Well, it said the law said that all new laundries had to be constructed out of brick or stone, but existing laundries, which were made out of wood, which they all were, practically all were, could only continue to operate if they got a permit from the city. And this is what led to this charade, really, where they approved all the permit applications that white people made, say for one, and they denied all the chinese. So in a way this is not really about fire safety. It was one of quite a number of municipal ordinances that were passed to harass the chinese. If we make life so miserable for them, if we make it impossible for them to earn a living, maybe they will leave. So enter lee wiyick, who is e of the proprietors, he had been running it for 20 years. His name was not yick wo, his name was lee yick. That was the name of the laundromat. When the original case was filed, no one bothered to fix it that they didnt get the guys name right, which showed you how much they cared about Peop
As coronavirus cases continue to spike nationwide, we must ensure the contractors our government relies on are taking every step they can to minimize the spread of covid19 among workers and attain these. For fiscal year 2020, congress appropriated 3. 1 billion approximately in more than 45,000 adult and family i. C. E. Beds. Ion over 80 of these beds are operated daily by private contractors, some of whom are at this hearing today. That is a large amount of taxpayer money. It demands oversight and accountability. Detention facilities must be held to a High Standard at all times. Within this moment, it is of vital importance. Yet over the past few months, it is feared that ice am a and its contractors have not taken the outbreak seriously and have not i. C. E. And its contractors have not taken the outbreak seriously. At least 405i. C. E. Employees assigned to detention facilities have just a positive. Least twost at detainees, a potential third today in florida, and five contractors, d
And Commerce Committees on the Coronavirus Relief bill. At a 30, more with representative a member of the Small Business committee. Host this is a wash we will get your reaction to the house voting to remove several statues of confederate historical figures from the u. S. Capitol around. Some republicans joining the democrats in passing this legislation. Heres how you can let us know your thoughts on yesterdays action. If you support removing the statues, call us at 2027488000 , if you oppose it, 2027488001 is the number to call. If you want to text us, you can do so at 2027488003. You can post on twitter or facebook. A breakdown of what occurred yesterday saying a bipartisan vote gave the buildings architect 2 million in four months to complete the job of removing the statues in question braden it past the house by a 305113 vote. Inmainly targets 12 statues century hall the memorialized confederate leaders. While the removal while the chief justices bust does not remove the historical
Be on the way. Crei. Reporter the latest addition to the states watch list is frustrating for those Business Owners here in the city. As we all know its being done out of an abundance of caution as the cases continue to rise. The county was added to the list after three consecutive days of rising cases. As of midnight sunday malls including westfield and japantown mall are back on lockdown after being open a month. Business owners at japantown say the shutdowns have been tough with retailers spending money to ensure businesses are safe. Some Business Owners say theyre worried they may not be able to survive another round of closures. In addition to some more business closures San Francisco Public Health orders now require private Health Care Providers to take on some of that testing responsibility. Private clinics and hospitals are now obligated to test any highrisk worker like the nurses or those who work in a highly dense environment like hotels. At this point every county in the bay
House hearing on the lessons being learned from the coronavirus and how its affecting critical supply chains. Live coverage here on cspan3. Community safe, all started to become familiar with navigating this technology, i do want to remind members of a few procedures. First, consistent with the regulations, the committee will keep microphones muted to limit background noise. Members are responsible for unmuting themselves when they seek recognition or when recognized for their five minutes. Members and witnesses must have their cameras on at all times. Weve got to keep track of you even if you step away from the proceedings. Please leave your camera on rather than logging out. Finally as you know, we may have votes during todays hearing. It looks like theyre going to be later. If we do have votes, it would be my intention not to recess. Members should vote when their group is up and come back immediately. If your turn for questioning comes up while youve stepped away, i will get back t