Continue to will investigate each and every instance of illegal voting. Double voting, phelan voting, people voting outofstate. Outofstate. I want to remind members of a few matters, some of them required by the regulations accompanying House Resolution 965, which established the framework for Remote Committee proceedings. First, members are reminded to on atheir video functions all times, even when they are not recognized by the chair. Members are also reminded that they are responsible for muting and unmuting themselves and to mute themselves after they have finished speaking. Staff have been instructed not to mute members except when a member is not being recognized and there is inadvertent background noise. Members are further reminded that they may only attend one remote hearing at a time. If you are participating today, please remain with us during the hearing. Members should try to avoid coming in and out of the hearings. Particularly during the questions. If during the hearing
In critical swing states. The chairman of the Electronics Giant samsung has died 78 year old lee cullen he had been in hospital for the last 6 years after suffering a heart attack in. The United Nations and the African Union the have condemned a brutal attack on schoolchildren in southwest cameroon at least 8 students were killed on saturday and 13 of those seriously injured the attack happened in the city of. Schapelle reports. A gruesome attack on children who were only trying to get an education armed men carrying guns and machetes enters a bilingual school on saturday saw students in class and opened fire. The students each 12 to 14 years didnt stand a chance isabel dions daughter was shot in the stomach and fortunately survived when i run in there and i made my child she was helpless and was she was shelton one police said and i told him it is only a gun see if you know. This act of violence against a school and School Children could constitute a crime against humanity no group ha
States. France recalled its ambassador from turkey after a chip or the one says frances president needed a mental check for muslims. The United Nations and the African Union have condemned a brutal attack on School Children in southwest cameroon at least 8 students were killed on saturday and 13 others seriously injured the attack happened in the city of. Schapelle reports. A gruesome attack on children who were only trying to get an education armed men carrying guns and machetes entered a bilingual school on saturday saw students in class and opened fire. On the students age 12 to 14 years didnt stand a chance isabel dions daughter was shot in the stomach and fortunately survived when i run in there and i made my child she. Said and i told him it is only. This act of violence against a school and School Children could constitute a crime against humanity no group has claimed responsibility if a way could i have always felt. Its unclear whether the attack was linked to separate to spide
A lecture. At the age of 78. The United Nations and the African Union have condemned a brutal attack on schoolchildren in south west cameroon at least 8 students were killed on saturday and 13 others injured the attack happened in the city of come under schapelle revolts. A gruesome attack on children who were only trying to get an education armed men carrying guns and machetes entered a bilingual school on saturday saw students in class and opened fire. Then the students each 12 to 14 years didnt stand a chance isabel dions daughter was shot in the stomach and fortunately survived when i run in there and i made my child she was helpless and was she was shelton woman he said and i told him it is only. This act of violence against a school and School Children could constitute a crime against humanity no group has claimed responsibility. Its always shouting. Its unclear whether the attack was linked to separate spiders active in the south west and northwest 2 English Speaking provinces t
Critical swing states. The chairman of the Electronics Giant samsung has died 78 year old lady cotton he had been in hospital for the last 6 years after suffering a major heart attack. The United Nations and the African Union have condemned a brutal attack on schoolchildren in southwest cameroon at least 8 students were killed on saturday and 13 others seriously injured in the attack happened in the city of under reports. A gruesome attack on children who were only trying to get an education armed men carrying guns and machetes entered a bilingual school on saturday saw students in class and opened fire. Then the students age 12 to 14 years didnt stand a chance isabel dions daughter was shot in the stomach and fortunately survived when i run in there and i made my child she. Said and i told him it is only. This act of violence against a school and School Children could constitute a crime against humanity no group has claimed responsibility. Its unclear whether the attack was linked to