political party and so forth. but they were all open about it. again, is it very, very ugly? you move into a period of and that lasted from about 1780 to the civil war. let s jump forward to the early part of the last century, the progressive movement. well, they devoured much of our government, the ideology did. it does today.f they wanted to professionalize it. they wanted standards. they said we needed to be more objective.. but, they said, we need to you know,, we need to have a handful of elites, a handful of people who understand the country and the world through which all of this will be laundered, which is the way they view government too. the people are stupid, they re plebes, too busy, too ignorant. let us tell them what to think. today s media, that s their heritage, they ve taken it a step further. they re social activists. they re being taught this in journalism school. it s not enough to report the facts. it s not enough to be objective. they argue, whatever that mean
moscow, they got a pulitzer prize for the reporting, covered up what stalin had committed against the ukraine. this is the new york times, can any other in the business survive that. let alone be called the paper of record? all of the news fit to print. the new york times still hadn t significantly and seriously dealt with this. it keepsfi the pulitzer prize. two massive genocides in the last century. you don t find a lot about it in the pages of the new york times at the time. that s the kind of media that we re talking about. sean: that s what makes this book soo good. you bring it from its history to modern day.ri we re going to continue the great one, mark levine on freedom of the press. by the o way, amazon.com, bookstores everywhere, on my website, hannity.com. when we come back, studies showing the anti-trump media bias is real. and one thing is for sure, the biassed press never treated obama this way, just the opposite. we ll ask mark levine about this as we continue to
we have to push an agenda. some of them are out of the closet and they admit that we need to push the liberal and progressive agenda. some of them, when you challenge them, they say you ear attacking freedom of the press. you are attacking and they pretend that they re still objective when they re not. survey after survey, study after study shows half of the country, the vast majority of republicans, the vast majority of people who lean conservative or are conservative, do not trust the media.. there s a reason for it. another half do. democrats, liberals think the media is pretty darn good. so, when you lose the trust of half of the country, you re not doing your job. and they re not doing their job. they play to a niche. even the word objective is debated. objective in the terms of the the journalists or the process? so they pretty much surrendered that. o you know, a couplees of months ago, chuck todd on meet the press he declared that man made climateu change is a fact. and we
attacks and murders. prosecutors to strip the group of it s local but in march the judge said that would violate their freedom of speech and association. friday, the judge refused to strip the trademark of the logo. now back to hannity. during the mueller witch hu witch hunt, destroy trump media mob rhysterically, breathlessly, running with one fake story after another. pushing a false narrative, per psi theories about trump-russia collusion. we have four investigations now including the mueller report that concludes it didn t happen. but it went on for two long solid years plus. coremember this. we re about to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what russia wants. ass if there are no shoes on the trump human centipede that are not about russia. russia, russia, russia. this cloud about collusion of russia will hang over him no
evil outt there, somehow they y to tie the president into it. but this is particularly pernicious. the democrat party has a growing tolerance for anti-semetic bigotry. nancy pelosi would not propose a resolution to name her as the anti-semimite n she repeatedly shows she is. the history is out there for everyone to see. the same thing. keith ellison, same thing. and their closeness with farrakhan and sharpton in my opinion, same thing. the democrat party has a high tolerance for it. and so then the media has a high tolerance for it. in other words, you found them and you just pointed out how they were covering up. now, if you said it was david duke, they wouldn t have any tolerance for it. we don t. but because these are democrats. because they are the first two women muslims in the house,