4156550001. The access code is 1466683787. Press pound, and then pound again to be added to the line. Again, access code is 1466683787. Press pound, and pound again to be added to the line. When you are connected, you will hear the meeting discussion, but you will be muted and in listening mode only. When your item of interest comes up, press star, three to be added to the speaker line. Best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly, and turn down the device that you are listening on. When you are called for Public Comment, please mute the device you are listening to the meeting on, and when it is your time to speak, you will be prompted to do so. Public comment is limited to three minutes each, unless established by the officer of the meeting. Speake speakers are requested, but not required, to state their names. Sfgovtv, please show the office of Small Business slide. Today, well begin with a reminder that the Small Business commission is the official foru
And preceding orders, declarations and directives. Commissioners will attend the meeting during videoconference or by telephone if the meeting fails and participate into the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available on each item. We are streaming the number at the top of the screen. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities or opportunities to speak are available by calling 4156550001 and entering access code 146047 0765. One connected, darla start three to be added to the cue. Best practices dial star three to be added to the cue. Speak slowly and clearly and turn down any other devices. Alternatively you may submit Public Comment by email to the Commission Affairs officer through email. If you submit Public Comment via email, it will be forwarded to the commissioners and will be included as part of the official file. I will now call the role. Everyone [roll call] we have a quorum. Great, next
This. I dont want to embarrass myself on making specific comments on the details because im not as informed as most of the folks here. But, you know, given the benefits, i think that this is a great conversation and i really appreciate your time and attention to it. Thank you. Chair fewer thank you. Clerk thank you for your comments. Next speaker, please. Caller good afternoon, supervisors. I am calling the members of the coalition. And im urging the supervisors to move forward with the b. L. A. Recommendations. And to establish a public bank. The b. L. A. Knows that san franciscans are in crisis. And the local institutions flood a public bank need a public bank that could be accountable to our community. And i ca can direct money to resources that are needed right now. Small businesses, people without jobs, and immigrants, and the health care. In a time of crisis we need action to address these local needs. A public bank is a good solution in that direction. In closing, i want to than
People involved inhouseing and various way and including from knob hill neighborhoods and they manage today come up with all the that wonderful legislation. The whole range. Because it had people with different experiences. I havent seen the most version if something that says doing what. For example, i have found that some of the policies that exist now are maybe they dont really quite have the input from people who have actually lived in co opposite or condos and things of that sort and putting people in a home owner situation. Its a great idea in rental and people losing their homes and i dont speak for calvin but he is the same kind of thing. When the Community Land trust was talking at spur, they were going to buy older buildings and convert them into in my building it was 100,000 and i knew a good halfdozen around that time in which i knew people for the special assessment totals were 4 million and ours is a million and a half and so fourth, how are these people coming up with th
On february 25, 2020, the mayor declared a local state of emergency related to covid19. On april 3, 2020, the Planning Commission received authorization from the Mayors Office to reconvene remotely through the end of the shelterinplace. This will be our 24th remote hearing. Remote hearing requires everyones attention and most of all when not speaking mute your microphone and turn off video camera. Sfgovtv is streaming this live. Comments are opportunities to speak during the Public Comment period are available by calling 14156550001. And entering access code 146 717 8911. When we reach our item, press star, then 3 to be added to the queue. Each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. When you have 30 seconds remaining, youll hear a chime indicating your time is almost up. When your time is up, i will take the next person queued to speak. Best practices are to call from a quiet location. Speak clearly and slowly and please mute the volume on your television or computer. Co