>> juan: that just made george clooney a billion dollars. [laughs] >> kimberly: call me, george. how about this? if it is past supper -- i know you like to eat like i do, what do you want to eat? what is your snack? if you are like, it is late? >> dana: like after the show. it's late. >> juan: the problem is that i like ice cream. >> kimberly: you do like ice cream. >> greg: is a problem for some of us. >> kimberly: you like everything, garbage can metabolism. >> jesse: i will have cereal late at night. >> juan: cap'n crunch. >> jesse: whatever i can get my hands on. >> dana: i will have a rose -- i don't usually eat after the show because -- [laughs] this one time we were at one of the conventions, i had to work really late and then afterward, one of our colleagues said, would you like to go for a drink afterwards? i said, sure. i had to wait so long to join her. they were bringing alcohol and i thought, i really need to eat or else i will get sick. but when they brought the food