We start a project. Commissioner toursarkissian. Thank you i agree with our president i think in the project goals we have to have 3 proengz how do we define what constitutes an Economic Analysis and we have to get the elements that should be included also it is going to be a challenge for this commission to come up what the recommendations what triggers that reports and finally and equally important what were going to do to if, in fact an Economic Impact what will be the recommendations and the levels of remedies so this is going to take quite a bit work to analyze and report and brief the Mayors Office by december 31st. Note the commission is not comfortable i mean or their needs to be more time obviously more time to be taken to do the job well so but i think once we start gathering the data putting it before you the data and information you have the time to review it hear it and access it and provide the direction to the staff to work on. I think if i may finish on the issue in get
On about polk street the Economic Impact not for a year you know having the Small Business for many years that maybe a little bit too late for some of the businesses they may go under they mating might not but we need to think about up front some of the impacts before we start a project. Commissioner toursarkissian. Thank you i agree with our president i think in the project goals we have to have 3 proengz how do we define what constitutes an Economic Analysis and we have to get the elements that should be included also it is going to be a challenge for this commission to come up what the recommendations what triggers that reports and finally and equally important what were going to do to if, in fact an Economic Impact what will be the recommendations and the levels of remedies so this is going to take quite a bit work to analyze and report and brief the Mayors Office by december 31st. Note the commission is not comfortable i mean or their needs to be more time obviously more time to b
Year this impacted the businesses for 6 months so i really like this idea. Commissioner dooley. I think this is extremely important for Small Businesses those Infrastructure Projects if they impact Small Businesses many of them cannot simply economically weather a long siege of people not being able to get to them so if theres no way to do on Environmental Impact report basics says this will cause this corridor to lose 20 businesses theres got to be a way to soften the blow it certainly with all the residential building right now i know moving around the city it you know kind of a double blow for many businesses it is never ending for them you know they just simply not being able to withhold the businesses it is two years say of building you know thats unrealistic we need to consider the health of our Small Businesses as an important part of doing any infrastructure promotions i dont feel comfortable sacrificing a number of what many long term businesses to do it theres got to be a way
Weve talked about looking at the Economic Impact studies each of those things are a very different thing in and of itself and so and even amongst the discussion with the business county the intent is the Economic Analysis so their needs to be clear guidelines and objectives when things are triggered for what in terms of is that a study or analysis or comes ahead of time or is there a followup report after an Infrastructure Project so thats said the commission is embarking on the outreach and it is were being looked to to provide direction and recommendation well not be able to embark on this until the secretary it in place hopefully no more than 4 weeks but once theyre in place we can officially start on that what i have just a project goal and some background and then just a very generalized what is did approach once i have your comments general support then well start really getting into the night gritting of the project goals in terms of the guideline when the departments come from
Define what constitutes an Economic Analysis and we have to get the elements that should be included also it is going to be a challenge for this commission to come up what the recommendations what triggers that reports and finally and equally important what were going to do to if, in fact an Economic Impact what will be the recommendations and the levels of remedies so this is going to take quite a bit work to analyze and report and brief the Mayors Office by december 31st. Note the commission is not comfortable i mean or their needs to be more time obviously more time to be taken to do the job well so but i think once we start gathering the data putting it before you the data and information you have the time to review it hear it and access it and provide the direction to the staff to work on. I think if i may finish on the issue in getting the opinion of those different departments is important to us i believe at least to me in the sense i gage what they dont internally and the procr