Income tax notice: There have been some instances of people receiving a fake income tax. Save yourself from this scam and learn how to spot a fake income tax notice. For example: a real income tax notice will never have a payment link inside it. Read here to know more about real income tax notices.
Bombay High CourtHSBC Bank Carrying On Bona Fide Banking Business In Mauritius Exempt From Tax In India: Bombay High Court Case Title: Commissioner of Income Tax Versus M/s. HSBC Bank.
According to the CBIC, the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) recently uncovered a concerning trend where fraudulent actors are fabricating and dispatching counterfeit summons to taxpayers.
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has issued a cautionary advisory to taxpayers regarding fake summons sent by fraudsters. Taxpayers are urged to verify the authenticity of any summons received by checking the official CBIC website and reporting suspicious notices to the jurisdiction office immediately. This advisory comes after the Directorate General of GST Intelligence (DGGI) observed instances of individuals sending fake summons to taxpayers, intending to commit fraud.
Taxpayers can check the veracity of any communication from DGGI/CBIC by using the ‘VERIFY CBIC-DIN’ window on the CBIC’s website. - BEWARE! Fraudsters Are Sending FAKE Summons For GST Violations, Here's How To Identify Them