really happy to have yo here at 10:13 am today, 10:1 a.m., exactly, kids in nashville tennessee all walked out of their classes look at that 10:13 is when the first 9-1- calls started coming into th police department when we coul go today one week last week when th shooting unfolded at the covenant school. an elementary school in that city police today said that in th roughly 14 minutes that it too for that school shooting t relapse, the shooter fired 126 rifle rounds and 26 rounds fro a handgun. hundred and 52 rounds al together in 14 minutes to honor the three little kids and the three school staff who were murdered in their school, monday last week, and to deman legal change to stop gun violence, literally thousand of tennessee students walked out of their classes today and in some schools, they left their classrooms and the rallied outside their school that opened in a whole bunch o different schools in tennessee at some schools today, they sa a walk in instead of a wal
news it was true then, it s true now, i think it has eternal value if you re a long time watche of the show, you will know wha the rule is which is - watch what they do, not what they say and in today s news, we have a excellent example of why tha rule is important. as he approaches his arrest an indictment tomorrow, forme president donald trump has reportedly told associates tha he welcomes the spectacle of what is going to happe tomorrow specifically, he welcomes th idea of being paraded in front of the cameras for his arraignment. he s reportedly described th proceeding as being a potential, quote, fun experience to him the new york times reporting that he has mused aloud on whether or not he should smile for the cameras, a smile for his mugshot. his allies are also saying thi indictment, this arrest is going to be a big boost fo him. it will be great for his
terms of how much says this is going to make among the nois among us and how it will be technical document it might, especially on a complex case like this, comple the district attorney brad wil be giving a press conference a about 3:30 so what a perfect way to get a press conference that actually have a copy of the indictmen that will be distributed to th press and they will have the facts of the indictment there. and so good way, typically a entitlement just misses th charge, the day that the - the speaking indictment is exactly how you defined it it s much more detail about th facts. every count. there might even be a preamble at the beginning of th indictment the sort of outline what i going on at least their theory of thi case against mr. trump and i expect that that wil happen i have no clue what the 30 counts are, but i do expect it will be a speaking indictmen
involves mr. trump and will be a lots of security outside the courthouse and inside th courtroom. the court clerk will call th case into the record, th people of the state of new yor versus donald trump, give ou the indictment number. the prosecution on the other side will file and serve a cop of the indictment. so when they serve a copy or one of the other attorneys, that will be the first tim they will be made aware of all of the charges against mr. trump. and the trash will arrange mr. trump on the indictment like any other defendant that happens on the daily basis i that courthouse. and then this could be the wil card, 99.9% of defendants sa absolutely nothing other tha not guilty at the arraignment. the attorneys speak on their behalf i would anticipate mr. trump will speak in the well of th courtroom, everything he wil say will probably be outside o
trump s lawyers are arguing to the judge that cameras shoul not be allowed but judges also due to decid whether to grad medi organizations request to unsea the indictment before th arraignment. before trump appears in cour tomorrow that said, it s less than 24 hours away so we are getting close to that being moved bu it s always conceivable but th judge could decide to unseal the indictment ahead of that 2:15 pm arraignment tomorrow we will be watching. here s one other thing to watch, though in addition to those media access issues, the question of cameras and mugshot and when w get to see the indictment an all that, in addition to all that stuff that is currently being litigated and decided by the judge, the other issue tha may end up getting quickly litigated is the question of a potential gag order. trump has issued a barrage o arguably threatening statement concerning the judge and the case and the manhattan distric attorney, prosecutor in this case threatening a, judge threatenin