Renowned author Henry Ole Kulet dies in Nakuru hospital after a short illness February 17th 2021 at 14:43:53 GMT +0300
Henry Ole Kulet, a three time Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature award winning author, has died. Kulet, who was 75 years old, died at MediHeal Hospital in Nakuru last night, after a short illness. Kulet’s writing career spanned 46 years and is well-known for books with captured cultural, environmental and social issues.
Some of Kulet’s published novels include
Blossoms of the Savannah,
The Hunter, Maisha ya Hatari, Moran No More, Vanishing Herds, The Elephant Dance and
Daughter of Maa, a book about a quiet sleepy village driven into frenzy by the arrival of a young beautiful teacher named Annah.
elephant dance, as you describe it. how do you get people to do what you want them to? well, i think you start off with i mean, i start off with my definition of leadership, which is leaders get people to do things they otherwise wouldn t do. and so leadership in my opinion is all about change. you know, you don t need a leader to sort of administer something that s going very well. in fact, in one sense, an overly ambitious person in that circumstance can probably screw it up. but leadership comes to the fore when something has to change. and i think that it begins it begins with creating a sense of urgency. it begins with creating a sense of purpose, a need to change, because nobody wants to change. nobody i don t care who you are. high levels of an organization,
elephant dance, as you describe it. how do you get people to do what you want them to? well, i think you start off with i mean, i start off with my definition of leadership, which is leaders get people to do things they otherwise wouldn t do. and so, leadership in my opinion is all about change. you know, you don t need a leader to sort of administer something that s going very well. in fact, in one sense, an overly ambitious person in that circumstance can probably screw it up. but leadership comes to the fore when something has to change. and i think that it begins it begins with creating a sense of urgency. it begins with creating a sense of purpose, a need to change, because nobody wants to change. nobody i don t care who you are. high levels of an organization,
in 1993, the american icon was on the road to failure. year he took over, ibm had $8 billion in losses. the year he left, ibm had $8 billion in profits. and it had become world class once again. lou gersner on skills he needed to affect that kind of turn around. pleasure to have you. glad to be here. you ve turned three companies around but you also worked at a management consulting firm. you were at rjr, american express, ibm the most famous turn around where you made an elephant dance as you described it. how do you get people to do what you want them to? well, i think you start off with i mean i start off with my definition of leadership which is leaders get people to do things they otherwise wouldn t do. and so leadership in my opinion
turnaround where you made an elephant dance as you described it. how do you get people to do what you want them to? well, i think you start off with i mean, i start off with my definition of leadership which is leaders get people to do things they otherwise wouldn t do. so leadership, in my opinion, is all about change. you know, you don t need a leader to sort of administer something that s going very well. in fact, in one sense, an overly ambitious person in that circumstance can probably screw it up. but leadership comes to the fore when something has to change. and i think that it begins, it begins with creating a sense of urgency. it begins with creating a sense of purpose. a need to change because nobody wants to change. nobody i don t care who you are.