Believe you definitely learn from the tough times you gain resilience if you re lucky. It s where I ve learned the most you know about the solution when things don t go as expected. So not going to need to look right. What am I not seeing how . Can I make this different for me make this better for me for the people because when it s easy you don t you don t try and change anything you don t grow right I read that use study with Dr Drew as author of The 4 Agreements How did that come about. This is back in 94 a former. College was studying with him when he was in his I know the timing works out and small good teaching. Single she had met him a couple years before the study and when he visited her and you know why are. The marking was important. And I had I had left a relationship that was drama left a career I was burned out in both kind of like the solution right there these places I was. In some fulfillment and happiness and I was trying to figure it out and. The runner up that was t
Right is limited to having a gun at home Nina Totenberg n.p.r. News Washington feral services are set for today for an Alabama sheriff killed more than a week ago share of big John Williams is the 5th law enforcement officer killed by gunfire in the state this year in a pier has more lands County sheriff Big John Williams been for decades working in law enforcement Williams a black man was fatally shot more than a week ago at a gas station in Haynesville outside of monk he was responding to a complaint about people blocking gas pumps with their cars in playing loud music the suspect 18 year old William Chase Johnson is charged with murder and is being held without bond Stuart Harrell is one of the owners of the gas station where Williams was killed he says Williams will be missed by all I bet you if you go down to the jail although you might miss a minute that much to every body everybody a funeral will take place this morning at a monk armory Coliseum that seats more than 10000 peopl
We can by the that leadership I mean they have they actually have meetings and decide policy and right they do is right if you re a member of the Labor Party or the think Gold Award which is your local organization and they send representatives from the ward meetings to constituency meetings and constituency meetings send people to the conference and the conference discusses the party policy it s not binding on the leadership but it is. Indicative of what they never sleeps thinking also you have a big role in electing the leader. Since 2015 the Labor Party has operated a system for electing the leader of one member one vote so the M.P. s get a single vote the members of trade unions who are affiliated to the party get a single vote each and the membership gets a single vote and say you get to vote on who the leader of the party is directly in that way so it s a much more democratic party than the party that is called the Democratic Party and it s much more closely tied in with the wor
Point the candidate recommended by President Trump It s no secret that President Trump would like Representative Doc Collins to be Georgia s new u.s. Senator Collins has been one of his staunchest supporters during the impeachment inquiry in the house but Governor Brown camp is said to prefer Kelly Lefler a wealthy business executive as the g.o.p. Here wants to bring suburban women back to the party Collins supporters have taken to Twitter urging camp to support Trump s choice since Trump helped him win the governorship Kemp tweeted that it s quote ridiculous to think he d pick someone not pro-life and 100 percent supportive of the president for n.p.r. News I m Susanna capital in Atlanta. You re listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. The 30th Southeast Asian gangs opened in the Philippines today without a hitch N.P.R. s Julie McCarthy reports there were concerns that the country wasn t prepared to host the region s largest Bayani all sporting event. It was a lavish display of Filip
I m sorry expected to impact travel this weekend as people make their way home from their Thanksgiving destinations N.P.R. s Tovia Smith reports recent weather patterns may be an indicator of what s to come this winter he s the guy who predicted Boston s heavy snowfall before the record 201415 season now Judah Cohen with atmospheric and Environmental Research says this year won t be quite as white but will be whiter than normal name Washington New York and Boston that s based on correlations he s found with Siberian snow cover as well as ocean temperatures in the Gulf of Alaska Region I m going on here. Trying to push the envelope I think there is some science to back it up but I mean it s not a mature science let s put it that way is more often right than wrong but still gets grief from doubters like when Boston snowiest year ran dry till late January and 2 years ago when the heavy snow he forecast didn t show up till March jovial Smith n.p.r. News Boston this is n.p.r. News. A massi