Straightaway for the election now and today is a big day in the state of california. Last day to register if you want to register online its the last day. If you want to mail in that registration request, its the last day it has to be postmarked by today. From there, things are pretty simple. The county registrar Voters Office will send your ballot to home. You fill it out, complete it and drop it in the drop box in your county. So far in the city of San Francisco, about 100,000 ballots have been delivered and an estimated 23 of all registered voters in the city have already cast their ballot. The Election Department there is calling that a pretty good turnout so far. A lot to keep in mind. You have all of that information on our website, as well as a link if you want to check the status of your registration, you can do on our website as well. We are in the final stretch so do what you can to cast your vote. Cierra johnson, nbc bay area news. Just get out and vote. The Supreme Court sa
Thank you. That passes. Item three is the directors report. Commissioners, grant colfax, the health director. A few things in the directors report. We had the pleasure of participating in an announcement with senator scott wiener and mayor breed with reintroducing the Safe Injection Sites. The senator plans to reintroduce this bill in december. As you know that Safe Injection Sites have been a priority for the department and in alignment with mayor breeds priorities. We need these evidencebased proven interventions more than ever as fentanyl continues its uncrease in San Francisco and we have estimated that weve had more than 470 Overdose Deaths in the first month of 2020. And so this is a muchneeded intervention and it remains a priority and able to participate with the senator and the mayor in announcing the fact that that the bill will be reintroduced. We continue to encourage everyone in the city to get a flu shot now more than ever. This is certainly not the year to skip on a flu
Television company as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett was back on capitol hill free third day in a row to answer another round of questions at her confirmation hearing. This time, Committee Members had up to 20 minutes each to question judge barrett on her legal philosophy and other issues including abortion, Voting Rights and the Affordable Care act. Good morning, welcome, judge. Welcome to all my colleagues. It is a long day but i thought a productive day. We have 20 minute rounds and hopefully we can be done in time before dinner tonight and we will plow ahead and have a few breaks along the way. So, a couple observations from yesterday. Theres an opportunity here to thinkinghe nominees to the extent she can share her thoughts without deciding a particular case that comes before her. Senator harris who are respect suggested you were not candid and judge barrett, i could not disagree more. I have been here
Unfiltered view of government. Created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Nominee amyourt Coney Barrett was back on capitol hill for a third day in a row to answer another round of questions at her confirmation hearing. This time, Committee Members had up to 20 minutes each to question judge merrick on her judge barrett on her legal philosophies and other issues. Good morning, welcome, judge. Welcome to all my colleagues. It is a long day but i thought a productive day. We have 20 minute rounds and hopefully we can be done in time before dinner tonight and we will plow ahead and have a few breaks along the way. So, a couple observations from yesterday. Theres an opportunity here to thinkinghe nominees to the extent she can share her thoughts without deciding a particular case that comes before her. Senator harris who are respect suggested you were not candid and judge barrett, i could not disagree more. I hav
Society on highprofile cases. The death of Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg and Amy Coney Barrett replacement. Robert barnes of the Washington Post moderated the event. Good afternoon, everybody. Ederalist society and director of our Faculty Division. On behalf of the federalist of the Federalist Society, the society of Faculty Division and practice groups, which are cosponsoring the ,iew e court term. Whether you are watching over zoom, youtube, facebook, twitter, or our webpage, we are delighted to hav before we turn to our discussion of cases and other momentous aspects of the up say a fewm, i want to words about Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg who died two weeks ago. Ginsburg 37justice years ago when i was a law clerk on the d c circuit and she was a judge there. Judges are randomly assigned a panel on the courts of appeal and my boss, then judge scalia, was always delighted when they had a panel together. Justice ginsburg was an extraordinary woman, extraordinary justice, extraordinary law