. I i do Recalll Thinkiking at some p point as thihings went a along, tht this wasas not the p person i k. Many of f the thingsgs that e was doining were jusust baffli. Its Election Night in america and a Nationon In Criss is a at a crossrsroads. Rudy g giuliani was one e of donaldd trumps s most Truststed Adviss on Elelection Nighght 2020. To g get there, you had to be Sosomebody Thahat told Donalald Trump Whwhat he w wanted to h hear, not tetelling him m the trut. The fifirst exit polls Jujust Comingg in tonigight, Presidident Trumt the e white housuse this eveve. Rudydy giuliani I Understod Someththing on Elelection Nigt 2020, which manyny of donad trumpps other adadvisors did not,t, which is s that Dodonald Trumpmp meant itt when he sasaid he wasnt goioing to Accecept Ththe Results S of the elelec. Trumps Sesecond Electctn Ninight goes m much differerey than h his first o one. This onene, for stararters, is inside e the white e hous. Its a whohos who ofof trump wororld, and that g guest list,t, of coururse, includudes rudy gigiu. For the early portion of the evening, some fairly prominent reporters were texting me saying, wow, it lookoks like he might d do it againin. I cant wawait to get the reresults in. And if h he doesnt t win . Thats notot even an o op. I think hehes going to win by y a lot. Thatats my inteterpretation. Alall four momore years four morore years i was s in the easast wing when the a arizona calall cam. Fox x news calleled arizona,d ththat angereded all the P Pee Araround the p president. And the e mood chchanged fundndamentally. Gigiuliani is s Furiouslyy Scrambmbling to fifigure out how to help the president. All of the people yelling suggestions, trump not knowing what to do until one moment whwhen rudy Gigiuliani Pipipep and says, just say y you wo. Giuliani once said a pretty remarkable thing. He said, you could throw a fake. And what he means is, in politicscs, you can embellish, exagaggerate, Mamaybe Jujust throw s something out ththere that y you dont He Anany Real Basasis to belilie is true. E. Anand thats w what he didi. We w were gettining ready to win t this electition. Frfrankly, we e did wiwin this elelection. [all c cheering] we did w win this elelection. Make no o mistake about it, donald trump p himself isis delusion. Rudolph gigiuliani Helelped O Contributete to those e delusis of Grarandeur Thatat Existsts within doDonald Trtrumps headad about Thee Electionon Being Stotolen from. I think k that he felt likike the 198989 Elelection Wasas stolen from him,m, that the e Voting System w was rigged. A few of my advisors and other people that actually came to see us to urge meme to contesest the elecect. And d they presesented us Wiwity Regardeded as evidenence of vor tamperering, voterer fraud. Wewe see an Eaearly Prpremonition N of What Wewee Going G to see yeaears later. Were living through i i believe, the woworst voter r fraud scanl inin the histotory of our r co. Theyey steal elelections in detroitit. Rerepresentatitive, reprpresentativeve, youll h have an opppportunit and they s steal Elelections Inin new york. President t trump hass put his s personal l lawyer, Rurudy Giulianani, in chararge s campaiaigns electction lawsui. Gigiuliani bececomes a real centraral figure f for trump as t trump is bebeginning to devisise any strarategy toto hold on t to power. Giuliani, whos beenenn the e road in fofour states, leading g the presididents election challenge. His team has already filed lawsuits in michigan, georgia, a and pennsylylvani. We arere going too contininue the lawawsuit her. Wewere going g to brining a secondnd one, and ththen were g going to bring a fefederal lawswsuit. I dodont think k He Believd Thatat trump wonon the electc. I dodont think k He Believevet Trump was s a Great Prpresidet or a louousy one. I i think thisis is Imimmaterial T to him. Whats mataterial, iss that h hes Standiding Up Therere talking about Dodonald Trumpmp before t thousands o of peopl. Giuliaiani, hes o on telelevision cononstantly, hes holdiding bizarrere press s conferenceces, Like T The Never t to be Forgon Fourur seasons l landscaping press confnference. Trump Tweeeets Thatat theres g Going To B Be a press s Conferencece S Attorneyeys at the f four seas. Twtwo minutes s after that, he d deleted thehe first twet anand started d over, quote, Bibig Press Coconference T Today In Philadelelphia at Fofour Seasonons Total Lalandscaping oh, ththat four seasons,s, of coursese. He meaeans four seseasons totl landndscaping, l located just down thehe block frorom Fantntasy Islandnd Adult Boos and videdeo store, a and acros the ststreet from m the delawe valllley crematition center. Itss so embarrrrassing, you couldnt even n write it. 700,00000 votes that disisappeared. Giuliani i is insistiningt they will l continue t to figt when a a reporter r interrups him anand tells hihim thatat the electction had d been calleled. Who was itit called byb . All ofof them. All of t them oh, my g goodness all the e networks wow all the nenetworks of c course, it t would endp likeke this, witith Rudy Giuiui Makingng an ass Ofof Himselelf while Dodonald Trump P Officiallyly loses s The Presididency and isis on the gogolf cours. Thisis legal teaeam, a. K. A. The e clown car r of incompepe, has now lolost close t to 50 cs in a month. Momost of themem, i memean, basicacally laughed d out of couourt. Inside c courtrooms,s, nearlyly every siningle attemt fromom trump, ththe Trump Campaign a and his allllies are rebukeked by judgeges, who t to s see some memeasure of p f thatat simply dodoesnt exis. Dismissasals in michchigan, georgia, n nevada, aririzona, and ill t tell you, i its re to see C Courts Throrow Out Cas this quickckly. Were gogoing to ststick with t this, were gogoing to win this e election. Weve actutually won i it. Anand i believeve biden anans crew trieded to steal l the vo. I i believe itit is totalllly. Im just n not Belilieving Thatat Biden Won N in any wayay, shape oror. Everybody y knows they stolele it. Recocount, recouount, recou therees this drurumbeat cog fromom trump, Cocoming From M , comiming from a a lot ofof their supupporters, of Thihis Electionon is fafake, we neeeed to stand up Fofor Voters A and for Thee Integrgrity of Ourur Electios and we n need to Stotop Thisis from happppening. Stop thehe steal, stop the s steal. One of t the Clearesest Inflflection Poioints in Thahat Electition Period D for giulii is t that Famousus Press Coconference A at the repupubn national c committee. Good afternoon. I mean, ththis is i thth, Ththe Clearestst picture Amerericans Haveve gotten of Rudy Gigiuliani totally dedetached frorom real. Thisis to me, Isis The Bubutton to ththat rise and fall that we talk about over giulianis public lifife. Did d you all wawatch my c Cousin Vinnnny . You knowow, the movivie . Its o one of My Favoritete law movieies, becaususe he comeses from brooo. I dont lilike to Mockk Peoplele or anythihing like th. I acactually do o remember thinking i in that momoment, why is h his familyy lettining him do t this . I i prosecuteded some of te most d dangerous c criminals in t the world. I knknow crimes. S. I can smelell them. Thisis is a man n who is a student t of americacan histo, who could d have gigiven you Lelectures Abouout Our Demomocracy and the neneed for r a peacefulul transfsfer of powewer. You knowow, we use l Largey Venezuelanan Voting Mamachine in essssence to cocount our vo. We let t this happenen, were going toto become vevenezuel. Hes too s smart to bebele some of ththe nonsensese thatat hes beenen spouting. You know, the Monkeyey Business W with the ballotss Anand Venezuelela being ininvo. I meanan, this iss just n nutty stuffff. Fast forwaward to hairr dye Rurunning Downwn his fac. So thehe only Evididence Thatat Rudy Has S uncovered, is that hehes not a natural l brunette. I coululd tell youou the secd he s saw that liline of makep it wasas oozing ofoff wof rududys head,ll that d donald trumump, a man with a morore than Pasassing Acacquaintancece with makeke, Imimmediately Y wrote rudydy. You know your legal strategy is [bleep] up, whenen even yourur hair Ststarts Cryining about iti. Hehes lost cacapacity foror. And shshame as a selfregegulating fufunction. In giuiulianis cacase, Eaearlier In H his careerr i thinink this actctually served thehe public ininteret fairlyly well. That momoment is nowow long gone, and d hes justt a a man with l lots and lols of pieie in his faface to go with the dripping hair dye. And you know, the general sense of like, a a corroded a and decacayed human n being. Ththe menace g gets lost in the c clown show. W. Hes statanding there perprpetrating a big lilie about our mostst sacrosancnct thing, w which is ouour democr. Yet, i it actuallyly is ththe Genesis S Of What Cameme closer toto an Americn Coupup than wevve ever had. We arere the majorority and d trump won n trump wowon trumump won ththe night Bebefore Janunuary 6, Ralally Goers had d started asassembli. And i cacan tell yoyou to this s day, donald trurump won thehe elect. [cheheering] theyey were so l loud, that tp could hearar them in t the ovl office thahat evening. G. [a[all cheerining] trump openened the doooors on this chilllly January Y Evenig and d started cacalling aides intoto his officice. Can you hear them outside, hed ask. Can you hear how excited they are . [cheerering] i wokeke up that morning g and you knknow, there e was a sensnse of Real Menacece in washinington, and therere had beenen for a a couple dayays. [all cheheering] there is a a new repububln party on t the rise. Were comiming for you, and w were goingng to havave a good t time doing. Ththis is the e greatest g p ofof patriots s ever put t tog. What does s giuliani do on janunuary 6 . Please w welcome americas s mayor, rududy. Giuliaiani. He takes t the stage a t the ststop the steteal rally on thehe ellipse. Just southth of the white housuse, you can see e the whitee house e in the disistance, and he firires up thisis crow. This has b been a Yeararn Whicich they Havave Invadedd Our Freedodom of speecech, our frfreedom of r religion, our frfreedom to m move, ouour freedom m to live. Illll be darneded if ththeyre goining to takee awaway our freree and fairir and were e going to fight toto the very y end toto make surere that dodoesnt happppen. Over the n next 10 dayays, we get to seeee the machihines tt are crookeked, the Balallots Ththat are fraraudulent, anand if werere wrong, we will l be made fofools of. But if w were rightht, a lot of them wiwill go to j jail. [cheering]g] soso lets havave trial byby c Rudy G Giuliani ararguing tt he wasasnt Literarally Advocag Fofor Insurrecection Whenn he spokeke at a prootrump rally y in washingngton just b e rioters ststormed the e capit. When i i heard himim say, t trial by cocombat, that was d decisive fofor me. He absolututely enableled an attatack on our r democracyy and d tried to overturnrn an electition. And thatats Just Aa Civic Sisin thats completetely unforgigivable. All r rudy, rudy, rudy. When y you see himim being one of thehe speakers s leadig into januauary 6, Lookok At Te Footage E of the pololice rit when dave dinkins was mayor. Thatats who rududy was. Hes just t not able t to finenesse it likike he used d. But thatats rudy. Werre going toto walk down to ththe capitol. L. [all s shouting] new double pollo fit bowls. Only at el pollo loco. New double pollo fit bowls. the new festive family meal. Starting at 24. Now celebrating at el pollo loco. [all shouting] starting at 24. Trump p and giuliaiani show, as thehe whole trurump presidey shshowed, thatat a small, smr than you t think minorority, Cocould Wreak K Absolute H hc wiwith the amemerican systst. [all shohouting] theyre e protectingng her. Not ifif he wants s in alall we wantnt trump, we want t trump, wewe want trumump, we w want trump,p, we w want trump. P. Fofor somebodydy who Oncee Champipioned the r rule of lw and trtried his cacases in cou, fofor him to b be the inststrt ofof Essentitially Unundermining G the systemem ow and d having peoeople lose faith inin our demococracy is a h Horrible Waway to e end your cacareer. Becaususe of the d damage that you h have alreadady donene to our sysystem and even Grereater Dangeger that mayay lie aheadad. [all s shouting] hey, giuiuliani, [blbleep] y yeah, [bleep] yoyou. Hehes just fafallen so far, andnd he keeps s fallin. Soso the only y thing that kind d of ties it All Together Is T that peope are ststill talkining about h. Whether r hes goingng up oror hes goining down, hess in the coconversation. And maybe e thats whahat its a all about f for him. Now w he once totold a rereporter, you know, whatever, whatever they say about me, ill b be dead onene day, i i dont carare. And ththat may be e true. Bubut hes stitill alive a ane still has s to think a about. My fatheher would say to me, when you mamake a decisision, the most Impmportant Thihing youe got toto think abobout is, Cn You Shshave the Nenext Mornig and lolook at Yoururself Inin the Mirroror Anand Feel gooood about yoyour. I do not think that Rudy Giuliani understands thatat there hasas been a tremendous erosion of his reputation that he has caused at all. He looks in the mirror and he sees the hero of 9 11. And Ththose Of Uss who arare here havave to Defefend Freedodom by goig about t our lives s unafraid. I saw hihim walking g down Ththe Street A About Two W ws after they raided his house. I lookoked out thehe side of the carar and i saiaid, heheres giuliliani. I i didnt eveven roll ththe window d down. Itit would havave been beyeyonn me to bebe able to p predict hd end upup the way h hes ended. Heheres a manan now who g t there e with divisisiveness and polaririzing, and by somome luck, was s able to Reresurrect Hihif To Being T the nationns may. Got t a second c chance, and then h he erodes i it al. It is almomost unthinknkable. At the e end of thee day, r Rudy Giuliaiani was s not broughght down byy those e of us thatat opposed h. He was notot brought down by y his criticics. Rudy giuiuliani was s brought down by y Rudy Giuliliani. [somber pipiano music]c] if r rudy had leleft public life either after 9 11 or after 2008, when he dies in a few years, they would name high schools after him. They would rename Laguardia Airport after him. He would g go down as s a comp, weweird, funnyny, strange, hihighly accomomplished gug, Who O At Two Keyey Inflection Popoints in hihistory, stotood d offerered powerfulul leadersh. That m mans gone,e, unfortunan. Its tragic

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