today. that remains true today. despite the trump organization s promises that they wouldn t do that anymore. and today s report is not just that trump s golf clubs are continuing to employ undocumented workers even as the president makes his vitriol and hatred of undocumented immigrants the center piece of his re-election campaign, the center piece of this reporting today is that the managers at trump s clubs not only hired people who were undocumented immigrants they explicitly told these employees, these undocumented immigrants, that they should get illegal papers to fake their status. one undocumented worker told the post that his manager a man named frank sanzo, quote, instructed the crew to buy fake social security numbers and green cards in new york so they would have something to put in the trump organization files. the employee said he bought his papers for $50 in 2002. frank said, you can go buy a
post date the affirmations from the trump organizations in the past that they wouldn t do this anymore. it does. you re right. in january, which again was three to four years after president trump had sort of built a political career on the idea that undocumented immigrants were a threat to american jobs, american lives, the trump organization at that point three or four years later undertook an effort to sort of purge their ranks of undocumented workers. they found a lot of them many of whom had been working for them ten years or more. they said at the time, look at us. we re now doing the right thing, we re auditing their documents and getting rid of folks that shouldn t be here. what we learned with this story was that was not a complete purge. for these folks who work for this in house construction crew, mind you, these are very valuable workers. they know how to build stone rock walls. they know how to build everything to the trump organization specifications. these valuable wor
now, that effort by the trump administration was of course stopped by the supreme court earlier this year when the court in part upheld a lower court ruling from the southern district of new york. that ruling had found that the trump administration s decision to add a citizenship question to the census to change the census was against the law. because the decision to add that question was, quote, arbitrary and capricious. basically the trump administration decided they were going to change the census and add that question for their own reasons only later they tried to shoe horn a false rationale on to it for why they needed to do it. the supreme court didn t buy it. well, now a similar situation seems to be playing out at the u.s. agriculture department. for the past few weeks, we ve been covering the way the agriculture department under president trump has been trying to decimate science at that agency. presumably because scientists at that agency keep producing work that has inconven
be noted endorsed donald trump for president, they did not like that criticism against president trump and that column and they responded the following day by making up some fake tweets that they attributed to mr. obeidallah and published those online which made it look like mr. obeldallah was actually a terrorist, these fake tweets where he appeared to be taking credit for various violent terrorist attacks around the globe using this false information they put online. they then directed white supremacist trolls and neo nazis arountd wor around the world to go get mr. obeidallah and threaten him. you can t necessarily do that. in june a federal judge handed down a $4.1 million judgment against the daily stormer, that neo nazi website and the guy who runs it ordering the webb site and publisher to pay
so like i said right at the top there, happy friday. just a little something to hold in your heart this weekend. literally, the neo nazis and the white supremacists who did what they did in charlottesville, not only are they being sued by the people who got hurt there, but those white supremacists have just been ordered by a judge to pay the victims attorneys fees which means the neo nazis are now being ordered by a court to pay for the privilege of themselves being sued and to pay the costs of the attorneys who are suing them. hold that in your heart a little bit. let that keep you warm this weekend. because of president trump s attitude toward this particular type of violent ek tremism, because of his public indifference or even indulgence of this type of extremism and even this type of violent extremism, there is now this super unsettling prospect we re confronting now as a country particularly in the wake of el paso that the federal government