The melon supply is currently shifting from Brazil to Senegal. The Central American melon season has started much too late. Normally, the first volumes arrive in early to mid-February, but this year no significant volumes have arrived on the European market until this week. The first Sicilian melons are also expected this month. So far, the growing season is looking very good. In China, production is underway in the Hainan province. Volumes are lower than normal, but prices are strong for the time of year.
Netherlands: Good watermelon prices, but short window for Central America
Cut rockmelons tracked from paddock to plate for the first time in Australia
In an Australian first, Brad Dawson of Dawson Melon Co in Red Cliffs Vic, in collaboration with FreshChain Systems, NSW DPI and in-store support from specialty fresh food retailers Harris Farm Markets and Market Place Fresh have tracked whole and cut rockmelons from Dawson Melon fields in the Sunraysia region to plates across Australia.
This initiative is part of the Federal Government Grants program encouraging greater adoption of traceability in fresh food which concluded round one funding in September of 2020. Successful lead grant applicant and FreshChain’s Director, Greg Calvert congratulated Brad Dawson for his vision and appetite to provide his customers and consumers greater confidence in both the safety and quality of his rockmelons.
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, the Hon. David Littleproud MP
Member for Mallee, Victoria and Chair of Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories, Dr Anne Webster MP
Australian rockmelons from Red Cliffs, Victoria, are now being exported to Canada and the United Kingdom using innovative traceability technology.
FreshChain Systems, which piloted a block-chain based system, was awarded a grant in the Traceability Grants Program in 2020.
Modern, accurate and timely traceability systems provide assurances to trading partners and consumers about the safety and quality of our produce.
FreshChain Systems has successfully piloted innovative blockchain technology exporting end to end traceable whole rockmelons from the Sunraysia region supported by the Australian Government Traceability Grants Program.