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wellcare is committed to getting rid of the nonsense and inconvenience associated with health insurance. instead, they re just focusing on giving you great benefits. so don t delay, act now. wellcare. it s medicare done well. after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn t fair. so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could ve made. atat t bararnefirmrm, our r inry a attneysys wk hahard i could ve made.
their competitors said come in and use our facilities, use our people, we ll help you get back on your feet. it was an american effort. it wasn t a securities industry effort and i was so proud of how the heads of our firms reacted. when they were told that, for instance, sandler and o neill needed trading space, lehman jumped up and said we ll give it to them. when cantor needed something, merrill-lynch jumped up and said, we ll give it to them. goldman sachs was there, all the major firms. morgan stanley, whatever we can do to help our traditional competitors who we under normal circumstances would love to see them disabled, okay. neil: and now, 20 years later, the big thing is the pandemic and getting back to work. most financial firms i think said they want their people back, the seener the better, don t delay it. others are saying we deened ma
needs a different message. some have the message of don t delay, now is the time. but some people need the message that they really feel like they won t be harmed by this disease. they are of the healthy age, the demographic that it s not going to hurt them. i think at this point we need to realize vaccination is a team sport, a community activity, and whether or not it s going to affect you in a way that is detrimental to your health by not getting vaccinated, you affect the rest of the community. and the unvaccinated are really putting too much of a pressure on our community, so we need this to become a community effort to get rid of this infection in our community and allow that safety net to protect everybody the way that it should. with that we re going to leave it there. i hope everyone hears you, dr. o neill, and also here s chantal s message there. dr. o neal, thank you for being on the reidout.