Super ash caer defense sectary quick sound up of mecong ceremony the goal of e pl itolacea higherrioronhe balance of work anfamilyife for the thounds of mennd women who their lives on the line for is cntry everyday. Sot to build the rce the futu especially when the genetion coming of a today places a highepriority on work lifbalance the proposal would double the ngth of fully paid materni ave. Expand health care covera to include more benefits fowomen tryi to t pregnant. Expand the urthat milary child care facilities are open,. Andhe number of children accodated. And increase paidaterni leave for new fathers. Amongtresses mitary familiesace, having an raising children is near the p crety carter says that makinghese chaes is crital in the battle to recruit and retaop talent,. Ging it more in line with the corporate world,. Inuding this key provision. And by making an option available for troops to trade the ity to remain at the a station of choice, at eir these changes will cost an esti