maybe one night we can do that. greg: summer water sounds like a name of a stripper. [laughter] kimberly: this is a family celebration. jesse, maybe you can probably not. jesse: favorite alcohol? i like it all. i really like moscow mules, that is my drink of choice. it has been my drink of choice for the last two years straight. kimberly: in the summer and winter? jesse: i don t discriminate discriminate. greg: i don t like that they put it in a copper cup. jesse: i like that. greg: i taste the copper. jesse: you have to get a better cup. greg: you need a clear glass for your drink. kimberly: but then, it s not a moscow mule. you would probably like it because it has the ginger, vodka, lime. so, one time on amazon, i saw they had the cups for sale, and i wanted to make this at home. i have to get the other ingredients. [laughter] i like the idea.
juan: that just made george clooney a billion dollars. [laughs] kimberly: call me, george. how about this? if it is past supper i know you like to eat like i do, what do you want to eat? what is your snack? if you are like, it is late? dana: like after the show. it s late. juan: the problem is that i like ice cream. kimberly: you do like ice cream. greg: is a problem for some of us. kimberly: you like everything, garbage can metabolism. jesse: i will have cereal late at night. juan: cap n crunch. jesse: whatever i can get my hands on. dana: i will have a rose i don t usually eat after the show because [laughs] this one time we were at one of the conventions, i had to work really late and then afterward, one of our colleagues said, would you like to go for a drink afterwards? i said, sure. i had to wait so long to join her. they were bringing alcohol and i thought, i really need to eat or else i will get sick. but when they brought the food
juan: i agree. that is what greg said, too. kimberly: i think that will be the headline of it. dana: the idea of the country was founded on that god provides inalienable rights to all of us and that america has held true to that and that wes have not gone after countries, not started wars where we are trying to get other people blood and treasure, we are just trying to provide liberty, and i think they would be proud of that. juan: a beacon of democracy. i would agree. this is going to be a little self-serving, and i wrote a book on this very topic, and i came to the same conclusion that greg and kimberlys did which is that they would be stunned that it still exists. their constitution hasn t been messed with. they built in a structure allowing for flexibility. i gave a little talk in which i say, if they showed up right
look at the top food questions we have received on facebook. i will begin with you because is the this is the only food that you consume.. what is your drink of choice, meaning alcohol? greg: fourth of july is everyday somewhere. you should be able to eat like this every day.. that is what i do. i always have ribs, barbecued food, that is all i eat every day. i have pretty low cholesterol for now. my favorite drink, i like red wine, it is good for your heart. when i m feeling in a tropical mood, i will have a dark and stormy. with gosling rum, ginger beer, bitters, and just a slice of lime. i make an excellent version. i make it myself. kimberly: i would love to try one of those. greg: i happen to be free, kimberly. i would love to make you a dark and stormy. we will have a dark and stormy
great because they can protect each other, and everybody respects each other, kind of, because of the second amendment. and the first amendment is stil, around. they are like, dude, we did pretty well! and they high five and they wouldn t even know how to high five but they would feel the urge to high five just because they did such a great job. then, we would go bar hopping and i would pay for all their drinks. juan: that s a lot of drinking. jesse: that s a lot of a ale. kimberly: a lot of stream of consciousness. greg: i would give them powder for their wigs. among other things. juan: introduce them to a couple of chicks. [laughter] dana: this is an awesome segment. the question leads you to think, would they be disappointed because we are at each other s throats? but actually, way back when, they were at each other s throats. greg: [laughs] yes. dana: i agree, 241 years, you can t conceive of that now. what the world would look like. i think if they thought it was s