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Super ash caer defense sectary quick sound up of mecong ceremony the goal of e pl itolacea higherrioronhe balance of work anfamilyife for the thounds of mennd women who their lives on the line for is cntry everyday. Sot to build the rce the futu especially when the genetion coming of a today places a highepriority on work lifbalance the proposal would double the ngth of fully paid materni ave. Expand health care covera to include more benefits fowomen tryi to t pregnant. Expand the urthat milary child care facilities are open,. Andhe number of children accodated. And increase paidaterni leave for new fathers. Amongtresses mitary familiesace, having an raising children is near the p crety carter says that makinghese chaes is crital in the battle to recruit and retaop talent,. Ging it more in line with the corporate world,. Inuding this key provision. And by making an option available for troops to trade the ity to remain at the a station of choice, at eir these changes will cost an estimated 385million dollars these chges will cost an estimated 385lliodoars over the next fi years seetarrter says, tha military servi lears largely endorse the anges,. But revisis are expected i the nths ahead. Secretary carter can implement some of e changes himself,. Buothers will need congressional approval. We will continue to track this story because it impacts so many heren southe colorado. Were digging through newly released numbers that sh a stearease in t numr of Human Trafficking cases in colorado. The national Human Trafficking resource cente the risin erare the result of more ports. People using any means o communicatn to reach o for lp o alerting authorities of e Human Trafficking Task Force Southern colorado has been workg to raise awarene for years even cr tir own space for the blic to find information. We wanted to fill that void, we opened up cafe here in our business a feweeks ago and proceeds will go towards Human Trafficking organion the cafe is insidehe colorado stitute ofassahera inolorado spri where the rectorf e task forcewo rit now. A mala swap proposal tween Colorado Springs rks d the broadmoor isn e rks. It involves propty near barr trail a the cog railway s well as hikingrails ne eyenne canyon. So of the open space experts in our arey itth considin. Cause it a t forne deal when it comes to acreage 370 acres go tthe city. And the broadmor gets nearly 190 acres. The commity is sharing their thoughts. We are very concerned about what the trur of land means, not our grandkids, and what kind of ace we leave in the future, for those future generations e ll details of the sw anthe landnvd on o websitat koaa dot com. Weher and traffic on t 5s. Teorologist rlee hoffman is re n with first alert 5. Anotheabove average janu y here in the news 5 viewi area. Highs will be in the 50s and 60s today with mostly cloudy skies. Gusty nds for the afternoon high presse to our wt will ep our skies clear ornight as wl, butows wille a little more on the mild side wi most eas still above freezing by miight. We will see lows in the 30s overnight and into friday. U wonneed a heavy jacket l day friday as at High Pressurer the Rocky Mountains willeep skiemostly sunny for thend of the week and mperatures will stay in the 50s and 60s. Cldsrt to increase friday evening with snow in the high country, but we stay dry around the lower elevations. Saturday mostly sunny with highs even warmer in the low to upper 60s. Our next weather maker comes on pressure moves into the area. This wilbring e retu of colder air and snow, possibly with some decent accumulations, ren sout coloro. Broncos pridis shining bght chk out. Thstle rock iall deckedutn orange and blue for e denver broos the castle rock Fi Department is behind this. Some willi firefighters made the trekthe top of the roc to install the orae and blue light bulbs. Than to ck lucey for letti us share this awesome photo come superbo sunday. Customers will have the chance reaurants d bars in pueblo. Theyrofring what they call superowl cards whh serves a spot a game board cresponding mbers. At the end of each quarter when a fan tcs e last digit of ea teamscore, they win some cash bunsses say it creates a see of commraderamong thei customers. The atmospre that itreates when the ge is iense and excitings st one where everyone comes together and enjoys theame and cheers for their me state teaand its just fantastic the game is nsider legal becausthe businesses dont collect a prof for themselve the entire pool goes back to the customers. Still ahead. Its dgerous combination what experts are saying about drinng aixture of soda and rang fuel thatext in your aly in todays your healthy family. It a deadly drink. A combination of soda and racing fuel thats calleddeshine health officia say o teens died after drinking the dangerous mixture. Forrest sanders has a wain om medical eerts pkg cars sp fost aoment and drive. Tang in the ssages of rest pea. Fly high. Parking spot 1 belongs to Logan Stephenson of greerier high. And has nobecome thelace of a memoal. T d seger Tn Poison Center medical people didotnderstand the potential lethity of this inion. Donnsegeof vanderbilt says the nnese Poison Center has been involved in the cases of fo Robertson County teens who ingested something shes never heard of before. Dewshine. Sot dna seger Tn Poison Center medical direor its a xte of mountain dew and methanoin racing fuel. Theres a little bitf methanol in the alcoholrink and ats said to cause the hangver. To drink straighmethanol is ly a recipe for dister. She says two of e teens were treated and released. Sthens and anoth teen ose name has not been releed haveassed aw. Greenbrierole satheye waing on toxicology reports on stephensos death. Sot dna seger tn poon Center Medical dictor its effeing ings on the cellular level. Its threatening t eyes. Can cae one too blind. While a city today mourns the loss of two young people. Don seger tn poison er medical director if yodont know whats in it or how dgeroust. You shouldnt take it. Its impornt to note mountain dewakes a product called dew shine. But is product is noto be confused with the combination that kids are using d caing it by the same nam weather and trfic on the 5s. Meteologist ee hofan is hereow with firsalert 5. Heabaverage nu y here in ws 5iewing area. Highs will be t 50s d 60s tay with most cloudy skies. Gusty winds for the afternoon High Pressure to our west will keep our skies clear overnight as well, but lows will be a little more on the mild side th most eastl above frzing by dnight. We wl see lows in the 30s overnit and to friday. You wont need a heavy jke alday friday as that High Pressure over the rocky mounins will keep sks mostly sunny for the end of the week and temperures will stay the 50s and 60s. Clds srt to increase friday eveninwith sw in the high country, but we stay dry around the lower elevations. Saturday mostly sunny with highs s our next weaer maker comes o pressure moves into the area. This will bring the return of colder air a snow, posbly with some decent accumulations, as we nearhe e of january. Health experts says still no toteget your flu shot is weekend in Colorado Springs. The fireepartmen a wi oth sponss are feri a ee fluhot clinic. S on saturday thees peaks ys andlsb on soh chton ro. It lasts fro10am to 3pm. In order to qualify you st be either uninsed or dersured. Inhis mornings heal watch. Women who dont get enough sleep mabe more at risk for type 2 this. According to a study out of harvard. After over a decade of reseching more than 130thousand wom. Experts found ose who had more trouble falling asep and staying asleep were at grear riskeveloping type this was especially true for women with oth health problems. Like high blood pressure, obity and pression. Coination of diabetes and obesity in pregnant women may increase the risk that their ildren will have autism. This accng ta w sty om johns hopkins. Which founthe risk was almost four tes higher among moms who were obese and had diabetes before becoming pregnant. Ctors arent sure why the conditio appear to be linked. But point out cldren whose mothhave these risk factors will n develop autism. New research this moing. Challeng assumions aut dating violee. Researcherfound thateen boys justs kely as rls to injuredr saulted by romant parer. Th sdied teenagers living in violent homeor nehborhoods. Andiscered the rates were higher amongounger boys. However. Kidget olde. The trend startso verse. With more older teen girls still ahead in your consumer watch. Travel cpanies are now taking action athe zika vir spres. Helping customer. Wee back. Right now youre takina live look at rio de janro bral. Although copacabana beach makes it a great vacation spot. Brazil ionof the countries most affecd by the zikvirus webeen telli you about. If you have plans to vacation here soon. The good news. Is more travel companies are jumpg on boardve you refunds. Delta is now joiningnited and americ airlines. Allowing customers to cancel or postpone the trips to areas affected by the zikairus. Deltcuomermust request refus or me ges by february9th to avoid fees. As we told y. Uniteds policy includ travel to all areas and american is lowing customers a refund if they provide a doors note stating theyre unable to travel to one of four cities due to pregnancy. Carnival and royal carribbean cruise lines are also letting pregnant women reschedule eir trips. Also this morn. An important recall you need to know about suzuki is recalling more than 68thousand motorcycles here in the us. Because the battercharging syem can f and cause the bikes to stall. The recall involves 15els from model years 200 though 2012. Suzuki says the problem is traced to a Circuit Board in the charging sysm. If you have onof these bi. You can ke it to a dealer d thll fix itor free starting in march. Youike ix cereal. You know they changethe shap of the cereal a couple years o. Change coming. Thats right. Therwill be a new silly rabbitasheac the popular breakft item take a look. Its a real rabbit his name is cnabun ande beat out morthan 7thousand other rabbits in a nationwide arch for a new mascot general mis announcethat cinnab will appear on the new release of the trix cereal boxes. Weheand traffic on the meteogist carleeofan is hereow with fit alert 5. Another above averagjaary day here in thnews 5 viewing area. His will be in the 50s and 60sodaymostlyloudy skies. High pressure to our west will keep our skieslear overnight as well, but lows will be a little more on the mild side with most areas ill ove freezing by miight. We will see lows in e 30s overnight and in friday. Yowonneed a heavy jacket all day friday as that high pressu over the Rocky Mountains will keep skies mostly sunny for the end of the week and temperatures wilstay in the 50s and 60s. Clouds start to increase friday eveng th snow in the high country,ut we st dry around the loelevations. Saturday mostly sunny withighs even warmer in the low to upper 60s. Our next weather maker comes on sunday and monday asow pressure moves intthe area. This will bring the return of with some decent accumulations especially for the centr mountas. First up at 5 30. Were keing an eye on the head our wayemergency officis puttg thword ounow pl ahead. News 5s joaa wise joins us live frocoloradoprings wh more on what you c do to get prepared. Anna. Good morning. Emergency ofcials say there are two questions you ould ask yourself. At do i need iorder to stay safe in my hou if im stu in it for a couple days. And at do i need in car if im sckn it for a coupl emergency offials say these are the essential notes you shld have on your checklist. Make se you have adequate food and water, eh sulies for not only you and your kids. But your pets asel. And any type of medications. Tobi blancrd says duri the storm, you shod stayff the ads. But if you end ugetting stuck your car, make sure you monitor your exhaust pipe. On t et coast there were three people that ed just anchard says emergency officis are monitong the storm and ey have plans in ple if wget hit with significant snowfall. Springs, joannwise, news 5. Righnow investigators are still tryingo gureut what ed this rv fin old colodo city. Weold you about itteay on news5today. Itappened early sday morning onwest pes peak in ol radoy. Firefighte were ableo t out. But the rv waa total. No one was iide. That fire also damaged the rv owners house. Shes frustrat because the fire hydrant fro of her home was out oservice and fifitersouldnt use it to put out the fire. It wasroketer it was hit three wes ago in ash. There we other hydrants neby. But Colorado Springs utilities says its a cmon problem in the winten drivers lose col i roads and h hy. D th t cit if the damaged drant isnt akor the other hydrants down the block with this heavy 10foot hose to hook up down there, its a challenge to stay on top of them generalbecause its the samerews that rkn all 2,000 mi of our water Distribution System thatlso workthe hydrants, e ci says this particular hydrt s set for pair this we. And was repled 12 hours te the fire. This morning. Were learni more about the arrest of a colora springsolice sergeant told you about yestday. The arrest ste froa disturbance a a tffic accint last month. Sgt. Sten bisca waarreed wednesday on suicn mismeanorssault and felony menacin charges. Hes theew information. As we read throu the court pars show biaro is accud ofulling a Police Cruiser to ground. Hes also sed of punchin kickinand choking him. Thsuspect was reportedly getting out of control in the poruiser and thats what ledo biscaros reponse. Sgt bihas been oe force more than two cadetoda. He remains on pa administrative leave. Time now for wther and traffic on the 5s. Meteologist rlee hofan is here now with rst alt 5. Another e eragjaary day here in the ws 5iewing area. Highs will be in the 50s and 60soday with mostly cloy skies. Gusty winds for the afternoon High Pressure to our west ll keep ourkies clear overnight well,ut lowwill be a little more on the mild side with most areas still abov freezi by midnight. We will see lows in the 30s overnight and into fday. Yowont need aeavy jacket all day frids thatigh pres over the cky mountains will keep skies mostly sunny for the end of the w antemperatures will stay i the 50s and 60s. Clouds start to inease friday evening with snow inhe high country, but we stay dry aroun the lower evations. Even warmein the low to upper 60s. Our next weather maker com on ndaynd monday as low pressure moves intthe area. This wl bring the turn of colder air and snow, possibly with some decent accumulations, this morning. A reminder for broos fans if youre loong for superbowl ticketonli the colora attornegenerals office is issuing warnin. Make sure you do your homework before bung tickets from the internet or cigslist sellers. Ey say you should find out as much about the selleas possible, and check the location of the seats. Also. Always use adit card a know theellers rend policy. Another render coid buying tkets throughsis stub huand the nl ti well this y be a good sign for brons as crews were preparing levis staum for the big ga. Workers goa little confused. D footreere two teams playing in t supbo both end zones were painted in broncos blue and orae annone for the panthers. Aprently cw paind th broncos logo onhe visitor d zone. And forg the broncos were the home team so. Befo fixing eir mistake the result. Both endnes re forhe broncos of course. They fixed their m wn they noticed it. Itsot just the broncos players and coaching sff getting ready for the super bo. Their masc thunder is getting prepped as wel as we ow. At every home game. Thunder ru theld. And if the broncos win the super bowl thunder two will be used in the victory parade in denver. And thunder 3 will head out ne week to san frcisco to make public appearances and to get onto the field for the per bowl. Thunder shld start making public appearances around the san fncisco area by wednesday or thursday next week. It w a night of bitter and heated exchangng. Among the gop it was nf bi and heated exchanges. Among the gndidates. Just ds fore the Iowa Caucuses sta. We have the highlights. Plus. When a burglar strikes. A bank manager takes matters into his own has. Well show you how he thwarted r nder t our tender tkey breandwich. With all white bret meat and no artificial preservatives, itsard to resist. Even for us. You ate all the turkey for r ode isndarket how am i supposed to Quality Control i can eat theroct . Yowork in accounting the nder turkey bret ndwich, welcome back. Right now youre looking at new videthe fbi just released. That fatatrafc st shooti of an armed occier of National Wildlife refuge in oregon. Officials say lavoy finics vehicle ied to maneuver around the roadblock angot uck a snowbank. Then. When ficum g out of the truck he reachedoward his pocket and washot. The fbi says there was loadedmlimeter semi matic handgun in pocket. This morning. Still not over. Right nofour protesters remain insi that wildlife refuge. Despite plfrom the group leader for them to go home attorneys for ammon bundy. Lang a mesge from their client who is in pole police custody. Ammon wishes to make foowing statement my message still remas; turn yourselv in. Not use physical e. E e National Platform that have to continue to defend lirty through our constitutional rights. Although bundy wants the cupation to end, hsays he will not give upis fig f freedo today. Teacher at a Southern California jail is icustody. Accused of aiding in the escap of three inmates. The Orange County sheriffs dertme aested 44ear old nooshafarian ravaghi. Th say she prod inmates with maps and poss t to esca the ctral mensail in santa ana. Sort of laonship witone the escapedugitives. Today the searchor the three ins inues. Today. A chicagpoce oicer crged with murr will appear in court for a hearing. Officer jonan dyke is accused of Fatal Shooting black teener 1time the indictment alleshat n dyke acted without laul justification when he shot 17 yearold laquan mald in 2014. As we told you. Van dyke has plead not ty alsoppearing in court today. The socalled affluenza teen who has just arrived back on us 18earold ethan couch landed at dalsfort worth internationarport yesterday in hanuffsnd with a poce escort. Days hearing will determine if couch will receive bond or be moved to an adult is. As weeen reportg. The teen and his mother were bj of an International Manhunt after he missed a mandatorprobation eting. Couch on probation for in this morningelection wa. Republican president ial candidates were not Holding Anything back last nht in the fox news debat seven them squared off. While frtrner donald tmp did n attend. Re on that in a minute. The highlight the night. Senators ted cruz anmarc rubio turnedp the he on each other. Accusing the other of chging their positis on the stas of mented iigrantbut. Mohan justning o vors, all caates wer trng to tivate iowans ly tur and cauon monday nig. Republican president l candidate donald trump is andingehind his decision skipast nights debate instead hold an event for veterans. At last ghts rally in des moines. Trump said he was committed supporng and raising money for veteraho are being mireated. I it for me personally a good thing, a bad thing, will i get more votes, will getess votes, nobkns. Who the hell knows, but it for our vets, anyoure going to liket because we rsed er 5 miion dollars inne, over 5 sohatnot soad. So far. Stl no word if trump will ta senator ted uzs offer for a one one debe in iowa tomorrow. Right now in oregon. Crews are working toix these massive sinkholes ecis out they opeup on the same street yesterday e bigger o took most of the travel lanes on the highway. The second sinkhole is just rit across the street. That one opened up just a short ti aft the first sinkhole. s not car wt causedhis topen. Me n foreaer a traffic on the 5s. Meteorologist carl hoffm is here n with fit aler anotr ere nuary day here in the news 5iewi ar. His ll be in the 50s and 60s tod with mostly cloudy ies. Gusty wis for the afternoon ghressure to our wt will as well, but lows will be wi most areas still above midnig. We will see lows in the 30s overnight and into friday. You wont need a heavy jact prsurevethe cky motains will kp ies most suy r the end ofheeek and temperures will stay in the 50s a0s. Clouds start to increa friday evening with snoin the hig country, but we stay dry around the lower elevions. Saturday mostly sunny with highs even warmer in theow to upper 60s. Our ne weaer mer ces o sunday andonday asow presre moves into the area. This will brinthe turnf colderir and snow, possiy with some decent accumulations chaos breaks out at a cracker rrtaurt inew mexico. As pice followed a wanted spect to the buiing t dyamera. Police were ching the spec after helied his tru on t street. And took off towar the restaurant. The suspect trieto hide behind the coter. But was eventually arres no injuries were reported. Yeerdawe showed you e ofa robber. D today we havvideo of a bank manager also stoppi a rglar the act mask approacthe or of the bank. But the manar holds the door shut so the suspect cat co the suspect struggles to on the door. And eventually ges up and ru of you cat see it in the deo. Bupolice say the suspect w med th a gun. D used it hit the door check this out. 18e olpic gold mal swimmer michael plps takes a brk fr training to help out the arizona ate Basketball Team at lt nights gamegainst oregon state. Elps appeared behi asus infaus rtain of distraction. Thsd during free ts. The curtain reveals phel wit medals draped ound his neck,. Swim cap ohis head. Antwo hall we say nonolympic bodiesbo sides. The oregon player misses both free throw. Much to the delight of sun devs fans still ahead. The zika virus may be coming welcome back. Right now crews in china are rking toe ur mins trappein a tunnel theyve been sck down there for almost month Christmas Day the mine collapsedrapping 17 miners. Toy only four of them are alive. Crs have been working since the disast to ee them. But stabilitand lling ros have hindered rescueoperations. They havbeen receiving food and water for thpast mth. But today. Crews haveinally got to a point whthey n rethem. Using scue csules. A man is arrested at disneand paris. Ter police find he was carrying two hand guns and a copy of the quran. A hotel inde the park. Police also detained the mans female partn. Right w the mans motives for trying to entethhotel with the weaps is unclear. The parkemained open after t arrests. This ces as france remains on ed andnder a state of emergency after ismic extremist tacks arnd paris in november that killed 130 people. Medical experts say the zika virucould re to noh amica and rica. Theyay the mosquitoborn disease could easily g into the soutrn part of the ud states. But. Experts here in colorado s a local tbak is almost impossible. As the mosito species that carries the virus has never been detected in the state. Zika is linked to vereirth dects in thousan babies in brazil and spading rapidly acrossat america. Today is youch to owa piece ofistory onof the cars used by pope francis during his visit to philadelphiaast fall is traveled arounthe city io fiat cars. One of them wi remain on display thehiladelphia auto show. But the other car is up r sale at todays auto show in philly. Organizers say the proceeds will benefit select ministrs and miions of the archdiocese of philelphia. Me now for weath andraffic on the 5s. Meteologist Carlee Hoffman i here n with fit ert 5. Another abe average january day re in the news 5iewing area. Ghs will be in the 50s and 60s tay with mostly cloudy skies. Gusty winds for the rnoon High Pressure to our west will keep our skies clear overnight as well, but lows will be a litt more on theild side with most areas ill above freezing by midnight. We will see lows ithe 30s overghand into friday. You wonneed a heavy jacket all day iday as that High Pressure over the Rocky Mountains will keep skies mostly sunny for the end of t wee and temperaturesill st in the 50s and 60s. Clouds start to increase friday evening with snow in the high untry, but we stay d around the lower elevations. Saturday mostly nny with highs our next weather mak c on sunday and monday as low pressu moves into the ar. Thisill bring the return o colder air andossibly withome decent accumulions, especially for the Central Mountain a biwier srms onheay to southern colorado. Wee helping yoget ready before it arve. Wiips onow to stay safe if you get owed in. Ill have that next in a le report. Plus. re breaking down a new proposal that would bring big changes for Maternity Leave in the mili. But could also come at a cost for tax payers. Warm again to end out the week but big changes e onhe way ill have anour by hour break down for your weekend coming up. Good morningthanksor joining us on this friy. January 29th. Im annisneain for shellene. And im ira cronin eye the powerful storheaded our way, emergency officia are putting e word out now plan ahead. News 5oanna wise joins us live fm Colorado Springs with more owhat youan do to get epared. Joanna. Od morning. Ergency officialsay there are two questions you shld askouelf. What do i ed in order to sy fe in my house if im stuck i itor aouple ys. Anato i need imyar if im stuck in it for a couple days. Emergency ficials say these are the essential notes u should have on your checklist. Make se you have adequate food and water, enough supplies f not only you and your kids. But your pets as well. And any type omedications. Bi blanchard ss during the storm, you shoulstay off the inour car, make sure you

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