President turman please do so. [ roll call. ] clerk commissioner turman, you have a conform umm. Also with us tonight is the chief of police, William Scott along with the interim chief of accountablity, paul henderson. President turman all right. Members of the public, ladies and gentlemen, san franciscans, welcome to the San Francisco Police Commissions regular meeting of wednesday, january 27th, 2017. We have a long agenda of dgos, reports, some action items and some closed session matters, so were going to jump right in and get started. Secretary kilshaw, first line item, please. Clerk item 1 consent calendar leave and file action. Disciplinary actions 2017. President turman all right. In your packet is the San Francisco Police Departments disciplinary actions 2017. It highlights the cases, charges, proceedings and actual penalties. It is in your packet. Hopefully, youve had a chance to review it. Any questions or comments . It is on the consent calendar. All in favor of approving t
All right. And can you please rise for the pledge of allegiance. [ pledge of allegiance ] clerk president turman, id like to call roll. President turman please do so. [ roll call. ] clerk commissioner turman, you have a conform umm. Also with us tonight is the chief of police, William Scott along with the interim chief of accountablity, paul henderson. President turman all right. Members of the public, ladies and gentlemen, san franciscans, welcome to the San Francisco Police Commissions regular meeting of wednesday, january 27th, 2017. We have a long agenda of dgos, reports, some action items and some closed session matters, so were going to jump right in and get started. Secretary kilshaw, first line item, please. Clerk item 1 consent calendar leave and file action. Disciplinary actions 2017. President turman all right. In your packet is the San Francisco Police Departments disciplinary actions 2017. It highlights the cases, charges, proceedings and actual penalties. It is in your pa
President turman please do so. [ roll call. ] clerk commissioner turman, you have a conform umm. Also with us tonight is the chief of police, William Scott along with the interim chief of accountablity, paul henderson. President turman all right. Members of the public, ladies and gentlemen, san franciscans, welcome to the San Francisco Police Commissions regular meeting of wednesday, january 27th, 2017. We have a long agenda of dgos, reports, some action items and some closed session matters, so were going to jump right in and get started. Secretary kilshaw, first line item, please. Clerk item 1 consent calendar leave and file action. Disciplinary actions 2017. President turman all right. In your packet is the San Francisco Police Departments disciplinary actions 2017. It highlights the cases, charges, proceedings and actual penalties. It is in your packet. Hopefully, youve had a chance to review it. Any questions or comments . It is on the consent calendar. All in favor of approving t
So. [ roll call. ] clerk commissioner turman, you have a conform umm. Also with us tonight is the chief of police, William Scott along with the interim chief of accountablity, paul henderson. President turman all right. Members of the public, ladies and gentlemen, san franciscans, welcome to the San Francisco Police Commissions regular meeting of wednesday, january 27th, 2017. We have a long agenda of dgos, reports, some action items and some closed session matters, so were going to jump right in and get started. Secretary kilshaw, first line item, please. Clerk item 1 consent calendar leave and file action. Disciplinary actions 2017. President turman all right. In your packet is the San Francisco Police Departments disciplinary actions 2017. It highlights the cases, charges, proceedings and actual penalties. It is in your packet. Hopefully, youve had a chance to review it. Any questions or comments . It is on the consent calendar. All in favor of approving this item . Clerk commission
Gaitininvestigating the fbi. The socalled secret society, all who were working to subvert President Trump. We have an informant thats talking about a group that were Holding Secret meetings off site. There is so much smoke here. This is bias, potentially corruption at the highest levels of the fbi that were now investigating. And by the way, Robert Mueller used to run the fbi. He is in no position to do an investigation over this kind of misconduct. Lou all of this as Robert Mueller has gone on the defensive over the past few days. The special Counsel Office showing brazen a toward presidet trump and his administration. And as questions mount about the political corruption of muellers conflicted team of partisans, the leaks from the special counsels office have become more frequent, as evidence of the highly partisan leadership of both the Justice Department and the fbi spill into the public arena. The house Intel Committee, the Senate Homeland Security Committee among those revealing