For vision zero comes from as well and often hard to separate out projects that would have existed anyway versus new projects so sometimes theres too much of a lumping in of existing projects so im hoping theres some real clarity on what the vision zero projects are versus already existing projects. I also wanted to acknowledge or emphasize one of the points that was made about the importance of budging and vision zero to really be strongly supported in this budget cycle i would like to see maybe a budget item in some of our next meetings how to focus on safety foreseen i for, seniors so i dont want it to get lost that mr. Yee has been killed in the Richmond District and i would like to hear that by the end of the meeting and some presentation in the future budget on what we do specifically for safety for, seniors because wier and papandreou are already doing a lot but i suggested from walk sf and senior organizations is about funding safe streets for, seniors in a vision zero budget and id strongly support that as it comes from seniors and grass roots rs forces and lastly im totally in agreement that they are why we have vision zero and i think they need a stronger voice in this process as much as we can. Thank you commissioner mar so with that im going to open up for Public Comment at this time on the curriculum for large Vehicle Driver training program. Please do come up if you would like to speak on this item. Thank you. Roger basley again. I think its a very good direction to go. I like the idea of the training videos. I lost a really great friend of the navy league on alameda island and its not fun to attend funerals and memorials and weve lost a terrific elderly asian woman to a cable car accident up on nob hill and so i think the bigger vehicles have really hard maneuvering problems. Theres a lot of action going on not only on buses but with the trucks and just the size themselves cause you know special problems and theres not a reason not to have these services but theres a reason to look at we have enough lane width so cars and other vehicles are not forced into another lane or blind spot where there may be a Pedestrian Crossing at that at that at that time or a bicyclist and end up getting mashed and i really commend that and we suggested using the rear of the muni bus for public announcements and i still think thats an excellent area to use for training and i would also look at the new apps and social media as a less expensive way to get the message out to a broader larger audience the new changes in population and the new businesses my daughter used to be shes now a a 25year old working for a startup and thats why i came today to try to tweak those items. Thank you very much. Your welcome. We need to enforce the loading and tell the drivers that they need too something about that. Thank you. Hi commissioners nicole again with walk San Francisco in terms of the education strategy. Im really sorry our Legal Council said we have to stop the meeting because we dont have a quorum right now. Well take a short break and a deep breath. Public comment can continue but were but its not on the record so you are not on the record nicole but you can continue. Should i wait . What do you prefer . I would prefer to have you on the record. Okay i will do a little dance up here. Okay. So the meeting is back in order. My apologies. Thats okay. So again im Nicole Schneider with walk San Francisco and i want to thank supervisor kim and supervisor yee for your work on the large vehicle strategy and i just want to share from a Public Health perspective the large vehicle training model is actually a very strong one it doesnt just focus on educating individuals but actually also focuses what its becoming is changing the infrastructure of trucks looking at changing Organizational Practices at the city level looking at requiring new policies to require that drivers take safety trainings in their contracts and or to give extra points for those safety behaviors so it is a really good model in terms of changing behavior to work at all of these Different Levels from individual education to educating companies to changing organizational policy and practices at the city level and hopefully as supervisor yee is leading changing state and local policy to require private companies to follow these great practices that the city is leading and id also like to add theres a couple of other Education Programs that that walk sf is involved in including safe routes to schools and its becoming a more integrated approach where were working at the engineering enforcement and education engagement levels and finally walk sf and many of our partners at vision zero are also supporting safe streets foreseen i for, seniors and glad to have your leadership on that and we do hope that gets funded. Thank you miss schneider. I support the program. Its much needed. I lot of the vehicle deaths especially for bicyclists are caused by larger vehicles. As part of the presentation when they said about truck design i would like to see if its possible for newer trucks to have some sort of censors so the drivers will be able to tell if theres you know somebody in the area like either a camera or motion. I know theres some new cars that have cameras and they can tell if theres people behind them like when they are backing up and stuff like that so id like to see not only large trucks but also newer muni vehicles or light rails to have some sort of censor to let them know that they are there so they can slow down or stop if its possible so i really like to see that in the future. Thank you. Thank you. Seeing no further Public Comment on this item Public Comment on this item is now closed. Any further comments from colleagues . Okay seeing none thank you everyone for everyones participation and actually im im sorry we have two more items. Will you please call the next 2 items. Introduction of new items 7 and 8. Thank you seeing none we will open up for general Public Comment on general items. I had done so much work with so many groups and i switched over to keep my attention on things but i noticed when i have to drive i know its easier with the improvements down certain corridors but ive noticed all of the constructions which is good for business but they are tearing up all of the streets and when you do a if you are going down a corridor like geary it makes it cleaner to keep your attention to the street corn ers where pedestrians are coming in. The car services, the buses, people unloaded goods and services to to restaurants makes for hard to maneuver and hard to drive environments especially friday and saturday nights so i commend you very much and i hope the things that i suggested that you will be able to maybe legislate and bring some of things into fruition and i think you will see a dramatic drop i think you will see a dramatic lowering of fatalities and injuries so thank you very much again and congratulations on the good work you have done so far. Thank you. Im howard bloom berg i think a general thing that should be looked at is the effective crossing time of pedestrians. It turns out that in fact the pedestrian transit times are being compressed and one of the major reasons for that is large vehicles tend to drive slowly through intersections and they can enter the intersection at the end of the yellow and in fact by the time they cross all of the crosswalks theres about 2 or so seconds often taken off the time that a pedestrian can cross and ive noticed that perhaps one of the reasons that or one of the evidences really that pedestrians are having a difficult time is in 2014 looking at the traffic fatalities over half of them were considered the fault of the pedestrian themselves and all of the bicycle fatalities were considered the fault of the bicyclists and all of the motorcycle fatalities were considered the fault of the motorcycle so i think im not trying to blame things this is going against the usual concept that twothirds of the accidents are due to drivers but we seemed to have a a shift last year and i dont know the reason but i think it should should be investigated and look at the effective times for pedestrians to cross intersections and i think its been reduced and also by cars with the yellow concept cars can enter the intersection right at the beginning of a red light thank you. Thank you for being here today. First request is that there be some justification given for why the this being a data driven plan we know also that there is a lot of data that talks about Economic Vitality let alone safety and Health Issues and theres reams and reams of information about that and thats what were working on so the reason for part of that initial plan being changed in the 11th hour isnt clear and wed like to see the data on that. Failing adequate data wed really like to see that block reinstated in the plan for a raised cycle way thank you. Thank you and congratulations. Okay seeing no further general Public Comment general Public Comment is now closed. Just finishing what i said i think that theres a lot that has happened over the last year and i think im really proud of what weve accomplished so far and i know that we have much more work to do but we have a dedicated group of folks to make this happen and well make sure to schedule our next meeting in a relevant fashion and we need the resources to make it reality and seeing no further announcements our meeting is adjourned. Hi, im frank jorge golden go up a utility supervisor for the Distribution System i offer seizing see the personnel that install water maidens and water Carbon Monoxides ive personal proud to work with city and distribution place whether a fire or main break those folks come on scene and get the job done 3450r7b9 what time theyre here to take care of each other and make it so a safe and secure way i was encouraged to learn to deal with the services and breaks and i wanted to move into understanding how to do main connections one the great things that the sfpuc to move to different sections in if youre tdr in learning a different job you have the ability to move up i courage anyone to step out of their comfortable zone and work on a system as large as a our water system we started from one end and keep on going its a fascinating job and im going to stay here because ill never learn everything to learn about this system good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to the to the first meeting of San Francisco budget finance subcommittee meeting for march 11, 2015, with our full 5 person budget combhe im mark farrell and joined by supervisor katie tang as well as commissioner eric mar Supervisor Scott Wiener and supervisor norman yee i want to thank Jennifer Lowe and Charles Kremenak madam clerk, any announcements . Yes. Electronic devices. Completed speaker cards and documents to be included should be submitted to the clerk. Items acted upon today will appear on the march 17 board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated okay. Thank you madam clerk colleagues two agenda items one substantive a 5 year budget plan want to thank everyone for this and looking at looking forward to a fruitful next month. Number one the finalized plan for 2015 through 2020 and requesting a mayors office. And to speak on item number one. Good afternoon, supervisors its a pleasure to you here with you, we kickoff the budget season im here to talk to you about the citys proposed 5 year Financial Plan not an action item in front of you by will be in the next several weeks once we complete on update to the plan would also want to point out i have the gentleman from the Controllers Office that answer revenue questions and want to thank thank you to harvey rose and mr. Campbell if the boards budget and Analyst Office in the shared budget plan 0 produced to show the shared trends over the next 5 years so i thought today i would talk about the Key Assumptions workplace the 5 year explain and go over the general fund case essential the cost to operate our government the government we have today over the next 5 years and share fiscal strategies how to bridge the gaps between revenues and expenditures and thinking about what might happy in a recession scenario with our 5 year Financial Plan against to help us think through 0 the impact of on economic downturn should that occur and finally ill talk about the mayors budget that was issued at the same time with the 5 year Financial Plan all our offices should have a copy you if dont feel youve seen the yellow document well be sure to get you one im sure youre aware of the city over the last several years has worked out diligently to strengthen our long term Financial Management and to try to reduce volatility in our budgeting process 2 year budget is part of that reserve policies are part of that codifying the debt lemgsz and debt policies and some of the alleged policies that the board has adopted like the reserve policies and the limitations on use of one time sources this year for the first time we had 7, 620 two year budgets these budgets will remain fixed for the 20142015 and 20152016 budget years including mta and the board retirement and support services and the library weve also done a configured for the long term and developing those plans and regularly updating them the six year Financial Plan you see before you today but includes our ic plan and the 10 year capital plan both the ic t plan will be coming before the committee for your review and adaptation the 5 year Financial Plan is a shared frontals made by the 3 financial offices this required under prop a passes by the voter in 2009 a couple of key purposes to highlight major Financial Issues that the city is facing on the revenue and expenditure side to monitor how were doing on the structural deficit in every year ive worked in this office we projected a gap between revenues and the expenditures and try to close that gap and finally the prop a required that the plan make recommendations or proposals how the city can reduce the gap between revenues and expenditures as i mentioned that was in early december at the same time the mayor issued his budget instructions so this next slide is really providing a highlevel 0 overview of whats happening in or revenue and expenditure the top section is the revenue our projections over the next 5 years those revenues are growing every year and the second half the table it showing you whats going on the use does the salaries and benefits being a large portion portion of our citywide expenditure and show you the costs in the other xuchlz while the revenue will growth is strong our expenditures growth is prolonged to out pace that Revenue Growth leading to the shortfalls youll see at the bottom of the page 60 million growing to 4 hundred and 18 over the 5 year period. Looking at it a different way you can another way to think about that the top line our expenditures are expected to grow 23 percent over the next 5 years and the bottom line growing 13 percent over the next 5 years and the difference between those expenditures is really the problem statement that the challenge were trying to solve through the budget process i want to make sure that i highlight kind of some of the Key Assumptions in the five hundred Year Base Case i mentioned the 5 Year Base Case scenarios is really looking at was it how much money would we need to be able to cover the costs of government based on our plans and no Cost Increases over the next 5 years and what will happy with revenue so this plan assumptions on the revenue side the economy continues to recover theres no economic recession to the pace is slower in the last 3 years of the plan than the first 2 the recovery depended on the National Economic as well as local destroy and no major changes to the Service Levels or the number of employees unless we specifically call that out examples where we would, huh . Our projecting increases in the employees the opening of the new San Francisco General Hospital or the staff increases

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