June 28, 2021
It is Ethiopiwinet that promoted Ethiopianism and now let us re-imagine, learn, know and promote Ethiopianism to revitalize Ethiopiawinet by rejecting fully the ethnic divisions that should never have been planted of all places in the world in Ethiopia, the provider of spiritual strength for all the people of the world that suffered from slavery, colonialism and imperialism. It is the sacred duty of all of us to promote with Ethiopianism a new Ethiopiwinet where we all come together by valuing a dialogue culture to solve any problem and never at all using arguments or battles that bring war and killing to any Ethiopian anywhere at all. Let us work together to realize fully to treat each other as one family and not as relatives or strangers by promoting true values and principles that refuse to support ethnic cleavages. Let us all work to love our people and Ethiopia as a united community where we all believe better to hurt myself than hurting any other Ethiopian by i