Facing three weeks awe from the election as he tries to directly appeal to voters who support he is losing. Suburban women, will you politician like me . Please. Please. I saved your damn neighborhood, okay . Reporter the president standing with seniors has also slipped away at a historic rate. I will not rest and i will not relent until all americans seniors are safe. That is my sacred obligation. I love our seniors. Reporter that affectionate message only hours after the president tweeted a mean mocking biden as elderly and disabled. The white house approach to the pandemic is raising concerns also after officials appeared receptive to an idea pushed by some scientists to let the virus spread among younger populations while protecting the vulnerable and elderly and that approach would rely on herd immunity by infections and a vaccines which other scientists have said is dangerous. Herd immunity is another word for mass murder. Reporter we got breaking news from the first lady who jus
Its i guess i would just say live life to the fullest, season all of the opportunities you have, and do your best. But at the same time never let work crowd out all of the other precious things in your life, like friends, and family, and faith, and exercise, i had a law professor who told first years who were very, very anxious to study hard to make sure you gave yourself time to go take a run or go work out p i think all of those things that make up our lives, apart from work, you know, cant be shoved aside. At the same time however you should season opportunity, and pursue them while keeping in mind your whole person. Yes, the whole person. Thank you. When we sat down i told you a little bit about my daughter libby, she is studying prelaw right now. She sent me a text this morning as we were in this room. And she said, i have to fisk an article on judge barrett. We had this discussion about fis king a while back. I had to ask her what it was and i googled it to make sure i had the ri
Thursday, october 13, 2022. To enable public paiks, sfgov tv is broadcasting this hearing live and well receive Public Comment for each item on the agenda. Comments or opportunities to speak during the Public Comment is available by calling 4156550001 and entering access code 24811612186 and taking Public Comment from those in city hall and open the access line. Speak clearly and slowly and if you care to state your name for the record, each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes and when you have 30 seconds remaining, youll hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. Ill announce your time is up and take the next to speak. For those calling in to submit your testimony when we reach the item you want to speak on, press star three to be added to the queue. When you hear your line has been unmuted, thats your opportunity. Speak clearly and slowly and please mute the volume on your television or computer. For those persons attending in city hall, come forward and line up on the s
Watching on channel 26, 28, 78 or 99 the Public Comments number is stream access code 2493 392 7760. You will heart meeting discussion and muted and in listening mode when your item come up and comment is called those in person lineup to speak near the podium and those on the phone line sdiel star 3 to be added to the speaker line if you mean are on the phone turn down your tv. You may submit comment in writing. E mail to the government audit and oversight clerk at jessica perksins. 4156550001 item 5 a resolution mem ranldz update of understanding with the joint powers board Transportation Authority. San in teo Transit District and city and county of San Francisco related to the upon governance off joint powers board. Member who is can wish to comment lineup to speak. Remote call the number 4156550001, access code 2493 392 7760. And press upon pound twice. You will press star 3 to enter the line a prompt indicate you raised your hand. Wait until the system indicates you have been unmut
So we started with a certain type of dance until at least two dance we challenge each other, yes. speaking spanish . applause . speaking spanish applause . This type of patterns that he just performed are called this and this is a communication with the son and the mother and when we die, and the second one is with the hint he just showed. speaking spanish . Most of the instruments that werwere performed by the africas in p purrue and the different groups and they spoke different languages so it was very hard for them to communicate. speaking spanish . So the communication will be done by sign. speaking spanish . They didnt talk but they could communicate each other. speaking spanish . And the form of communication and many of the movements were they were used in the dances that we have today. speaking spanish . This movement span spanish. Are speaking spanish . Are here and it means soul. speaking spanish . And when we go to move our bodies speaking spanish . They mean the essence. sp