[chanting] any nation that ignores half of its people is in a moral and economic crisis. We will do more there will be a movement. To bring people together save the heart and soul of this democracy and this world. [crowd chanting] almost 87 years ago, my father, reverend dr. Martin luther king, jr. , reminded america of the fierce urgency of now. But now is not the time to engage in the luxury of cooling off. It takes the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. But now is the time to make real the promises of this democracy. He was working with poor people of every race, from every corner of this nation, to build a Poor Peoples Campaign when he was assassinated in memphis, tennessee, five years later. Today, as his daughter, i am honored to add my voice to the Poor Peoples Campaign, a National Call for moral revival, and stand with the 140 million poor people and low wealth people urging america to address with the fierce urgency of now the big issues of poverty and race. Please join us in t
This is three weeks before the states democratic primary. Renee we are delighted to be joint by point by charles booker, a state representative for the 43rd Kentucky House district. Marinerath, a retired lt. Col. , ran for congress in 2018. Mike broihier is a retired marine lieutenant colonel, farmer, and retired newspaper editor. When the conversation on twitter, send the name out send any mail, use the web forum at our website. Or you may give us a call at 18004947605. Please include your first and last name and town or county. Welcome to you all. We are going to forgo the usual Opening Statements and get right down to business because time is limited. In the last few days, it has been a trying last few days in kentucky and across the nation. Protests have erupted in response to the Police Killings taylor,e floyd, breonna and we understand the killing of a Business Owner in louisville. A lexington minister said last week during one of the Governors Press conferences, and i quote, he
Welcome. We appreciate you being here tonight. Well get right down to business because time is limited. It has been a trying last few days in kentucky and across the nation. An emt was shot while she was in her home and today we understand the killing of a Business Owner in louisville. A lexington minister said last week, during one of Andy Beshears press conferences, when he was talking about Racial Injustice and alleged Police Brutality, he said it is not the minority population that has been silent, but rather the majority has been deaf. We will start left to right. How have you actively sought to be a part of the solution to heal racial divisions and not just action list rhetoric. Name one specific policy or action you commit to doing, win or lose, going forward. Renee, thank you for starting this forum off the right way by addressing the challenges that kentucky is facing. I barely made it today because i left the streets where so many people of kentucky are demanding justice and
Mike is retired marine lieutenant colonel, a farmer and former newspaper editor. We want you to join the conversation with your questions on twitter, send an email, use the web form, make sure to check the box that says youre not a a robot or you may give us a call. The last few days in kentucky and across the nation, protests have erupted in response to Police Killings of george floyd inminneapolis , Rihanna Taylor in louisville were shot eight times while she was in her home and today we understand the killing of David Maccabee, a Business Owner in louisville. Elections in minnesotas said last week during one of governor andy bashirs press conferences and i quote when he was talking about Racial Injustice and alleged Police Brutality he said its not the minority population thats been silent but rather the majority has been death. So i have a question and we will start left to the right, representative booker, you first. How have you actively sought to be part of the solution to heal
Former newspaper editor. We want you to join the conversation with your questions on twitter. Send any mail send any mail send an email. Make sure to check the box that says you are not a robot. Or, you may give us a call. Please include your first and last name on all messages. Welcome to you all, i appreciate you being here this evening. I appreciate you being here, and i hope the rest of kentucky does as well. Im going to get right down to business. In the last few days, it has been a trying last few days in kentucky and across the nation. Protests have erupted in response to the killing of george floyd in minneapolis, Rihanna Taylor, who was shot eight times while she was in her home, and today, we understand the killing of a Business Owner in louisville. A lexington minister said last week during one of Governor Press bashirs conferences, and i quote when he was talking about racial injustice, he said that its not the minority population that has been silenced, but rather the bles