There are a few steps you can take to give your eyes a rest and lessen the harmful effects of the screen if you are compelled to spend eight hours a day in front of a computer. - Eye Health: How to Reduce Strain While Working From Home? Expert Speaks
Sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll on overall health, however, this one practices that several of us are guilty of can severely damage the eyesight. Here is how to protect your vision. - Eye Health: THIS One Mistake Can Severely Impact Your Eyesight
Nutrients found in leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, almonds, carrots, and many other foods may be good for eye health. - Eye Health: 5 Superfoods to Improve Your Vision And Maintain Rich Blood Flow
Computer Vision Syndrome is basically resultant of digital eye strain that affects the eye health of everyone. Long hours of screentime can lead to headache, blurry vision and more. Here is how you can prevent it. - What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight? All You Need to Know
Conjunctivitis Home Remedies And Treatment- How to Take Care of Your Eyes During Eye Flu? 5 Tips to Follow For Quick Recovery During Conjunctivitis-Conjunctivitis Signs, Symptoms And Treatment