Make sure they have the opportunity to grow in a safe environment our mission to see theyre prepared for life once they graduate from high school every young person in the hayes valley and western edition and other areas were not here to do this work loan the boys and girls club is not the answer to the problems our children face no one organization is the answer no office no one person is the answer our problems are too heavy for one to bear but when we stand together side by side shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand and arminarm no problem is too hard to bear when we put our resources our collective mind and loving heart and power together noload is is two heavy to bear so today don fischer clubhouse 80 is ready to stand proud in the Beautiful Community to insure our children have ever opportunity to succeed thank you. clapping. it was amazing hello my name is avva i was chosen as the last youth of the year to represent the clubhouse to represent the don fisher clubhouse now i have
Grateful who made this possible for all the kids thank you for giving us a safe place to learn and have fun and in the words the thought club im ready to do what i love thank you. clapping. hi my name is jr. Im 14 years old in the eighth grade ive been coming to the boys and girls club since i was 7 years old my mom k3wr0er8d me that he clubhouse to make new friends and get out of the house i grew up in the hayes district she didnt want me to los angeles out because of the Bad Influence but it got boring inside the house i didnt understand but i know its important to her im in a safe place like the boys and girls club i went to grand Elementary School that wasnt too far the staff walked us to the club i made a lot of friends at the time and theyre still my friends to this day i was given help with any homework when i joined the bottom lines and still do i participated in a lot of different programs since that joining when youre a little kid at the club you participate in a lot of progr
But your children theyre not heavy so its your job all of our jobs to support our youth by helping to at least easy if not eradicate the heavy loads they carry daily and our mission to make sure they have the opportunity to grow in a safe environment our mission to see theyre prepared for life once they graduate from high school every young person in the hayes valley and western edition and other areas were not here to do this work loan the boys and girls club is not the answer to the problems our children face no one organization is the answer no office no one person is the answer our problems are too heavy for one to bear but when we stand together side by side shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand and arminarm no problem is too hard to bear when we put our resources our collective mind and loving heart and power together noload is is two heavy to bear so today don fischer clubhouse 80 is ready to stand proud in the Beautiful Community to insure our children have ever opportunity to
Children and they deserve all the love consistent and guidance we can give them what is heavy are the problems they face today whats heavy is the baggage placed on their shoulders every day and bullying is heavy and peer pressure is heavy longness is heavy and hunger is heavy and poverty is heavy crime is heavy death is heavy but your children theyre not heavy so its your job all of our jobs to support our youth by helping to at least easy if not eradicate the heavy loads they carry daily and our mission to make sure they have the opportunity to grow in a safe environment our mission to see theyre prepared for life once they graduate from high school every young person in the hayes valley and western edition and other areas were not here to do this work loan the boys and girls club is not the answer to the problems our children face no one organization is the answer no office no one person is the answer our problems are too heavy for one to bear but when we stand together side by side
Placed on their shoulders every day and bullying is heavy and peer pressure is heavy longness is heavy and hunger is heavy and poverty is heavy crime is heavy death is heavy but your children theyre not heavy so its your job all of our jobs to support our youth by helping to at least easy if not eradicate the heavy loads they carry daily and our mission to make sure they have the opportunity to grow in a safe environment our mission to see theyre prepared for life once they graduate from high school every young person in the hayes valley and western edition and other areas were not here to do this work loan the boys and girls club is not the answer to the problems our children face no one organization is the answer no office no one person is the answer our problems are too heavy for one to bear but when we stand together side by side shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand and arminarm no problem is too hard to bear when we put our resources our collective mind and loving heart and power