The OnePlus Nord 2T has been unveiled in India under Rs 30,000 price segment, which is already filled with good options. These include Realme 9 Pro+, Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge, Samsung Galaxy A52s, and more.
OnePlus Nord 2T was announced in the Rs 30,000 price range which already comes with several options likeĀ Realme 9 Pro+, Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge, and the Samsung Galaxy A52s.
The new OnePlus phone is a good all-rounder phone that offers almost all the features that a user might be looking for in Rs 30,000 segment in India. Here's how it compares against the iQOO Neo 6 and Samsung Galaxy A52s.
Samsung's previous Galaxy M series phones have always been beefy and bulky, as the company incorporated big batteries. But, surprisingly the new M53 5G is slim and yet promises to last more than a day. Does it live up to the hype? Let's check it out. Design, build quality and display As noted above, the first noticeableĀ change you notice in the Galaxy M53 5G is the smooth slim
Read the in depth Review of Samsung Galaxy M53 5G Mobile Phones. Know detailed info about Samsung Galaxy M53 5G configuration, design and performance quality along with pros & cons, Digit rating, verdict based on user opinions/feedback.