All right. And can you please rise for the pledge of allegiance. [ pledge of allegiance ] clerk president turman, id like to call roll. President turman please do so. [ roll call. ] clerk commissioner turman, you have a conform umm. Also with us tonight is the chief of police, William Scott along with the interim chief of accountablity, paul henderson. President turman all right. Members of the public, ladies and gentlemen, san franciscans, welcome to the San Francisco Police Commissions regular meeting of wednesday, january 27th, 2017. We have a long agenda of dgos, reports, some action items and some closed session matters, so were going to jump right in and get started. Secretary kilshaw, first line item, please. Clerk item 1 consent calendar leave and file action. Disciplinary actions 2017. President turman all right. In your packet is the San Francisco Police Departments disciplinary actions 2017. It highlights the cases, charges, proceedings and actual penalties. It is in your packet. Hopefully, youve had a chance to review it. Any questions or comments . It is on the consent calendar. All in favor of approving this item . Clerk commissioner, we need Public Comment on this item. President turman okay. Youre right. All right. Before we vote on that, any Public Comment . Seeing none, Public Comment is now closed. Okay. So second. President turman okay. Moved by commissioner melgar, and seconded by commissioner mazzucco. Thank you. The disciplinary report of december 2017 is accepted into the record. Item 2, please. Clerk presentation of the annual report regarding the departments work with the joint Terrorism Task force, jttf. President turman good evening, Commission Good evening, chief. You would be the chief of police, wouldnt you. Nice to see you. Good evening, president turman, Vice President mazzucco, and interim director henderson. Ill start off this weeks chief report with crime intends aintends trends and statistics. This is going into our second week in january , and we started off the week with a number of violent crimes, shootings in particular, which brought our homicide total to three for the year. There were three homicides over the weekend. The good news is theres any good news in them, people were arrested in two of the homicides, and the third is being investigated. We had 11 additional gun related calls this week which brings us actually, its 11 year to date, which is slightly above last year, yeartodate. Its early in the year, and the good news is that weve only had one gun related homicide as opposed to four last year, so that is a significant reduction in gun related homicided by 75 . In terms of firearms seized, we seized 39 firearms yeartodate. President turman pardon me, chief. Were sorry. So we will try to use that as a legal method in our city to confiscate legal firearms. In terms of the major events this week, we have the Second Annual womens rally in march on saturday scheduled for 9 00 in the morning until 6 00 in the evening. The rally begins at civic center. Itll be followed by a march down to market to embarcadero at 2 00 p. M. We have dedicated staff to ensure those participating in this First Amendment activity as well as for the public, and we expect a pretty huge turnout at this event, so barring rain, well have a turnout for it. Also, this week, well have a News Conference actually tomorrow, thursday, january 18th at noon for the 23rd annual chinese new years press conference. Basically thats hosted by sf safe and the Police Department. Itll be at bush and grant and the focus will be on educating the community on extortion, prevention, scam prevention, burglary prevention, robbery prevention and pedestrian safety. Mayors office, the sf recreation and parks and the sfpd along with Supervisor Malia Cohen will be hosting a press event on friday, january 19th at 9 45 a. M. Acting mayor london breed will announce the kick off of a partnership on a Community Engagement called peace park. This intends to provide a safe place for families and their youth to engage in a number of positive activities. By Engaging Police strategies and National Best practices, this partnership aims to build and strengthen positive and continuing relationships between the community, police and city agencies. And we actually are very excited about this program because what it will provide is programming at these parks during peak hours when really the kids of this age need activities. Were going to start off with thursdays, fridays, and saturdays. And it goes from about 3 00 p. M. To 10 00 p. M. , and well partner with sf rec and parks. Sfpd will be in the park engaging with young folks and their families and also providing a safe environment for people to come and enjoy the program, and so were really excited about this. And again, Supervisor Malia Cohen and mayor acting mayor london breed will be a part of this and the press conference to kick this off. That is it for announcements. Its a fairly short report this personal report, so thank you. President turman thank you, chief. Are you ready for your presentation . Yes. President turman okay. Thank you, president turman. So the joint Terrorism Task force report, theres nothing to report because we suspended the joint Terrorism Task force in february of 2017. We have not had any officers assigned to the joint Terrorism Task force since that time, nor do we have an mou in place. As a commission, though, we are with the help of the commission working on with the assigned commissioner, commissioner hing, on revision and clarification of ddo 8. 10. Thats still in progress, and that is the first step to for the commission to consider clarification. One thats done, on how this revised dgo will if any, have any impact on our on the commissions decision to reengage or not to reengage with the jttf. President turman when do you expect to have that dgo in front of the commission . Commissioner, if i follow up present term with an exact date. Im told progress has been made and im told were pretty close, but ill get an exact date for you from commissioner hing and our members of our department that are on the work group. President turman commissioner dejesus. Ai sat in on that group and it is about ready, and we should talk to commissioner haney and see if we can get a calendar. Since sunday and monday and tuesday, its been reported that ice is bringing agents from all over the nation into california, intend to do raids in the state, up to 12 to 1500 people, rounding them up at a time. Its putting fear in the community and one of the things the task force worked on is what the role is in the department and just wondering how you are preparing for that with the officers, that they dont violate the sanctuary policy and how we kind of calm the community . Yeah, commissioner. So our instructions have been clear in terms of our policies are very clear in terms of the sfpd will not assist in any federal immigration enforcement, and that is the message that we are pushing forward to make sure that all of our members understand our policies and comply with the policies in the spirit of the laws here in our city and county. In terms of that, we its pretty clear. I dont know how else to state it. We will not assist, and basically, that message is going to be communicated constantly as it has been to the community. Commissioner dejesus okay. I guess well just have to wait and see what happens. As to the fbi task force, i just have one question, the one that was pulled out of. My understanding is that task force is giving officers maybe officers to this task force if they can go out and do interviews in the field with the fbi and whatever they want, but that doesnt hatcher the intelligence between the fbi and the department, whats going on, its just giving personnel to assist in fbi interviews. When officers are loaned to the task force, theyre basically deputyized, so they have a level of security and privy so some information that the rest of the department doesnt have. In terms of our relationship with the fbi show, we still share information. We have a very good relationship, and im convinced just by virtue of things that have happened since our suspension of the task force that if anything of a Public Safety significance happens in this city, we do have the relationship and the communication to to be alerted and take the appropriate action. President turman to be blunt chief, what commissioner dejesus is asking, i think, i want to put to rest. When an issue comes up in the city such as the one that recently came up on the pier that came up on the pier, they were fully briefed by the fbi, is that correct . Yes. I did personally get a phone call from the fbi, special agent in charge of this region, and we were advised of the incident, what was going on. President turman okay. I knew you are because you shortly thereafter advised me. So despite the public misinformation thats out there that our nonparticipation in jttf means that we are not receiving communication and Sensitive Information about terrorism or other activities counter activities that might be going on, that is untrue. You are indeed receiving that information, correct . Yes. Yes we are. President turman okay. Thank you. Anybody else have a question for the chief . Chief, thank you once again for your report. Thank you. President turman with that, well turn to director henderson. Clerk item 2 b, dpa director report, report on recent dpa activities and announcements h announcements help announcemen announcements. Ill be brief. For once. Yeah. The department met with lieutenant melinger. All of the meetings that take place here in city hall, we will be participating in. We are starting to get some of knew sta new staff and personnel into the department, so starting this week is also danielle who is in the courtroom, in our room here, whos a project manager and shes going to be working on building on our training manual as well as working on our mediation division. We have an officewide retreat for all of the new employees. Were trying to get as many of them together as possible. The investigators have finally been approved for background. I started that on day one, so we finally should be able to make offers. They were finally coming in next week for their final review and selection. I just want to acknowledge in the courtroom also are in the room today at the commission is my chief of staff, sarah, and our whole fleet of investigators here, and my legal team, john and tamara and sherry. Whew. President turman well, first of all, welcome, miss motley. Its good to have you. I think now that theres a lot going on at dpa. I think we now that we have a chief of staff thats getting something done here, its good to have you. So keep paul busy. Okay. Any questions for director henderson . If not, were ready to move to the next item. Clerk item 2 c, commission report, Commission President s report, commissioners report. President turman commissioners, i have no reports. Any commissioners . Next item. Clerk item 2 d, commission announcements, and item scheduled for consideration at future meetings action. Okay. Secr secretary kilshaw, in light of what we have heard, and i will work with you on the date, i would like to, in one meeting, schedule the the dgo that commissioner hing is in charge of. Id also like a report on our preparedness for these ice raids and specific training and information were going to be giving out to the department. Id like to hear something about that sooner rather than later. Were going to schedule that sometime in february , but ill get with you tomorrow for an exact date. Anything further . Commissioner dejesus yes. President turman commissioner dejesus. Commissioner dejesus so i sat in with the joint Commission Task force meetings. During the raid, there was an issue theyll be wearing jackets that say police, and there was a question whether theyre police. If theyre not post certified, they shouldnt be police. We should have someone on our behalf to do a cease and desist letter to stop i mpersonnating peace officers in the state of california. President turman thats good. Why dont you talk with whoever the designee on the city attorneys office. If you reach out to me, i can point you into what the advice is on that matter. President turman thank you, miss cabrera. Anything further, commissioners . Commissioner mazzucco, i dont see it on mine. Commissioner mazzucco ill ask to see the research too. Even at our church who said he was arrested by the sfpd in an ice raid, and i asked for a clarification arrestfterwards, said it was ice that were wearing jackets that say police. Probably for safety for the officers and the agents, the jackets should say federal agent and not police. Ill check with research, but thats an issue for the safety of the officers and the agents, too. President turman all right. Any other scheduling of items . Thank you. With that, secret, thary, items closed. I believe were on Public Comment on items 2 a, b, c, and d. Any Public Comment on items 2 a through d. Good evening, commissioners. Im kriss roby, and im concerned about the ice order. Im concerned on what will happen to Police Officer if they do actually cooperate with ice, and who in the commission is advocating that this is obviously a Political Action against the state of california and how are we going to address this because it has nothing to do with the grags, immigration. It has to do with a political power play that is disturbing, and its horrible to think that people in our country and theyre being picked off one by one in our country. Its serious. I am wondering if were a sanctuary city if we could not setup some kind of committee or relay system when they come, we are there. Couldnt the police who are protecting standing in between the federal agents and the immigrants . A lot of Community Groups are on that, in terms of first response. A lot of Community Immigration approximate. Right president turman well, thats not the role of the police. Well, if the role of the police is to enforce a sanctuary city. President turman our city does not require the police to stand between ice and and the individual. Im sorry. Go ahead. I stopped your time, just so you know. President turman thank you. I just wonder if that was a possibility. I feel like its very disturbing, and we want to standup against this in any way we can, so were all brainstorming. How can we protect the people of our city that are under attack from our federal government, so im very concern. President turman i agree with you. Its very concerning. And i think there are a lot of community organizations, especially legal organizations that are involved in that effort, which i hope many participate in. Unfortunately, i dont think that we can involve the police in that effort, but we as individual citizens should certainly become involved, and as ms. Altman points out, i think we should. Im also concerned, paul henderson, about your continued articles in the poa journal that demeans people even here they called imbalanced. They accuse the our public defender of going after his personal powers, so i dont really know why youre bending over backwards, as you say, so its not accountablity to the police, its police accountablity, so i dont understand the tone that its bending over backwards, the police bill of rights which they shouldnt even have a bill of rights, should be an issue for you to prove, so id really like you to think about that. Clerk thank you. Good evening, president turman and commissioners. Jim salinas. Please know that i my apologies. I just wanted to say that i really appreciate the the fact that Vice President mazzucco raised this issue about identification because right now, everybodys been struggling for the last year and a half certainly under this new watch with chief scott to instill trust and confidence in the Latino Community that the police is not there to harm them in any way, shape or form but to protect. And for the federal agents to come in here wearing those police vests certainly diminishes the ability for this Police Department to continue to build and instill the trust and confidence that we have lost. Everybodys working feverishly and here they come in, doing what theyre doing, and im as concerned as the Vice President is, as im sure all of you are, that this continue. Im not sure what authority we have to insist that they truly identi identify themselves as federal agents and not members of the San Francisco Police Department so thank you Vice President mazzucco. President turman any other Public Comment on items 2 a through d . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Secretary kilshaw. Clerk item 3, discussion regarding draft or the 3. 01, written Communication System discussion. Good evening, president turman, Vice President mazzucco, commissioners, interim director, chief scott. Commissioners, in your packet, you have a general draft order, 3. 01, i have Sergeant Gary buck ner who will be covering the high point of that general order. Thats a collaboration effort thats been put together over the last several months. It was originally a department of justice recommendation in the cri or Collaborative Initiative report. So i will turn this over to sergeant buckner to cover the highlights. President turman sergeant buckner before you begin, i would like to address the commission on general order 3. 01. It was my pleasure to see through this order with some of the stakeholders, including the dpa and the department in its final drafting where we went through line by line and decided on some specific language, worked out some details. And also within the packet is what i have what weve included which is what should be attached to the dpa which is a five year rolling schedule of view of each dgo. This one is organized by year dgo in year, and then by year. This will be reviewed as attachment a. B has the very same order, but then it will also list the dgo. Well start with the year one, which will be 2018, and itll be march 4th for the first 20 years. But this is the proposed schedule well be voting on tonight. Any different or proposed order the department wishes to bring forth, we will have to considerate another time, but this is the order thats Going Forward tonight. Good evening. Good evening. My name is Sergeant Gary buckner with professional standards, and im very pleased to be here this evening to present to you a very brief synopsis of the draft that you have before you on 3. 01, which was a collaborative effort with both internal and external stakeholders and both sworn and nonsworn personnel, as well. The draft before you, you should have. Its also available for the publics interest on the website. And aside from that, the chief asked me approximately id say about nine months ago to give 3. 01 a very critical look. At that time that it was looked at, it was in 2010, so he wanted me to look at 3. 01 to see what we can do to essentially improve the manner in which we do business not only internally but how we do business with the Police Commission and how we could further also incorporate many of the dojcri recommendations under accountablity. So we know that 3. 01 needed this overall, not only from the dojs recommendations, but just because, well, the big elephant in the room is i guess if you look at our dgo, 70 of them were written in the 90s. So why is that . And i think the answer is we dont have an efficient or as some like to say, a nimble process of getting thinbusines change of getting things done, and weve relied on department bulletins to get things done in the past. So in looking at the new version, our goal was and again, i just want to say that it was a collaborative effort with both the dpa. Id like to recognize samir marian whos here in the room. She was involved in the process, as well as ronnie edwan. And john alden. John alden, several civilian employees in the office, as well as sworn personnel throughout the department. President turman thank you very much for your excellent work, especially on the base document. We really appreciate your hard work. Thank you sir. So you know the process was really, when i looked at it, there was really three themes, i guess you will how do we make it more efficient, how do we make the the policy more transparent, if you can, and and accountable . And you know, theres really four things that id like to hit on as it relates to the draft that you have now. You know, when were looking at the plot, the draft that you have now, its important that we go out and look at best practices as far as what agencies were doing. Not for content, but for process. How were other agencies doing it efficiently . How were they keeping their general orders up to date. So we looked at that, and that was important. The take away was we can do some things better. So you know we looked at best practices, incorporated those practices into the draft that you see before you. Later on, you know, we thought about, you know, what if we wanted to seek accreditation from calia . What would they expect from us as it relates to our policies and how we do business, so we looked at those things and incorporated some of those things into the policy. You know, it was really important that we come up with a mechanism for efficiency, and we did that in this draft. Faster . President turman no, we need to get to the dgo terms. Okay. So we created a process by which, you know, the general orders could be changed by the general order change process. And it was really critical that we reduce the number of bulletins that were being put out through this general order. That was a big one. Our members had spoke about that. We have some 600 bulletins that are going out in a twoyear period. We need to substantially reduce that number, and we did so with this draft. The other big thing is there are 17 different Justice Department recommendations under accountablity, that if this draft is pushed forward, well moved to closed status. So we incorporated 17 specific recommendations into this draft. So i think it really in closing, i didnt want to get into any detail about all of that stuff. If you have questions, were happy to answer any specific questions that you might have, but thank you for your attention and consideration. President turman again, sergeant buckner, i want to thank you and tspp, as well as the dpa and everyone in the department for the fine work they did on this dgo. I will tell you that it took longer than i expected, but its its a good finished product. So just so everyone on the commission is clear, dgo 3. 01 is the dgo on dgo. It talks about how dgos will be amended, added to, what happens to bureau orders when a dgo is passed, what the power and effect of a dgo a bill or order can have on a dgo. Its a comprehensive document with a great deal of thought, forward thinking, and its forward thinking, and it has a type of reform and change. Both the doj requested, as well as our own forwardthinking chief, and his department. So with that, i will take the questions. So petra dejesus. Commissioner dejesus so i just have a couple of questions. One of the things i remember, when a bulletin has a recommendations, it has to come before this commission within a certain number of days, and i dont think that was being followed. So my concern is if were going to have a fiveyear review, i mean, how are we going to assure that its brought any bulletin modifying or substantially modifying a general order is brought within 15 days, because thats one of the criticisms that i remember . Yeah, thats a good question. Under our bulletin, were required to bring any bulletin that substantially changes the order is brought to the commission within two weeks. We will bring any policy that substantially changes our current policy to the Commission First for action. Commissioner dejesus okay. And then well take it out and endorse it into the go. Commissioner dejesus okay. President turman and i might add, if a bulletin does come forward which we agree to and pass, then it should immediately call for a revision to the dgo itself. Right, exactly. President turman, the process we created with the general order change will make it much more efficient, so well just be bringing forward every week, youre going to see general order changes that are essentially going to be changing the general order, and itll evolve as the time goes. Commissioner dejesus okay. Can i have one more question. For indexing on f on page 7, one of the things we heard also from the Police Officers or when i dont know how youre going to store it, but if youre going to electronically store it, one of the things when theyre writing their reports, it would be great when they refer to their dgo, it would be great if it had a tab there, this also relates to and have a dgo or list so they can make sure that the report or list that theyre doing has all the related items to it. I dont know but that might be one extra step here, but thats something you might consider. Youre going to change the way you number them. It would be nice to know that everything, items 3. 01 through 3. 9 are all related. Thank you for the great feedback. Were improving the mechanism by which officers can do searches, so if theyre in the field and theyre on a Domestic Violence call, for example, they could go into their cell phone and do a search and immediately know what the policies are with regard to that investigation, so those are being worked on. Were continually improving that process and looking at a couple of Different Solutions right now. Commissioner dejesus thank you. President turman commissioner hirsch . Commissioner hirsch yes. I just wanted to confirm that the dates that were looking at here for review are the dates that the commission will actually review after whatever work beforehand has been done and not the date that the department or committee will start reviewing it. President turman what days are you referring to . Commissioner hirsch well, the first day, 2020. President turman im glad to answer that for you. That is the day the dgo itself must be review, because some of those, the dgo has not been reviewed in several years, so we want to make sure the dgos are reviewed. We put them on a fiveyear schedule, so we want to make sure theyre reviewed on a regular basis Going Forward. Commissioner hirsch so that means the commission reviews it. President turman they review it, and then, it comes to us, and all of that should happen within the calendar year. Commissioner hirsch okay. Commissioner davis, if you look at page 6, under d, to your question about the bulletins, also, is an extra layer of checks and balances there or accountablity that any bulletin that [ inaudible ] the general order, we will comply with the department of police accountablity as well, so they get to review it and weigh in on it, soand advise the Police Commission there, as well, so i think thats an extra layer of accountablity. Commissioner dejesus yeah. That was my concern, that it just gets in front of the class quickly. I just wanted to applaud you, president turman, and the group of doing this, what do you call the dgos . This will certainly prevent those of us that remember the use of force policy hadnt been reviewed since 1995. That prevents all of this and keeps us fresh and up to date. I dont want to minimize this. We just got out of a huge hole in the in the or addresses a huge hole in the doj recommendation, so thank you. Took a lot of work and the fact that it took longer than it should, so thats good. Its good. Thank you. Clerk thank you. All right. President turman there does not appear to be other questions. Thank you so much, sergeant buckner, deputy chief thomas. Thank you. Public comment on item 3 . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Commissioners, before you is dgo 3. 01, the new draft of 2018 17, i guess it should be. It says 121817, but shouldnt it be essentially, shouldnt it be read number 2 . Itll be revised so on this date, as well as as well as the proposed fiveyear rolling review, which is going to be exhibit a, and therell be an exhibit b which just does it by calendar year. With that said, commissioners, ill entertain an appropriate motion. Clerk excuse me, commissioner and president. This is on for item discussion only. President turman oh, it is. Why is it on for discussion item only . Clerk this draft required a ten day posting requirement, and my understanding is that it did not comply with the tenday posting requirement. So any time under the charter, there needs to be notice to be given to the public of any change in rules the commission is going to adopt requires a tenday posting requirement. President turman why. Definitely hear you. President turman im i sat down in early december with the department, the dpa, and went through this extensively. I also had a fiveyear rolling plan review system. Someone want to give me an explanation why this was not timely posted . I will take this up with staff later. Please schedule this for a Commission Vote next. Commission meeting. Yes, next commission meeting. Next item. Clerk item 4, discussion regarding department general order 2. 04, citizen complaints against officer, discussion. President turman okay. All right. So this is just a discussion item, which i knew about because i wanted to have a discussion. Have a seat, commander. So the department general order 2. 04 is a citizens complaint against officers, and it has typically been a dgo. Now citizens complaint against officers is not just a document that governs what the department will do and define certain terms, including what a complaint is. And its not just a command to the department. Its also a a rules to live by by the department of police accountablity. To review it, such as president turman considering what we have had previously, it is suggested, and i believe this is correct, that the proper form to have this in is a is a dgo expressing that. The to both the department and the dpa will will have this complaint procedure governed through an mou. We need an mou because dgos do not govern the actual performance of the department of police accountablity. We need a mechanism to where we as a commission or who oversees both of these departments can look to see if both are up to both organizations have met their their responsibility and their duty, and then if not to address these issues eitheror whichever offending party, should that situation arise. So it is best to have, i believe, an mou between the department and the dpa that tells both what their responsibility is and then if they fail in that responsibility, to it should be reported to the commission for us to deal with. And the dgo will simply say complaints will be governed by an mou. Discussion on that particular item . Command ill stop. Commander walsh. Good evening, president turman, commissioners, director henderson, chief scott. I was just asked to come in and just give day brief im going to try to beat director henderson in time. This dga brief 2. 04 was discussed in terms of the accountablity section of the doj report and asked that section of the accountablity wasnt the dgo, but looking at trends in the complaints, making sure our staff at the station level knew how these trends are moving forward, so it was allencompassing. I think 2. 04 would still exist. I think their requirements for the Police Officers and command to take those citizen complains, because 24 hours a day, dpa is not open, so there would be guidance in that section. We have provided a 2. 04 to the commission. I know that dpa also has had 2. 04. Weve had discussions with commissioner hirsch, and so were working through that. We had a proposed appendix or mou which has been a topic of discussion that weve sent over. So weve kind of been trying to meld all of these things together. The complication is this does affect every Police Officer member of the department, so we know that the employee groups will be extensively interested in what that final outcome is. But i think that in cooperation with dpa and some of the guidance of the commission, i think this can be wrapped up pretty quickly and done after a couple more meetings and then pushing it out to the peg groups so they have a say in what the members will be involved with. President turman okay. Director henderson . Thank you for that excellent input and for this draft. We we as commissioners already now already have a draft of this that we have gone through, dpa meaning very thoroughly since july, and so im eager, ready, and happy to sit down to move forward to address these differences to try and come to the same page about our interests collectively in moving this forward. President turman thank you, director. I have to tell you that it has been since july, so we do need to move forward on this, so i am proposing a meeting with the dpa and the department on friday of this week, and which i will join so that we can begin some initial work on that. So ill our last i will ask both director henderson and his staff, as well as the chief, commander walsh, and his staff to see if we can meet at our at my usual Early Morning meeting time with the chief to see if we can at least start to bang out and talk about some of these issues. Because i would like to have this dgo pushed out to the groups and id like it to be voted on by the second week of february. So lets move it. Its been too long already. Commander, are you waiting for more comments . Is there going to be bagels and coffee, because the last one we went. President turman if there are coffee and bagels hold on for Public Comment. Questions for the chief or director henderson . Public comment. My name is collide brown. Im serving as the chairman of the Bar Association of San Francisco Oversight Committee on the dpa and its operations. I am i rise to express some concern about the vagueness of the last sentence in 1 a, officers shall cooperate fully with the dpa and provide their full assistance in the impartial processing of the citizen complain complaints. President turman im sorry. What are you referring to . Right there. Im concerned because information that weve had indicate that police legal i know theres a document production protocol thats in draft and being worked on, but the problem is that documents are not coming from police legal when requested in a timely fashion by dpa. Thats my understanding, and this document general order doesnt explicitly refer to the need to incorporate into it a reference to a document production protocol and the need to comply with that. I think that that is a critical issue when it comes to the dpas ability to follow through on citizen complaints, and i i just would raise the issue. President turman thank you. Mr. Leidman is of course correct. The document that he refers to is document 2. 04, which are is our current 72094 draft. He raises a good point, one which miss marian of the dpa has already raised, so it will be thoroughly reviewed and looked into. And i thank you for raising that point. Anymore Public Comment on this item . Yes. Im also concerned about the expediency of the complaint. I at the last Police Commission meeting, i complained about the fact that the body worn video cameras were not turned on and when oneal was killed, the only one that was on was by the rookie who killed him, and it was because it had 30 second delay backwards. Why isnt there an investigation . Im talking over here, an investigation by the dpa about why that officer who was with the rookie didnt have his body camera on . Why the other people involved in the chase, because there were other officers involved in the chase, did not have their camera on . Where is the films of those . What disciplinary action has been taken against those officers for not putting the camera on when they knew it was required by law. As soon as a chase occurs, its supposed to go on. Here is a rookie cop not being given direction and then kills kills a person. That persons dead. Then, those videos are shown in a church, in a church, during the season, the christmas season. Sort of like the two theevs next to jesus. And lets show it twice to really traumatic people. This is not how Community Relations get built. I dont know why when youre doing your commission reports, none of you asked whats going on with this murder case . I dont hear anything going on. It seems with the d. A. , its just an unspoken agreement in this city, if a Police Officer kills someone, nothing happens, and thats been happening over and over and over again. By the way, tomorrow night, there will be a Community Gathering about the end of policing. Some of you might like to come. President turman all right. Any other Public Comment on the item 4 . Hearing none, Public Comment is now closed. Commissioner hirsch . Commissioner hirsch id just like to say id like to be present for the friday meeting if i can make it. What time do you start . President turman usually around 8 00. Commissioner hirsch okay. Thanks. Mr. Chairman . President turman this is not an action item. Im sorry. I dont know why i didnt catch it, the retreat that i have for my entire office and my new staff is friday, and ill be gone all day. President turman all right. I guess youll have to catch us on the next round. Okay. President turman all right. Secretary kilshaw. Clerk Public Comment. The public is welcome to address the commission on items that do not appear on tonights agenda about they will be before the commission. Speaker shall address their remarks as a whole and not to an individual commission or dpa or police personnel. Neither police or dba personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions presented by the public but may provide a brief response. Individual commissioners and police and dpa personnel should refrain, however, from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during Public Comment. Please limit your comments to three minutes. President turman thank you. Good evening. Would you like to use the overhead . Yes, in a hurry. Im just here to talk about my son who was murdered on august 14, 2006, still waiting for some closure on his case. His case number is well it was on here. Well, were just still waiting for some people to come forth to say what happened in his case, and the case number used to be on here, but i cant see it, and i want to say it. In that time, i do want some closure as a mother. Im down here with my grandson now, and its not easy, but i needed to come and speak about my child. Okay. And im going to stop right here, okay . cause hes not going to let me go the rest of the way. President turman hes fine. Go ahead. Hes actually welcome. Yes, and ill take the overhead off. But im still looking for some closure for my son, and i think this year is a little hard for me, and i dont know what else to do. Im its going to be coming up on this year. August 14 is going to be 12 years that ive been out here on the battlefield trying to get justice for my son. Im still asking that we have the fliers that i care wry aro, that we have a venue to put them at the bus stops, at the schools, a place to put them so that i wont have to stand on my car and put them on top of a post for someone to tear them down. And then, you know, i can well, even if i get a little closure, i can spend a little bit more time with my grandchildren instead of coming here, doing this every wednesday. Not that i dont want to be here. You know, ive built a relationship with everyone in here. And but i do want some closure, and i do want to spend more time with my grandchildren instead of being here talking about my son. I mean, im going to still talk about him either way. I mean, this is his nephew, marcus. Little marcus. This is my last grandchild right now, and i have four grand boys and one granddaughter. I have five grandchildren who is not here to see their uncle, and its not sad i mean, its sad. And they hear me talk about it all the time, and they always ask me, mommy where is or nana, wheres aubrey at. They always see the pictures all the time. I want to be able to tell them something. I dont know what to tell them. I want to be able to say well, there was some justice in this case, but im not even able to say that right now. So i still need help. I still need closure. If anybody knows anything about this case out there on

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