great because they can protect each other, and everybody respects each other, kind of, because of the second amendment. and the first amendment is stil, around. they are like, dude, we did pretty well! and they high five and they wouldn't even know how to high five but they would feel the urge to high five just because they did such a great job. then, we would go bar hopping and i would pay for all their drinks. >> juan: that's a lot of drinking. >> jesse: that's a lot of a ale. >> kimberly: a lot of stream of consciousness. >> greg: i would give them powder for their wigs. among other things. >> juan: introduce them to a couple of chicks. [laughter] >> dana: this is an awesome segment. the question leads you to think, would they be disappointed because we are at each other's throats? but actually, way back when, they were at each other's throats. >> greg: [laughs] yes. >> dana: i agree, 241 years, you can't conceive of that now. what the world would look like. i think if they thought it was still standing, that we were the