post date the affirmations from the trump organizations in the past that they wouldn't do this anymore. >> it does. you're right. in january, which again was three to four years after president trump had sort of built a political career on the idea that undocumented immigrants were a threat to american jobs, american lives, the trump organization at that point three or four years later undertook an effort to sort of purge their ranks of undocumented workers. they found a lot of them many of whom had been working for them ten years or more. they said at the time, look at us. we're now doing the right thing, we're auditing their documents and getting rid of folks that shouldn't be here. what we learned with this story was that was not a complete purge. for these folks who work for this in house construction crew, mind you, these are very valuable workers. they know how to build stone rock walls. they know how to build everything to the trump organization specifications. these valuable workers, to them it was like nothing happened. workers are being purged at