Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse WAtters on the Judge JeAnine pirro, jessicA tArlov, dAnA perino, And greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new York City, And this is the five. DonAld trumps scorching KAmAlA HArris on the CAmpAign TrAil while working his chArm directly with voters. The former president mAking one of his clAssic RetAil Pit Stops At A store in pennsylvAniA, buying A big old bAg of popcorn And helping out A mom fight the scorch of KAmAlA InflAtion by slipping her 100. Trump then lighting up Vp HArris on the economy while out in georgiA. WAtch. We will hAve A reAdy, no tAx on tips. No tAx on overtime. The Word TAriff properly used is A beAutiful word. Under my leAdership, we Are going to tAke other countries jobs. By contrAst, listen to the deAl, KAmAlA HArris, hAve you heArd of her . This womAn is grossly incompetent. Grossly incompetent. She is cAlled the tAx queen. They love her in other countries becAuse she forces everybody out of our country into their hAnds. Jesse trump Also pr
Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse WAtters on the Judge JeAnine pirro, jessicA tArlov, dAnA perino, And greg gutfeld. Its 5 00 in new York City, And this is the five. DonAld trumps scorching KAmAlA HArris on the CAmpAign TrAil while working his chArm directly with voters. The former president mAking one of his clAssic RetAil Pit Stops At A store in pennsylvAniA, buying A big old bAg of popcorn And helping out A mom fight the scorch of KAmAlA InflAtion by slipping her 100. Trump then lighting up Vp HArris on the economy while out in georgiA. WAtch. We will hAve A reAdy, no tAx on tips. No tAx on overtime. The Word TAriff properly used is A beAul word. Under my leAdership, we Are going to tAke other countries jobs. By contrAst, listen to the deAl, KAmAlA HArris, hAve you heArd of her . This womAn is grossly incompetent. Grossly incompetent. She is cAlled the tAx queen. They love her in other countries becAuse she forces everybody out of our country into their hAnds. Jesse trump Also provin
Everyone. Thanks so much for joining us this morning. Welcome to Sunday Morning futures, im maria bartiromo. Today, Israel Tax on hezbollah and destroys its Leadership Capping a week of Retaliation Fire against the Terrorist Group. Coming up, former secretary the of state Mike Pompeo on a pivotal week on the war on israel and its impact. Plus, deputy prime Minister Antonio tajani as israel slashes illegal immigration under prime minister Giorgia Meloni. Let me ask you about immigration, because you have talked about 1,000 illegal immigrants coming in every day . There are two to difficult situations. Libya, we know, tunisia is a nation that is risking [inaudible] what the traffickers are doing is incredible. I mean, this organization, they are becoming always more powerful. And they use their power and the money they do also a games the state. We cannot allow mafia to to decide whos coming to our countries. Maria coming up, the bidenharris Open Border and its deadly consequences on ame
Thanngk you for joining us. I am maria. Ezbollah and destroys its Leadership Capping a week of Retaliation Fire against the Terrorist Group. Coming up, former secretary the of state Mike Pompeo on a pivotal week on the war on israel and its impact. Plus, deputy prime Minister Antonio tajani as israel slashes illegal immigration under prime minister Giorgia Meloni. Let me ask you about immigration, because you have talked about 1,000 illegal immigrants coming in every day . There are two to difficult situations. Libya, we know, tunisia is a nation that is risking [inaudible] what the traffickers are doing is incredible. I mean, this organization, they are becoming always more powerful. And they use their power and the money they do also a games the state. We cannot allow mafia to to decide whos coming to our countries. Maria coming up, the bidenharris Open Border and its deadly consequences on america. Texas Governor Greg Abbott on the Dangerous Venezuelan Gang Tren De Aragua Raging Thr
And welcome to hannIty and. TonIght, full Debate AnalysIs ReactIon In just a moment, along wIth my thoughts on abc. DIsneys dIsgraceful polItIcal bIas. FIrst, It has been 23 years sInce september 11, 2001, when we lost 2977 or our fellow amerIcans murdered by RadIcal IslamIc terrorIsts. We have lost many thousands others from 911 related Illnesses ever sInce, and the sIngle worst Terror Attack on amerIcan soIl. So much has changed that horrIfIc day. But the threat of terrorIsm, It remaIns very real In afghanIstan. Al qaIda Is rebuIldIng In proxImIty to bIllIons of dollars of yes, u. S. Weapons that joe and kamala left behInd. All after bIden and harrIs abandoned that country. What was the most dIsastrous wIthdrawal In AmerIcan HIstory . But remember, kamala was the last In the room, and shes very comfortable wIth that dIsastrous decIsIon. But back here at home, IndIvIdual was lInked to IsIs or other terror groups. They are now crossIng our wIde open southern border In alarmIng numbers.