hurt, he pays most of hisos o salary toward doing that so you don t have to save him. you did say to yourself trying to kill them. bill is my friend. b saudi king may pay for the k ground zero mosque project toero be moved to the west village. greg, you won t have to worry about opening your gay bar. actually i might move it down to the west village. a there are eight million gayst bars there. so this is about foiling my plan? i think it is. it isli a direct response ity is a shot at you is what it i is. not the good kind. sho i think you should open a muslim bar at ground zero. that s a good idea. greg, you said all of this comes from manhattan lawyerhaan dudley gapin, a great guy. g never heard of him. thought i would give him aoughtu shout out. in case i get in trouble andle a get pulled over on the way home. have you ever met a bad met dudley?
as far as celebrities speakingt, out, celebrities are mostly like anti-defamation groups.s they take simple stands for black and white issues and never get their hands dirty. h i hate lady gaga. she is an idiot. as far as her tears and pride are concerned, i also have tears and pride when i heardehe her music.becaus tears because of how it soundsvr and pride because i neverf bought an album. so it is an endorsement. wouldn t it be nice if people consumed by this issue, this narrow issue actually a dam gave a dam about other areas of the military? absolutely, and they don t. they are no nowhere on these issues. i wish somebody would painty them as pro troops and pro war like they deserve to be. er if i ever have children whichki luckily foreman kind probably not, i look forward to the dayrl when i can proudly tell them about this courageous littlembot