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Bushfire clean-up program announced for Perth Hills communities
The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) today welcomed the joint announcement by the Commonwealth and Western Australian governments that there will be a single, coordinated clean-up program for all Perth Hills bushfire-affected residential properties.
The jointly funded clean-up program to cover the cost of debris removal and site clean-up was announced by Federal Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud and West Australian Minister for Emergency Services Francis Logan today following discussions with the ICA on behalf of the insurance industry.
The ICA commends the Commonwealth’s participation alongside the Western Australian Government in the clean-up program, which is the first tangible step toward recovery for property owners and the broader bushfire affected communities.
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A $14 million project to repair nine floodways along a key freight transport link in the Gladstone region has been completed.
Federal Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said the $14 million flood restoration project on Gladstone-Monto Rd demonstrated the Australian Government’s commitment to delivering the critical infrastructure needed to help communities get back on their feet.
“Natural disasters have repeatedly impacted the local community over the past three years, and the completion of this project is a positive and welcome achievement,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Gladstone-Monto Road is an important connector for local communities and industry alike, given its role as a key freight transport link and heavy vehicle route servicing the resource and agriculture sectors.
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Disaster assistance extended to more communities impacted by ex-tropical Cyclone Imogen 19 February
Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services The Honourable Mark Ryan
Disaster assistance has been extended to the local government areas of Cairns, Townsville and Pormpuraaw following ongoing impacts from ex-Tropical Cyclone Imogen.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-Queensland Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
Minister for Emergency Management David Littleproud said North Queenslanders would continue to be supported in local recovery following the flooding brought on by ex-Tropical Cyclone Imogen.
“As the impacts of these floods expand, all levels of government are working together to ensure every available support and assistance is provided to affected communities,” Minister Littleproud said.
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, the Hon. David Littleproud MP
Member for Mallee, Victoria and Chair of Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, Dr Anne Webster MP
Australian rockmelons from Red Cliffs, Victoria, are now being exported to Canada and the United Kingdom using innovative traceability technology.
FreshChain Systems, which piloted a block-chain based system, was awarded a grant in the Traceability Grants Program in 2020.
Modern, accurate and timely traceability systems provide assurances to trading partners and consumers about the safety and quality of our produce.
FreshChain Systems has successfully piloted innovative blockchain technology exporting end to end traceable whole rockmelons from the Sunraysia region supported by the Australian Government Traceability Grants Program.
A new project, the Dairy Export Assurance Program has launched. It will help more dairy manufacturers to become export ready. The program will identify.