Hello, everybody. If you could please turn your cell phone off. It would be really appreciated. Good evening. I hope you enjoyed the food. I would like to thank all of you for coming here to tonights event on behalf of the facility of washington, d. C. , i would like to express my sincere gratitude to our special guest, the director of u. S. Korea and institute,ean assistant director and i am sorry [inaudible] added in 2006, the society operates as a nonpartisan and all volunteer organization dedicated in informing, developing and connecting Young Professionals who are interested in engaged in korean affairs. Our goal is to inspire the next generation regardless of the political affiliations of korea and northeast asia especially. Under the guidance of our Senior Advisor and with support and partnership with the us Korean Institute we have been hosting numerous events such as workshops and panel discussions. Although it puts its members efforts together tonights event is one i was look
Ofbegan cooperative storage soviet nuclear and chemical weapons. Lugarnn and richard marked the anniversary in the Kennedy Cochran room. Nationalsted by the security archive, the carnegie endowment, and other initiatives. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, a few words of welcome. I am the director of the National Security archive and i am honored to be an organizer of today. This is the day that president bush signed the nunnlugar legislation into law. Document fetishists, we scoured the library for this exist. And none there was not a signing ceremony. It gives you a sense of a mixed opinion with the Congressional Initiative in foreign policy. One of the most prescient pieces of legislation ever. The declassified documents and the danger of that time. It is the first ever to classified list with the soviet and they rounded up weapons and cleaned up the legacies of the cold war arms race. Tasks and is a heroic carried out by many. Many of those heroes are here with us. Not the
Of cooperative storage, dismantling and destruction of soviet nuclear and chemical weapons. Next, former senators sam nunn and Richard Lugar mark the 25th anniversary of the initiative in the historic county caucus room on capitol hill. This one hour and 15 minute discussion and awards ceremony was cohosted by the National Security archive. The Carnegie Corporation, the Carnegie Endowment and the Nuclear Threat initiative. Ladies and gentlemen, i am honored to be one of the organizers of today. This is the day 25 years ago that president George H W Bush signed the nunnlugar legislation into law. Fetishists, we scoured the bush library for the photographs of that extraordinary moment and none exist. There was not even a signing ceremony which gives you a sense of the kind of mixed opinion inside the Bush Administration about this Congressional Initiative in foreign policy. But the judgment of history is in. Calledll street journal the nunnlugar legislation one of the most prescient piec
Dismantling, destruction of soviet nuclear and chemical weapons. Next, former senators sam nunn and Richard Lugar marked the 25th anniversary of the initiative in the historic kennedy caucus room on capitol hill. Hopehour and 15 minute discussion and Award Ceremony was hosted by the National Security archive, the Carnegie Endowment, and the Nuclear Threat initiative. Thomas blanton ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, just a few words of welcome today. I am tom blanton, i am director of the National Security archive at George Washington university and honored to be one of the organizers of today. This is the day that 25 years ago president george h. W. Bush signed the nunnlugar legislation into law. Now being document fetishists, we scoured the bush library for the photographs of that extraordinary moment, and none exist. There was not a signing ceremony, which gives you a sense of the kind of mixed opinion in the Bush Administration about this Congressional Initiative in foreig
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, just a few words of welcome today. Im tom blanton. Im director of the National Security archive at George Washington university and honored to be one of the organizers of today. This is the day, 25 years ago, that president george h. W. Bush signed the nunnlugar legislation into law. Now, being document fetishists, we scanned the bush library for the photographs of that extraordinary moment, and none exist. There was not even a signing ceremony, which gives you a sense of the kind of mixed opinion inside the Bush Administration about this Congressional Initiative in Foreign Policy. But the judgment of history is in. The wall street journal called the nunnlugar legislation one of the most prescient pieces of legislation ever enacted. And today on the National Security archive website you can see the declassified documents showing the real danger of that time, the first ever declassified list of the 3,429 soviet Strategic Nuclear warheads that