The OnePlus Nord 2T has been unveiled in India under Rs 30,000 price segment, which is already filled with good options. These include Realme 9 Pro+, Xiaomi 11i Hypercharge, Samsung Galaxy A52s, and more.
The OnePlus Nord 2T succeeds the Nord 2, which launched in India last year in July. Comparatively, the new Nord phone brings subtle upgrades, especially in terms of camera, processor, charging and design.
Tipster Mukul Sharma has shared a screenshot, which he claims to be taken from the official site, suggesting that the OnePlus Nord 2T will be unveiled on July 1.
The OnePlus Nord 2T has made an appearance on the official website of OnePlus, which confirms that the 5G phone is on the way. It is tipped to launch on July 1. Here's what we know so far.
The OnePlus Nord 2T will reportedly launch in India on June 27, which means next week. One can expect the official announcement for the same in a few days.