Serving customers in early 2016 so now to turn to a little bit more detail. Thats what you see on this second slide. The areas, and supervisor avalos eluded to this the Prior Program in particular the establishment of the not to exceed rates isnt as critical a step for us in this timeline because the way the procurement was developed in the last schedule us relyingall falling in place based on the rate that came out of that procurement effort and now we have a Program Designed as the general manager and i described to you leads with affordability and we know that the rates for our program shouldnt exceed pg and es basic default rate and we know already what that benchmark is and in this schedule you see that as a milestone but not a Critical Path milestone if you will and let me emphasize which among these are the Critical Path milestones we have the establishment of the final Program Rates showing online 4 and thats occurring in the late september to october to october time frame and that leads and is linked to the establishment of our procurement planning process where were developing a proposal for reforming our contracting process that was eluded to in the dialogue between the general manager and supervisor avalos and we see that process culminating here at the commission and adoption hopefully at the at the board of supervisors and the mayor with approval occurring in late june. And that allows us then to go out to the marketplace, develop our requests for proposal and offer and go go to the marketplace to build that portfolio supply to serve our customers and ultimately executed in late september, early october. That lets us, then, come back up to the rate question where well be able to use that procurement process and the costs that come out of it to set the actual rate for our customers and with that actual rate, then well be able to develop our statutory ly required rate comparison with pg and e and launch more in earnest our statutorily required optout process and occurring in the late november, midjanuary time frame. You will recall that that statutorily required optout process has us providing two notifications to customers in advance of service to them and two notifications after they began to receive service and this over all time frame were beginning to serve customers directly in early 2016, january of 2016 and so that highlights the main points of our proposed Program Schedule and milestones and im happy to take any questions you may have. Questions . Thank you very much for putting this together. Its very helpful and of course, i think i share the sentiment with my colleagues and probably a lot of of the stakeholders that we appreciate the accelerated timeline and if theres any other places to be able to accelerate, that would be much appreciated and one thing i have a question about that that i dont really see here is who is going to drive this process . It just seems like there really needs to be a staff person hired pretty quickly to be able to keep all of these balls rolling and make sure we meet these deadlines. So i can respond to that. So one of the themes that, even when kim was here, we had a team of folks doing all of this stuff and she was quarterbacking it and so right now its a team of folks pulling together to make this happen and so, you know, we are definitely looking for, you know, a person to replace it. Kim, however, were not going to stop and just wait for that and i think, you know, i definitely have the expertise of you know, rolling this out at least, you know, all of the steps and the schedule and i just want to point out the schedule we put together is a realistic schedule, and you know, there are areas that the supervisor pointed out that we could probably accelerate. Theres certain things that we can do concurrently but i want to put a realistic schedule out because if you put out an aggressive schedule the only thing is you are behind schedule and you are explaining that and thats why i wanted a realistic schedule and theres opportunities for us to beat the schedule and were willing to partner with anyone who can help us beat the schedule and were looking for a director but were still going to make sure we meet the schedule. Great. And i do i want to appreciate you, too and i know you are going to step up and lead this effort and make sure these deadlines are met but id like to try as quickly as possible to find somebody to help you and really be your go to to make sure this happens and its a lot of work especially if we accelerate and do concurrent planning which id be supportive of as well. Yes . A couple of questions. On the staffing issue, in the old version of this we were having that work and you are taking on that work plus the procurement . To clarify commissioner were taking on the procurement function and expect to have outside Services Provided by a noble like and thats really to take the data in from pge and put it into a billing purposes format well still have our own staff to do settlement and verification of that data so theres an incremental increase in the workload but not the full workload absent an outside contract or. In terms of over all staffing needs, are there additional positions required . Are they part of our budget request . How do we do that . At this junction time we have vacancies that were staffed to serve and were moving to fill those vacancies and were not hiring at this time additional staff to launch the program and i think thats an expectation consistent with the experience that Marin Clean Energy and sonoma clean power went through and were looking at Additional Professional Services contract ors to provide us with advice and Council Support services on Procurement Development in particular. When do we see the program as a whole . And what im thinking of is before we got to not to exceed rates before, we had several presentations basically we could see the Energy Mission and the the energy mix and the the cost contribution that we were using and look at the funding of reserves and risk and we could see the whole picture. When in here do we see that . So we expect to bring our expected picture to you in the form of Program Designed guidelines and our proposals for reform of the contracting method and thats occurring on this schedule in midapril so that will be what we are proposing. I see. And this is a level of detail that you are not seeing. I see you looking at the schedule. Its rolled up in that first line of sfpuc policy approvals and Program Rates so in midapril well be bringing to you a more Detailed Program design. In advance of that, we will be having meetings with stakeholders to discuss Program Design and policy guidelines and have an opportunity to do some peer and constituent review of what were proposing and what we think is a realistic Program Design as well as reforms to our contracting process and expect to bring to you in midapril and bring back to you after the procurement process to identify sort of what we projected and what were seeing as the real deal. Uhhuh. That will come back to you when we come back to you for establishing the final program and rates which, on the proposed schedule, is in in late october. And what lines what number is that . So in the slightly more detailed version, the second page that you have in front of you. Right. Its on row 4 final Program Rates prepared and presented to sfpuc. Okay so first blush is in april and then is that october date that we get to see the yeah the real thing after weve gone out to the market. The april version is prior to actual market and the october version is post market. How how we did. Yeah. And within that i mean theres theres a series of issues. How cca integrates with the Business Plan. Uhhuh. The Business Plan is coming to us when . Thats coming to you the second meeting in march. In march, okay. Where the Business Plan will address the cca program in a broader context of our work. So within that what flavor of hetch hetchy power will be available. Correct. Theres also issues do we or do we not or what ways do we include Commercial Accounts . Correct. Thats a Program Design issue. Okay and so we see so for the Program Design. Again, that preview in midapril. Okay. Thats when well come to you with that after weve done outreach and our own internal work and then come to you. Okay one of the outstanding questions i had was the risk analysis. Uhhuh. And one of the nice things about dealing with eluded with shell is they as a contractor quantified the risk and we had to deal with it so is that level of transparency lost. Right and you see that on the schedule for you on row 8 load analysis and procurement risk assessment. Okay so well be talking about what if any kind of reserves would be appropriate. Right what the market needs are for us demonstrating security and financial backing. Okay. And the october we also had under the prior plan there was kind of a final approval and we never got there. Right. This would be the october october date when it comes back in its completeness and we say go or no go . Yes. Okay thank you. Your welcome. All good questions. Any other questions . I just i imagine well have another more flushed out version of this timeline as we go and i think its important it doesnt really seem transparent where the Program Components get reviewed and decided on and i understand its sort of underlined under Program Rates and policy approvals. Id be happy to make the full detailed schedule available to you but for today theres so much content it doesnt show up on the screen what im referring to is the expanded version so april 14th is the schedule for the Program Design discussion. Great its a lot to carry the Business Plan piece plus all of the commercial customers all the details of cca and how it relates to revenue and programatically and the rates and the policy conversation with the board so if theres a way to kind of consolidate that and understand that and i dont know if its via a timeline or i think the challenge is that were doing the Business Plan. Right. And weve been talking about how cca can play a role in that and so were going to plan on you know unveiling that when we talk about the Business Plan as we talk about the line of business cca well talk about you know how we phase it in because that goes to the risk and talk about what is the mix that that were recommending because with the additional head room that you have on the initial offering what we want to do do we want to make it more greener if possible or do you want to focus on local build out . Theres discussions to be had on that and if we had a second offering the opt in of a darker green we need to talk about that and what is that price what is the mix and how many projects do we want to be able to support so were going to have to have those conversations but what i think is really helpful this time is that were going to at least on the initial offering that people are automatically enrolled in, were going to lead with affordability and were going to set that price and figure out what is the best mixture of green versus Job Opportunities under that. And one thing that might help on the schedule is theres a whole but theres a whole bunch of work in here that doesnt that doesnt really involve the commission. If you could tease out of here when the commission is going to be considering which questions. Yes, absolutely. That would be helpful. And im also hoping, too that you will have marin and sonoma in your back pocket. And yes and now now lancaster is now launching and weve continued to have a relationship with the staff and consultants working with them as we move forward definitely trying to learn from their experiences and incorporate that. And if i may, to your point commissioner moran of highlighting on on a calendar where the commission has a role, i might suggest that we also include where the board and where other outside decisionmaking entities have a role like california puc who is going to have to accept our revised Implementation Plan because those are some outside of our control activities and i think it might be good to highlight. Thank you. I too want to commend you for this very fast turn around to come up with this as well as our general manager kelly it was quite a task because theres so many elements that i think most people are unaware of so thank you. Thank you and the thanks go to my staff so ill pass that along. Good. Id like to call for Public Comment now. Jason freed . Hi jason freed executive officer of lafco. Im not going to repeat what the supervisor said earlier but i want to thank the sfpuc staff this is a different model and approach than what San Francisco had been looking at doing in the old version and they definitely took that model to heart. There are different key points now that didnt exist before and other key points in my opinion are not as relevant as they once were. And so we know what our base energy costs are going to be and determining staff costs for the administrative part of the program and thats the key part to get to and based on what supervisor avalos said i agree with the timeline. It shouldnt be a political decision but whats the best time of the year for San Francisco and when is the best time to launch and if february is what staff is saying im fine with that and the drafting of the rfo and that that can be done while the process is going through the board of supervisors and theres no reason if we worked with the board and mayor and everybody is basically on board but its just going through the process why cant we draft the rfos and the day everything is finalized and set in stone and approved by the board and mayor so taking that 1 month that you are drafting the rfo and putting it into the board process means its 1 month quicker to get to the procurement contract and what can the rate potentially be and all of those items starting with 16 and move down and go back up to item 4 so when you have 16, 17 and 18 on your more detailed version and going up to item 4, all of those get moved up a month and the other thing ill put in play on this is also making sure while were drafting the rfo and im not going to disagree that 90 days is the correct window to have i believe that the bos is going to move this quickly through and if i were a betting man id say its not going to take 90 days probably closer to to 60 days. You should have that window be within the 60 days that way when the time comes you can get the rfo out quicker and it will save us 2 months off of the power procurement process and i think its key and critical and im not going to disagree with keeping the the 90 days in the timeline but be ready for it to to go quicker that way were getting everything done and i had two more comments making sure while staff is checking in, if theres a window where they are not checking in, we should make sure its being agendized and there will be regular questions that should be asked and regular times to check in and finally ensuring or engaging with labor as quickly as possible and those discussions and id encourage us to get those discussions going tomorrow but calling them tomorrow and saying can we get these meetings rolling again and starting that process again. Thank you. Thank you jason. Next speaker is eric brooks. Are you starting the clock already . Hi commissioners. Eric brooks San Francisco green party our city San Francisco and cocoordinator and first ill say the good part which is this is pretty goodlooking document. This is getting towards what we need we need to happen. A quick side note something that will speed all of this up im sure i do not know why were not talking about hiring kim malcolm back. Her work is stellar and we need to hire her back and that will save time on on job search and im happy that director kelly feels like he has the capacity for this but we need somebody who really knows this well to oversee these next several months and finally the one thing that advocates are going to have a pretty serious difficulty with in the schedule in that were not differentiating between final rates and not to exceed rates which we almost set in august of 2013 and the final rate cant be set until it says on the schedule however we were told by staff of sfpuc and lafco that build out planning and local Installation Program cannot begin until we know the ballpark of what rate were going to charge so we know how much money weve got to work with so the advocates are going to to insist is that the one thing you change about this is to get your rate payer advocate committee to approve that so you can finally approve it here at at at the commission as quickly as possible. We know what the not to exceed rate is going to be. Its going to be the same as pge and even though the final rate will come later its critical to start that planning now and planning for the jobs that will be created by by the build out and planning for behind the meter installations which are not well flushed out yet in the plan creating more jobs and all of that depends on having a clear setting of the not to exceed rate so that planners can start digging into the build out planning right now and were going to be showing more concrete job numbers right away and definitely id call our labor friend on the commission to insist that those not to exceed rates be set immediately. Thank you. Thank you eric. Can i make a quick comment . Certainly. Because i know that may be a theme coming up because that was the roadblock that was presented to launch clean power sf so, you know, like jason and barbara said really we know what the not to exceed rate is and i think whats going to be challenging is setting not the rate for the light green but the darker green so we need to have some conversations about that but in our detailed schedule we have june or may is the date that we would hopefully come back and talk about the program and also the not to exceed rate hopefully for the light green but also it would be nice for the dark green as well and so thats on the schedule but thats not the critical item on the schedule anymore. I think it was april actually. Was it april . All right. I thought april was the first one and the decision in october or september . May basically 2 months. One other point of clarification on that part of the steps preceding that is the rate fairness board and thats the process that by charter has to happen before we can bring it to you. What is the legal significance of setting the not to exceed rate . Im here today because im concerned about the future. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity at the moment. San francisco must do its part to combat Climate Change and reduce Carbon Emissions and launching clean power sf is the best way for San Francisco to do this and in addition it will bring local jobs to the area and bring San Francisco to the forefront of the Climate Change prevention movement and give San Francisco i san franciscans the type of energy they can excuse me and provide an Energy Option for consumers and in conclusion i urge the puc to set the rates and launch clean power San Francisco as soon as possible. Thank you. Ted holsman . Thank you very much commissioners. Im mr. Holsman a resident of san San Francisco. I want to echo other folks in thanking the staff of the puc for putting together this amazing document especially on the relatively short timeline and its really great to see this laid out in this detail and we look forward to seeing the full document as well and also appreciate the general manager kellys comment about making it a realistic and conservative timeline. The important thing to remember with a conservative timeline is that you might actually beat it if you are lucky and weve heard from mr. Freed and

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