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Recommended on which our legislators recommend everybody is welcome and i urge you all to be there this committee will take positions for the district if you want to be in on that discussion youre not a member of the committee this will be a big legislation. Any other Board Members reports seeing none, report of closed session actions of mayor third 2015 and in a matter of chin versus sfusd the board by a vote of 7 ids gives the district to pay up to the amount and we approved the contract by a votes of 7 is gave the superintendents agreement and certifying the board by a vote of 7 is for one Senior Executive director and 7 executive director and by a vote of 7 for 11 directors and by a vote of 7 for 17 supervisors and contracts with two administrators and the board by a vote of 7 not a returnable notice for probable causes and may not renew for one executive director and may not renew a 2 directors and commissioner mendozamcdonnell approved a may not renew for one supervisor and one supervisor the board by a vote of 6 is for one supervisor and the vote by 6 is and one commissioner mendozamcdonnell a will not renew one Program Administrator and other informational items there are no reports tonight this is one of the shortest meetings and one for the chair youre welcome this meeting is new adjourned. laughter . All right. Good morning everyone. How about a big hand for our dancers . I cant hear you. [cheers and applause] yeah, give it up to them as they head back to the hilton. Let me begin by thanking all of you for coming out today. Its such a Beautiful Day in chinatown, is it not . I see larry excited to go clean. First of all i want thank all of you for coming out. Its very important and from our department, the department of public works. We are so excited that you guys have come out today to join hands with us to keep our city clean and green, and every year for the Chinese New Year we always hear and the chamber of commerce and all of the chinese organizations here always work with us to make sure that they bring a lot of people out to help us clean the community so thank you everyone. All right. Also earlier this morning our agency has been all over chinatown preparing for the Chinese New Years festivities. There are so many events and chinatown is the mag nent of bringing tourists into San Francisco and we have to do our part and there is no way that our agent or rec and park or all of the agencies together and get the city cleaned and your extra hands are very much appreciated so give yourself a hand for coming out and keeping our community clean. [applause] i am going to introduce someone who i call a cheerleader of neighborhoods and someone that taking care of neighborhoods has been his priorities, and also former director of public works but now our mayor ed lee. Please welcome him. Thank you muhammad. Good morning everyone. I want to thank muhammad and the entire dpw crew. You know muhammad hes going to be the grand marshal this year at the parade. All right. I can just visualize him. He will say he doesnt have to piece a garbage up because hes the grand marshal and i want to thank you for can i kicking off the Chinese New Year and valentines day. Muhammad where is my flowers . [inaudible] i want to say thank you to all of the Community Groups that are working together with our departments to make sure that our neighborhood here, not only chinatown, the entire district is clean, ready for not only valentines year and the new years and there is going to be a lot of celebration. Today we have the flower mart and you will see people buying all of the symbols of happiness of welcoming in the new year. I want to give a hearty thanks to the Chinese Chamber of commerce who are here today. Thank you very much. [applause] eddy raise your hand. I see a lot of the Chamber Members here and i wanted to thank the Chinese Benevolent Association who are here and thank you to all of the departments here represented. How about a hearty hand for these department . Ses yeah and we have our special guest that are performing all day long. Theyre going to remind everybody not to trash the place, make sure all of the tourists and people coming from neighborhoods enjoy the great few weeks coming up. Make sure they are also keeping the neighborhood clean. I want to congratulate again introduce our new direct supervisor Julie Christensen for being here and the hilton and a big sponsor of these teams and always here and making sure the youth is working together with our businesses. I had the pleasure of being able to join all of you at the different events the next few weeks. I also want to say were working hard together with the supervisors, with our office, with the neighborhoods, not only to do more housing, but we got to keep our streets safe. Today when were cleaning the streets make sure everybody who is volunteering pays attention because dpw and all of the agencies and rec and park were making sure anyone that drives big trucks in and out of the district whether delivering all of these goods or dog construction like theyre doing on this public restroom that will be finished very soon. No matter what theyre driving whether in a city vehicle or truck or theyre delivering great goods or theyre the big trucks were training everybody to be safe. Watch out for pedestrians and what i ask is that pedestrians big and small are also looking both ways and making sure theyre safe. We invite a lot of people on our streets and our sidewalks. We just want to make sure the number one thing is everybody is safe. This is important to us because without your help, without your safety you have nothing else to share and were all about sharing more prosperity in the city. We want to build more housing. We want to make sure that the low Income Housing is the best it can be and increase housing opportunities in the city and everyone shares in the great prosperity in the city. We want it here in chinatown and north bech as well. And how about that more house something yeah, we can work on this but during the holidays its about celebrating the culture and sharing and making sure peoplend chinese folks have a long history here and we want to share it with everybody in the city and i am proud of our public works and the rest of the city departments joining the volunteers. Have a safe day today. This is the 19th year . 15. Wow 15 years of cleaning. I know muhammad has all of these statistics and we got rid of the graffiti on the street and i know it because i did them myself and the traffic and the light polls and i want to thank all of the crews and making sure youre safe out there and great appreciation for everyone. I see you out here, the wonderful agencies. There are so many of you and i know muhammad is going to go through the entire list, but yes lets keep volunteering. Lets keep asking people to make sure that they respect our communities and lets keep the district clean. This is a welcoming in of the entire year of the ram and lets ram through a wonderful year for everybody. Thank you very much. [applause] all right. Give our mayor another big hand please. So i know you noticed these three guys out here and i know you know what they represent. Does everybody know what they represent . Who is the green . [inaudible] comp post. Who is the black . [inaudible] all right. Who is the blue . [inaudible] recycle. Okay. So i want to thank our partner for the clean team, but also leading the nation in this rheology and has been instrumental in making sure that all the stuff that we try to get rid of it goes to the right place and reused and by their leadership San Francisco has been able to increase its rate almost up to 80 now. 80 , so we have to go that 20 and that 20 is the hardest to get to, and so you see these guys out here and theyre here to remind you to recycle and put it in the right place. All right. Give them a hand please. [applause] as we go from district to district its always our honor for us to ask the supervisor of the district to come up and say a few words and i know julie has been involved in many, Many Community projects around chinatown, but as a supervisor for the district this is her first clean team so please welcome her. Julie christensen. Good morning. Good morning. As the supervisor its a special day for me. Its new years. I love the custom of starting new years clean and fresh. Its also valentines which is about love and i think we all love chinatown when we clean and fresh, so today were grateful to you for helping with that. My job as supervisor is to act on your behalf to thank people who have made a special effort to make today a success so i dont think we can thank muhammad enough for all that he does for district 3 and chinatown. Lets give him a big round of applause. [applause] and our mayor of course who keeps a special eye out for chinatown. Thank you mr. Mayor. [applause] and all the representatives of our city departments, especially Phil Ginsberg who keeps the park nice and were starting on a new project to keep it nicer. Thank you. And to rose pack and all of the members of the community who work hard everyday and not just special days that make chinatown a wonderful place to live. Thank you to all of the communities, so as supervisor we turn our thanks into certificates of appreciation, and so this is just a physical way to let people know that were really grateful for what they do. There are groups that participated today especially on behalf of the community i would like to thank the Chinese Chamber of commerce for their participation today. Is eddy here . Eddy thank you very much on behalf of the community. Thank you. [applause] eddy, you get two. And lets see do we have a representative of pinuen here . Anybody here . Youre going to get two norman. You just stay right there because there is one here with your name on it. Were out of order now. Here we go. Chinatown Community Development center, reverend norman fong. Thank you norman. [applause] and do we have cyc here . Our Community Youth center. Who is here from cyc . The ambassador program, all of the things that they do. Thank you very much. And then so thank you to all of the community members. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. [applause] and then we have our Community Business partners in this. They contribute in so many ways both financial and support. Today we have doris from the hilton here. Thank you doris for what the hilton is doing for this event. [applause] can you hold all of that . Thank you. And then today we have a special thank you to walgreens. Do we have Anthony Stewart and shirlee from walgreens. Are they here . [inaudible] its great. We give them a certificate and we get a check. What a good deal that is, but thank you to walgreens for their support. Okay. So thats the end of my job. You guys are going to start yours. Thank you so much for your help today and for what youre doing for the community. I will turn it back to muhammad. All right julie thank you very much. As you know nothing happens in chinatown without the Chinese Chamber of commerce and with the clean up events the first stop public works makes is to the chamber so that we can get a list of all the things that people are concerned about, but even more than that when i started by work with the city at the Public Works Department the chamber was able to take me to go all over china to be able to see how they keep their cities clean, and as a result of that we have learned a lot from china, but also europe and other countries on what it takes to keep a city clean and all those ideas, some worked well in San Francisco and helped our department get to where it is. I am the first to admit were not where we want to be but were almost there and on our way so with that said please welcome rose park from the Chinese Chamber of commerce. Good morning. I cant believe its only 15 years because the mayor mentioned 18, 19 years. Thats how long i felt it has been. I remember the first time we do the clean up i had to raise the money to buy the gloves, to buy the brooms, to buy the dust bin and we clear out all of the suppliers in chinatown and then muhammad told me the gloves were not industrial gloves and the needles can pick through them or whatever so we learned as we went along and then the mayor got walgreens and also hilton then holiday inn to get involved so i didnt have to raise all of the money. Then we embarked on the clean Toilet Program where our members went and painted owl of the and remodeled all of the bathrooms in chinatown for all of the restaurants so we could offer the facilities to the tourists, so we came a long way. The only thing that i feel we still need to do is for the city to think of a way to deputize a lot of us so every time we see somebody littering the street we can write them a citation. If i see somebody spit on the sidewalk i issue them a citation, and let me tell you people throwing cigarette butts around we give them a citation. Honesty thats what we needed, and then i do have a book from the police department, but since ed became mayor i didnt want to use it and accuse him of giving me the citation book so instead i choose to carry this cane, and let me tell you it has worked wonders. This morning i used it on a guy in a suit who was about 55 years old when he spitted. I accidentally hit him in the knew with my cane and then i said you spit and i tried to avoid it and i hit you accidentally so what are you going to do . Call the police . So i can give you a citation for spitting and nothing irks me more than the garbage around. Were are one of the most densely Populated Areas in the whole city. Plus we have a majority of the tourists coming to our area and we are also situated between the financial district and the hotel row so you can understand the volume of garbage that we produce everyday in the streets, but still our citizens should do their part to keep chinatown clean. Thank you very much. I can thank dpw and the park and rec enough for all their hard work. Thank you. [applause] please give rose park another round of applause because her leadership is unmatchable in this area. [applause] next person im going to introduce is someone that many of you know or might not know is ms. Naomi kelly and the city administrator and she is out there ahead of all of us trying to make sure we can raise the money to keep this clean up going so that were able to buy lunch for you. Were able to get some of the supplies that we need so shes going to thank all of the groups out here today and give her a big hand and welcome her. Naomi kelly. Good morning everyone. Well, again this is just a thank you to all of you who are here today who are going to pick up and clean up and remove graffiti on our streets and i want to thank all of our sponsors so first off 76. Thank you. Starbucks. Walgreens, nice water, the emerald fund, recology, the hilton, academy of arts university. Pg e. Lesser cabs. Sf clean city coalition. Local 261. San franciscos unified school district. [cheers and applause] the Housing Authority. I saw Barbara Smith join. Juvenile probation program. Project 23 trial diversion program. The California Department of corrections and rehabilitation. San Francisco Park alliance. United players. Cyc. Go care. Zoo khai sorry. San francisco middle school. All right. [applause] [inaudible] elementary school. Chinese Newcomer Service center. San Francisco Department of environment. And last but not least San Francisco rec and park. [cheers and applause] back to muhammad. All right. A few more people who are in the house that we should acknowledge. I see mr. Tom cotton there from the port of San Francisco leading the port. I see ms. San francisco in the house. Welcome. I see first Lady Anita Lee to volunteer today. I see Barbara Smith from the Housing Authority and tom and leading Building Inspections and make suring theyre safe and for everyone to enjoy. Am i missing anybody else . Oh okay. I dont think he needs any introduction. Like with all of our events were in partnership with many city departments and from day 115 years ago when we launched this clean up. With volunteers and to keep our city clean a partner that has been with us for every event. We Work Together side by side. Public works is out in the streets and the plazas but in the parks we have a Different Team lead by Phil Ginsburg and please welcome him to say a few words. Good morning. Lets pick it up. Its beautiful. Were going to clean. So before i begin i have a very, very special, special announcement. Today i want to everybody to know that the new head of the San Francisco park patrol is rose park. Congratulations rose. You start work on monday. [inaudible] well, not only is it the new year its also valentines day and at the San Francisco recreation and park day we call it love your parks day so thank you for being here and partnering with us to keep our streets, our neighborhoods and our beloved parks clean. Fort smith square is our fort smith square is the holdest park in the city and we must treat it with respect and thank you for keeping these areas clean. I want to give a shout out and a person in charge of the parks is the zach taylor and he is leading a crew today and if youre not lucky enough to clean with us you will get to do worm casting. Now that is cool. Really. So today were celebrating the year of the ram which is really fitting because the ram is known for some very important characteristics that apply to our park volunteers. Theyre generous, a strong sense of community and a special affinity for beautiful things. We welcome 184,000 hours of volunteer time including you so our profound gratitude for being here today and lets go clean. Thank you everybody. All right. Are we ready to go clean . Are we ready to go clean . Yeah. So we have one more event before we go clean and that is the fire works and the mayor and the team here will go down the stairs and go over there and light the fire works, but a couple of things i want to say before we go down there the first is someone who i forgot to acknowledge who has been with us not just in person helping us, but making sure that they write a check to support these events. Walter wong and his company. Please give him a big hand. He makes sure events go smoothly. When we need anything and cant find it we call on walter and he makes it happen and please a big hand for walter and his contributions. And the second thing when youre out there today please work safely. Its the number one priority. In 15 years we didnt have one injury. If you see something that you do not feel you should be touching or something of concern to you look for someone with a vest or in your team. Someone wearing a public works vest or park and rec vest will advise you on what to do. Thats a simple rule. And enjoy and dont forget the 15 years of clean teams and we come back here and share stories and break. Thank you very much for coming out. I very much appreciate it. fire works

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