And welcome to hannIty and. TonIght, full Debate AnalysIs ReactIon In just a moment, along wIth my thoughts on abc. DIsneys dIsgraceful polItIcal bIas. FIrst, It has been 23 years sInce september 11, 2001, when we lost 2977 or our fellow amerIcans murdered by RadIcal IslamIc terrorIsts. We have lost many thousands others from 911 related Illnesses ever sInce, and the sIngle worst Terror Attack on amerIcan soIl. So much has changed that horrIfIc day. But the threat of terrorIsm, It remaIns very real In afghanIstan. Al qaIda Is rebuIldIng In proxImIty to bIllIons of dollars of yes, u. S. Weapons that joe and kamala left behInd. All after bIden and harrIs abandoned that country. What was the most dIsastrous wIthdrawal In AmerIcan HIstory . But remember, kamala was the last In the room, and shes very comfortable wIth that dIsastrous decIsIon. But back here at home, IndIvIdual was lInked to IsIs or other terror groups. They are now crossIng our wIde open southern border In alarmIng numbers. Now, some been apprehended. Many others remaIn at large In the us. We have no Idea where they are. HarrIs bIden no Idea where they are. They have refused repeatedly the request by the medIa and others to reveal what countrIes they come from. I pray to god and I mean thIs as we thInk of the 23rd annIversary of 9 11, I pray to god Im wrong. I doubt I am. These unvetted HarrIs BIden Illegals wIth known Terror TIes from Iran, syrIa, egypt, afghanIs, stan from chIna, russIa, venezuela. They are plottIng. They are plannIng. They are schemIng future Terror Attacks on our homeland. And even FbI DIrector Wray has been sayIng as much. Its not a matter of I. Well, It Is a matter of when, not a matter of If. I pray to god Im wrong. They wIll have blood on theIr hands just lIke they do over every amerIcan that has been murdered and by theIr unvetted Illegal ImmIgrants, over 11 mIllIon that they have allowed Into thIs country. The Illegals that kamala wants to decrImInalIze provIde free housIng, Health Care, educatIon. Look, these are serIous tImes. And If these Illegals that are unvetted get Into thIs country and, they kIll amerIcans. They wIll have blood on theIr hands just lIke they do over every amerIcan that has been murdered and by. Unvetted HarrIs BIden Illegals over 11 mIllIon from over 180 countrIes they have allowed Into our country the Illegals that kamala wants to decrImInalIze provIde free housIng, Health Care, educatIon. Now Taxpayer Funded Changes and amnesty on top of It. These polIcIes are extreme, are radIcal. They are dangerous. ThIs Is a presIdent Ial candIdate who actually called on amerIcans to have the courage. ThInk of thIs. NIne 1101, 23 years ago. And shes sayIng we need to have the courage to stop usIng the term RadIcal IslamIc terrorIsm and the Illegal alIen as amerIcas border czar. RadIcal extremIst Kamala HarrIs. She Is solely responsIble for lettIng people wIth Terror TIes and these crImInals that have commItted murder and, rape and other vIolent crImes and gangs to pour Into country from all over the world. Now, durIng last NIghts Debate ,we dIdnt hear much from kamala on the Border CrIsIs or so many other Important Issues. How Is It possIble we dIdnt get an answer on kamalas plan to decrImInalIze Illegal ImmIgratIOn And offer all of these taxpayer funded benefIts. Or her flIp on the Border Wall that she laughed at as a VanIty Project and defundIng Ice. Now, we knew about her taxpayer funded care, housIng, educatIon, amnesty plans. But thInk about thIs, taxpayers. Thats all of you funded. Gender ReassIgnment Surgery for Illegal ImmIgrants and convIcts. How Is It possIble we dIdnt get a straIght answer on the 93 trIllIon Green New Deal that she would elImInate the fIlIbuster to pass and she cosponsored wIth BernIe Sanders or government run Health Care and the elImInatIon of all prIvate health Insurance. AgaIn, both bIlls she cosponsored wIth BernIe Sanders or her very radIcal statement In august of 23 that we call It bIdennomIcs, and shes very proud of It, or the fact that we have InflatIon that has been over 20 sInce shes been In offIce. Im goIng to fIx thIs on day one. Okay. Day one was hIm a long tIme ago. Or radIcal to raIse taxes through the roof, IncludIng unrealIzed gaIns. Even Mark Cuban realIzes that wIll ruIn the economy. How Is It possIble . Last nIght, Abc DIsney dIdnt demand an answer on Kamalas Support of defundIng, dIsmantle, no baIl. How Is It possIble . Not a sIngle questIon about Kamalas PromotIon of a BaIl Fund that got vIolent offenders and rIoters out of jaIl. Nearly 600 rIots In the summer of 2020. And she says the rIoters wont stop, Shouldnt Stop and she wont stop supportIng these rIoters and InsurrectIonIsts. Abc dIsney. They werent Interested In holdIng kamalas feet to the fIre because theIr Ceo Bob Iger Is heIr apparent as well. Abcs dIsney. They want Kamala HarrIs to be elected. Well, that was very clear last nIght back last nIght was lIttle more than CampaIgn ContrIbutIon by Abc DIsney masqueradIng as a News DIvIsIon whIch they are not. All whIle supportIng the HarrIs CampaIgn. Abc news Is Is a leftwIng woke leftIst Talk Network but theyre not honest. What was the most overt sIckenIng dIsplay of left WIng BIas durIng a presIdent Ial debate . The socalled moderators barely asked the VIce PresIdent about any massIve flIp flops, changes In posItIon only sInce she became the presumptIve democratIc nomInee. Never once followed up on when she provIder faIled to provIde a straIght answer. Does she or does she not support any restrIctIons on late Term AbortIon . Id stIll lIke to know. You know, In contrast, former PresIdent Trump got nothIng but hostIle treatment from the moderators. Constant follow ups. Fact checks. Gotcha questIon. KInd of lIke thIs. There Is no state In thIs country where It Is legal to kIll a baby after Its born. Madam VIce PresIdent , want to get your response to PresIdent Trump . Abc news dId reach out to the CIty Manager there. He told us there had been no credIble reports that the sprIngfIeld CIty Manager says theres no evIdence of that VIce PresIdent. I guess Ill let you respond to the rest of what youve heard. PresIdent trump, as you know, the fbI says overall vIolent crIme Is actually comIng down In thIs country. The questIon was about you as presIdent , about former speaker pelosI. But I do want VIce PresIdent harrIs to respond here. VIce presIdent harrIs, he says you hate Israel. Thats absolutely not true. You saId she went to negotIate wIth vladImIr putIn. VIce presIdent harrIs, have you ever met vladImIr putIn . Can you clarIfy tonIght just yes or no . You stIll do not have a plan. All rIght. So guess how many tImes these moderators, Fact Check Kamala HarrIs . Zero. Not once. Make no mIstake. She lIed over and over and over agaIn. Just take look at your screen. She lIed about project 25. LIed about the very fIne People Hoax In charlottesvIlle that even leftwIng snopes called out as a lIe, saId It was bogus. She also lIed about trump sales tax. It doesnt exIst. LIed about natIonwIde abortIon ban. Trump has never supported lIed about trump wantIng to ban In vItro fertIlIzatIon when In realIty he supports federal assIstance for Ivf she lIed about trumps role In afghanIstan and when the wIthdrawal. She lIed about the bogus border bIll. And yes, you can see It goes On And On And on. The lIst goes on. DavId MuIr LInsey davIs they were pathetIc. The Fact Checks only went one way agaInst Donald Trump. MuIr lInsey davIs, bob Iger, the entIre Abc DIsney organIzatIon. And they It was a complete dIsservIce to the country. You the early 60 days and we dont know whether she stIll supports All Of Us In radIcal posItIons, posItIons that we have In her own words. Why . Because they just hate Donald Trump that much. Kamala harrIs dIdnt wIn a sIngle prImary vote, has partIcIpate voted In one IntervIew. She has held zero press conferences. No town halls. The publIc polIcy posItIons on her websIte basIcally copIed and pasted from the BIden CampaIgn that she says shes tryIng to dIstance herself from, whIch so few specIfIcs, dependIng on the audIence, her vIews seem to drastIcally change. For example. Heres a heres kamala. Mandatory gun buybacks. Take a look. ThIs busIness about takIng everyones guns away. TIm mIlls and I are both gun owners. Were not takIng anybodys guns away. So stop wIth the contInuous lyIng about thIs stuff. I support buybacks and I thInk that we have 5 mIllIon Assault Weapons on the streets of amerIca. How mandatory your gun buyback program. Its mandatory. Second amendment. Second amendment. LIsten, we have to were gonna have to do It the rIght way. She was lyIng when she spoke In favor of these mandatory buybacks over and over agaIn or shes lyIng now. And what about FrackIng And DrIllIng . Take a look. Lets talk about frackIng, because were here In pennsylvanIa. I made that very clear In 2020. I wIll not ban frackIng. I have not banned as VIce PresIdent of unIted states. And In fact, I was the TIe Vote on the InflatIon reductIon act, whIch opened leases for frackIng. WIll you commIt to ImplementIng a federal ban on frackIng your fIrst day In offIce . AddIng the unIted states to the lIst of countrIes who have banned thIs devastatIng practIce . Theres no questIon Im In favor of bannIng frackIng. So, yeah, no questIon she was In favor of bannIng frackIng and stIll Is. She was lyIng then or she lyIng now. Do you belIeve her . What about the, you know, government Health Care, medIcare for all . BIll that she cosponsored wIth bernIe In the senate . Take a look. VIce presIdent harrIs, In 2017, you supported BernIe Sanders Proposal to do away wIth prIvate Insurance and create a government run Health Care system. Two years later, you proposed a plan that Included a prIvate Insurance optIon. What Is your Plan Today . Well, fIrst of all, I absolutely support and over the last four years as VIce PresIdent , prIvate Health Care optIons you support the medIcare for all bIll. I thInk InItIally cosponsored by Senator BernIe sanders. Youre also a cosponsor of It. I belIeve It wIll totally elImInate prIvate Insurance. So for people out there who lIke theIr Insurance, what they dont get to keep It. Well, lIsten, the Idea Is that everyone gets access to medIcal care and you dont have to go through the process of goIng through an Insurance Company, havIng them gIve you approval, goIng through the paperwork, all of the delay that may requIre who of us has not had that sItuatIon where youve got to waIt for approval and the doctor says, well, I dont know If your Insurance Company Is goIng to cover thIs. Lets elImInate all of that. Lets Move On now. So dId she cosponsor the bIll . She dIdnt actually support or she lIed. That brIngs us to The Border. Take a look. The unIted states congress, IncludIng some of the most conservatIve members of the unIted states senate, came up wIth a Border SecurIty bIll, whIch I supported and bIll would have put 1500 more Border Agents on The Border to help those folks who are workIng there rIght now overtIme, tryIng to do theIr job. I belIeve If someone crosses over The Border Illegally Is Illegal and you would you would decrImInalIze It. I would not make It a crIme by jaIl. It should be a cIvIl enforcement, but not a crImInal enforcement Issue. LIsten, I thInk theres no questIon that weve got to crItIcally reexamIne Ice and Its role and the way It Is beIng admInIstered and the work It Is doIng. And we need to probably thInk about startIng from scratch. So does The Borders. Are that allowed what, 11 mIllIon Illegal ImmIgrants to pour Into thIs country . Unvetted, really care, about Border SecurIty . Was she lyIng In the debate and usIng a deeply flawed polItIcal bIll that would allow for 5000 Illegals In before It even kIcked In . And then It was dIscretIonary . The answer Is obvIous. And as reported by fake news, Cnn Kamala vowed to end the detentIon of Illegal ImmIgrants. Decreased fundIng for Ice And Ice DetaIners Force to cover the bIll for transgender surgerIes for Illegal and convIcts In jaIl. These are radIcal belIefs, and they dont just magIcally change overnIght. Countless new, vague polIcy posItIons mysterIously adopt and only after she became the nomInee are about as fake as weIrd faces that she was makIng durIng last NIghts Debate. There Is nothIng authentIc about the HarrIs CampaIgn. ThIs Is a candIdate In the In the MedIa Mob ProtectIon program. And she lIterally threw her name on every socIalIst bIll In the senate and dIssolved amerIcas borders durIng her tIme as VIce PresIdent and border czar. But now shell do and say anythIng she to do or say to wIn and advance her career, even If that means throwIng her cognItIvely ImpaIred boss under the Bus And RIght on cue. Look who just boarded the trump traIn. ThIs was funny. EarlIer today In pennsylvanIa, the presIdent hImself, joe bIden, Donned A Red Trump 2024 hat In front of a crowd In shanksvIlle and a fIre statIon. The whIte house saId he dId It to show bIpartIsan unIty at 11. Thomas campaIgn Is probably not very happy about the gesture, but bIden really doesnt hate kamala after all. RIght. Who could blame hIm If he does . Anyway, us now the host of our kIcks, tomI lahren, Is fearless. TomI lahren, Fox News ContrIbutor charlIe hurt, project 2021. ChaIrman horace cooper. TomI, start wIth you. All rIght. You know, the frustratIng thIng to me and I went Into thIs last nIght In detaIl Is all of these major radIcal left posItIons. She staked out bIlls she sponsored. We have no Idea If she stIll supports them. How does Abc DIsney not ask those fundamental questIons . Well, they gave her a pass. And I thInk reason that Kamala Wont answer for her past polIcy posItIons and she wont tell us why she Is supposedly evolved Is because she hasnt evolved. I also thInk shes leavIng herself plenty of room If she were to be elected, to go rIght back to those radIcal posItIons. You cant belIeve a thIng thIs woman says. If she would have gIven us some story about, her evolutIon on frackIng, her evolutIon on Gun ConfIscatIon and on medIcare for all, on Illegal ImmIgratIOn And beIng tough on The Border, then perhaps the amerIcan people would somewhat buy It, at least the vIewers and voters that are stIll on the fence. But she dIdnt have to do any of that because abc dIdnt make her do any that. They were In the can for her. They actIvely debated Donald Trump. He walked Into an ambush and a buzz saw. Unfortunately, he dIdnt just take the baIt. He took the whole boat, whIch Is whole separate conversatIon. But kamala Is hIdIng behInd the maInstream medIa and they wIll contInue to shIeld and coddle. The only thIng we can do Is play back her own words. As you have expertly and play It on repeat untIl electIon day. And but shes only charlIe beIng pragmatIc. WIn the electIon. BernIe sanders saId that. Yeah, exactly. LIsten to one of her own supporters on that key poInt. Look, thIs Is why she lost the debate last nIght and she lost It because the onus was completely on her. Shes the one that one thIrd of the amerIcan populatIon says they dont know where she stands on thIngs. They dont know enough about her to support or to make a decIsIon about her. And so the onus Is entIrely her to make the case why people should trust her. And she faIled to do It last nIght. She faIled to explaIn to people why shes changed her posItIon on thIngs lIke frackIng and the and Israel and all these other topIcs. She also faIled to explaIn why she has embraced all of these wIldly radIcal posItIons that now convenIently says. She has changed her posItIon on. You and I both know that the only reason shes changed her posItIon Is because shell say absolutely anythIng to get elected. And as tommy just poInted out, all the Trump CampaIgn has to do Is run the footage of what she saId last nIght compared to all the footage that she saId before, just as you just dId. All you have to do Is run and let her sInk herself wIth her own words In theIr ads. And thats why she lost. People dont trust her. They dont know her. The onus Is on her. And she faIled last. You know, Im lookIng at and well get Into thIs later In the program, horace, but Im lookIng at even the New York tImes and reuters. And I spoken to a lot of pollsters today. They saId no change, no real Impact here. And the fact that she was rehearsed. Okay, got to gIve her credIt, she dId a lIttle homework and she got her prepared lInes. Abc dId a horrIble job In terms of askIng really Important pertInent questIons that the I thInk the amerIcan people need to know before they start votIng. And theyre startIng to vote now. And that, to me, Is a colossal faIlure. Theyre the bIggest loser In all of thIs. But I guess the questIon I have for you Is, you know, If she cant move the ball or because she cant really speak her true belIefs, how does that end . Even though she has all the all the and assIstance of the medIa . Theres somethIng that happened last nIght thats actually bIgger than the aspIratIons of of former PresIdent Trump, VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs. And that Is that on december 15, 1791, our founders got ratIfIed the fIrst amendment. It Is the only part of the constItutIon that protects a commercIal enterprIse that Is the fIfth estate. And they dId that for really, really Important reason. When BenjamIn FranklIn saId we had a republIc, If we could keep It. It was assumed that the medIa would understand the Important role that they have In keepIng the amerIcan people Informed. Theyre not supposed to be cheerleaders and partIzans for one sIde or the other. Theyre supposed to gIve real straIghtforward InformatIon as that wIll elIcIt the kInd of decIsIon makIng that voters need. FInal poInt on abortIon. It Is pretty clear the leftwIng medIa lIves In a progressIve and they dont understand how In the Issue Is and theIr Idea of Fact CheckIng Is to dIsmIss the evIl of abortIon. Black people would be the sIck and largest populatIon In amerIca were It not for the systematIc destructIon of black unborn babIes In thIs because of abortIon. It happens. It happens late term. Just ask KermIt Gosnell about kIllIng, kIllIng babIes they had been born. If Mothers Hadnt dIed, wed never know about It. Shame on the medIa for not lIvIng up to thIs awesome responsIbIlIty that our gave them. Well, we all heard Governor Northam and we all know tIm walz. RadIcal stance, no restrIctIons on abortIon at all In mInnesota, even In months seven, eIght and nIne. You know, you can be a member of the medIa and to have multIple roles you can be a talk show host. The dIfference Is youve got to be honest about It. We do news InvestIgated reportIng. We gIve opInIon. Were upfront about It. Were honest about It. We talk about culture. We talk about sports. Well, lIke a whole newspaper. But they claIm to be journalIsts at Abc DIsney. It doesnt exIst. Thank you all. When we come back, accordIng to multIple reports tonIght, many undecIded voters, they were not swayed In any way by Kamala HarrIs last nIght. That straIght ahead. AllergIes wIth allegra. They wont stop me. Thats because nothIng beats the Leg Rub for the fastest nondrowsy 24 Hour Allergy RelIef. Choose allegra. Ready to lIve. Ageless. Then lIsten up and age the smell keeps me at the top of my game wIth sIx hundred and 75 mIllIgrams of ksm 66 shown to boost total testosterone. BIgger muscles, reduce fat. Bye bye, dad. And It has knocked performed to boost nItrIc OxIde ProductIon turbochargers you In the gym and In the bedroom. My VItalIty And StamIna are off the charts. Just ask hIs wIfe. LIve ageless wIth ageless male backs avaIlable at these fIve retaIlers. Protect your famIly by lIfe. Fact. Thank you, darlIng. That was us over ten years ago. Now lIfe back Is responsIble for savIng over 2000 lIves from chokIng. In the tIme It takes you to pIck up the phone and call another lIfe could be saved. The lIfe saved my lIfe In one 2 seconds. ProtectIng famIlIes has always been our mIssIon. Im sure you love your famIly lIke I love my daughter. Do a solId favor and get your own lIfe back. Now go to lIfe, Dot Net or call eIght, seven, seven. LIfe back order now. Tom brady, broadcaster has got everythIng In the world. Why do It, tommy . Why you act, tommy, why dont you play on a beach gettIng fat on pIna coladas . Why not buy a Soccer Team . Got one, dude, why would they ask why . What dId they even talkIng about . What . What theyre really askIng Is, why dont you quIt football . They dont understand that you lIve and breathe for football because youre tom freakIn brady. One Day Youll be the greatest. Was asked to work us thIs. ThIs Is the most dangerous stretch of beach In the world. Lets go north. Got to be work fIght. We dont gIve up. We lose people. But we save people to reach It. BrIng green, Baby Breathe Rescue I serve a serIes premIeres sunday, September 22nd on fox. Out ov theres some thIngs that work better together, lIke that work better together, lIke your Workplace BenefIter and retIrement savIngs for you helps you choose the rIght you helps you choose the rIght amounts wIthout over InvestIng so you can feel confIdent In your fInancIal choIceck. S. You wellplanned, well Invested, well protected. Israel under attack. In thI the war agaInst Israel began wIth murder of hundreds of precIous chIldren In thIs orphanage, bomb shelter. Were prayIng for gods help prayIng to our vInamIlk nu, our fatherIsh of l, our kIng. Countless IsraelIs are endurIng devastatIng anguIsh of lost Loved Ones. Thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000 IsraelIs to become refugees In theIr homeland. IsraelI famIlIes are In crIsIs. The InternatIonal fellowshIp of chrIstIans and JewschIldren N the ground reachIng jewIsh people of all ages chIldren, mothers, the elderly, even holocaus45 wIll t. Holocaus45 wIll t. But we cant do It wIthout you. Your gIft of 45 wIll make sure that the people, Israel, have mobIle bomb shelters, emergency supplIes and the hot, nutrItIous meals that they so nutrItIous meals that they so desperately need our teams are workIng on the ground often at great rIsk to themselves. Theyre delIverIng meals to the elderly and famIlIes who are lIvIng In Bomb ShelternternatIs thIs would be an IncredIbly Important tIme for all of the frIends of thelem, InternatIonal fellowshIp of chrIstIans and jews to stand wIth our frIends In Israel, let them know that we are not only prayIngth the peace of jerusalem, but were also prayIng and ActInould Havg In theIr Interest because we belIeve Its what god would have us do. Have us do. I sImpl the urgency of thIs sItuatIo Its more dIre than ever before. MathIs Is your moment. ThIs Is your opportunIty, scan to make a lIfesavIng dIfference. DIfference. Its your Prayerur WebsIte that gIve hope to the people of Israel. Call or vIsIt our websIte now to make your lIfesavIng DonatIon Smar SwItch to shopIfy your and sell smarterbr at every stae of your busIness. Take full control of your brand wIth your own Custom Store Scale faster wIth tools that let you manage everd Sell Y Sale from every channel and sell more wIth the Bestke Yu convertIng checkout on the planer t. A lot more. HopIfy take. Your busIness to the next stage when you swItch to shopIfy, be a WhIstleblower Bombshell as new DetaIls Emerger and physIcally fIt. Get 15 off plus free shIppIng wIth dIscount code tbh. 15 at fIeld of greens. Com. All rIght. The medIa mob. S they wont stop fawnIng overto Kamala HarrIs at last NIghts Debate. UnlIkefawnIng a harr she could k two sentences together. Her amazIng accomplIshment. But accordIng a Slewt Accord of reports, undecIded voters, theyre not buyIng the Quote Kamala was tryIng to sell. Take a look at thIs. The lIberahal New York tImes headlIne from earlIer today, quote, pundIts saId HarrIs Wons the debate. UndecIded voters not so sure. Reuters they were forced to admIt that undecIded Votersta Werent enthralled wIth Kamala HarrIs. Last nIght, the Outlet Spokho ten voters who were undecIded before that debate. They foundte that that sIx off m them saId theyd eIther Support Trump or sneeded t, lean towardp supportIng trump, only three saId they would back Kamalora Nw ,whIle one remaIn undecIded. Cogltxactly what you would wan hear If youre In the HarrIs CampaIgn and Independents. X nes In a Fox News Focus group called Pollster Lee Carter car by surprIse over theIr support for Donald Trump. And heresrIse ove what saId ear today. Take a look. We are goIng to play clIps fro. M last NIghts Debate. We had showed them to a grou, wt of voters who responded In real tIme usIng handheld dIals and you can watch theIr feelIngs second by second. And the red lIne represents republIcans. The bluetheI democrats and the lou yellow Independents. Its a great plan. Its a plan thats goIng Ts Andr brIng up our worth, our value as a country. Its goIng to makeIng Up Peopleo to be able to go and work and create jobs and create a lot of good, solId Money Fora our country, for our country. And just to fInIsh off. she doesnt have ash plan. She copIed bIdens plan. That was a really InterestIng take away from me. And I dIdnt expect to see Independents trackIng so much wIth republIcans nt to last nIg. And they dId. They wanted to hear the meat on the economy. And I was really, really sur surprIsed because the IntensIty of the Independent supportprth there for Donald Trump was very, very strong. And I dIdnt expect It ry stron. All rIght. Here wIth reactIon, Pollster Matt Towery of InsIder Advantage and HarrIs Poll ChaIrman Mark Penn Is wIth us. Matt start wIth you. I found those headlInes, especIally New York tImes, not exactly conservatIve outletters, nes. Those dIals were InterestIng as well. And InI spoke to two Otherr Pollsters today. They saId they got the same reactIon. So there seems to be wIdespread consensus on that Issue. Why . WhIle well, I thInk Its pretty clear. I mean, It was not trumps best debate I pretty. Know tha we know that. But It dIdnt hurt hIm at all, apparently. We had at hI that robert de I dd last nIght durIng the Debate Day T showedds I undecIdeds dIdnt move as well. And I want to mentIon thIs. Im In the fIeldId not In mIchIgan and In 2020 InsIder Advantage thd th fe best the most accurate numbers In MIchIgae N of the fInal fIve In the real clear polItIcs average. I dont have the fInal numbers ,but I can look at them enough y to tell you rIght now trump Is eIther even or aheadou now In mIchIgan. If thats the case, then whatever boost she gets fromt I thIs Is goIng to be short lIved If she gets one at all. Let MlIs E ask you, Mark Penn. T that I am worrIed that some of carmelas radIcal posItIons reke no restrIctIons, even late Term AbortIons, mandatory gun buybacn lak, no Border Wall, decrImInalIzIng Illegal ImmIgratIon, fre nrdere housInge Health Care, EducatIon And Nowen taxpayer funded sex change, surgerdergery for Illegals and r convIcted felons. The her sponsorshIp of the 93 trIllIon green new Deal Shne would lIterally elImInate the fIlIbuster. I would arguould lIte that kIndd of capItalIsm, elImInatIng prIvate Insurance agaIn, her bIll, she supported government run Health Care. BIt say radIcalgate IslamIc terrorIsm. You cant say Illegal alIen. All th, Ille taxes. I would been worrIed that thats not goIng to. Thats not permeatIng Into the conscIousness of the amerIcan Peoplhter Pere fast en, especIally wIth early votIng. No w. When I when I hear Independents and watch Independents on, you know, on dIals lIke that I begIn to thInk people really are startIng to get It In spItee of a medIa blackout. Am I wrong In M Y AnalysIs . Well, youre not wrong In your analysIs because we asked In the polls pretty muchou what do you thInk Kamala HarrIs vIews are . Mor and they guessed more correctly than you would thInk. Th Is more for open borders and polIcIes and that shend Is more to the left of bIden. So I thInk some of thIs stufdenI Is really sInkIng In andnk whs raIsIng questIons. And thats why you have a bunch of undecIded voters who are not movIng that QuIckl Lotf Undey u they hear more about what she stands for and PartIculaunre Abu only more about the economy, because most undecIded voters, theyre not theyre not votIng on ImmIgratIon or abortIon. Theyre really decIdIn K VotIng on the economy and who they thInk wIll be a presIdent , a Betterand WhhInk PresIdent whr wIll make thIngs better for theIr own lIves. Yeah. I mean, how do you sponsored the Green New Deal cosponsored, wIth bernIe . How do you cosponsor Health Care for all unIversal Health Care, elImInate prIvate Insurance. How do you how do you wante . To decrImInalIze IllegalmIgratIo ImmIgratIon, free housIng, Health Care, EducatIon And Change operatIons . And Is there any way votersy Voe Wont know those vIews before the electIon. Rs know thow do you separate yours, as she seems to be tryInhog to o by, not talkIng very muchnot ta about themlk . Mark well, so far shes beenty pretty. So far, shes been pretty successful at keepIng vIews behInd the scenes. And also, I thInk the Trum Thep CampaIgn hasnt really created an emotIonal Reasoe Trn why thoe VIews Matter to the to the voters. Twhen I dId the 3 a. M. Ad,madec I made commanderom In relevant to the voters and everybody. Then on that. A s and so theyre kInd of gettIngen the Sense Mayb E shes toor to far to the left, but maybe not. Theyre not really, sure. But Trump Hasnt really beensnt able to drIve that dIfference. And last nIght, they dIdnt gIve hIm a chance to dt dIdo t. And let me just let me Justthe E add, by the way, when the refsfs are not faIr, the score of a me generallydefInIte doesnt. What do you thInk, S Matt . Well, I thInk thIs I thInk the Trump CampaIgn In theIr messagIng, I watch theIr ads. I thInk theyre pretty good, actually. I thInk the problem the republIcans have Is all these other pacs that are raIsIng all thIs money In the name of donaldfthese ot trump. Nm theyre runnIng medIocre ads. They dont hIt on any the poInts youre talkIng about, sean. And trump cannot do thIs otrumpn hIs own. I mean, there are super pacs all over thIs country helpIng the democrats bIg money. Somebody has got to get the messagIng down forney, Som Trump other than just trump because he cant do It all on hIs own. P. I thInk the campaIgn Is doIngaIn a pretty good job. Be honest wIth you. All rIght. I apprecIate both of you. Mark penn, thank you. Matt terry, thank you. When we come. Back, new economIc numbers not good for the harrIs numb. Gn In last nIghts proved that she does not knowam how to fIx the mess that she helpedal create. Well check In. M after revIew of medIcal GuIdance And Research on PaIn RelIef. My recommendatIon Is sImple. Every home should have Salon Pods powerful yet nonaddIctIv e ,targeted and long lastIng. I recommend salon. Its good to me to talk you frIday to FrIday NIght smack down on usa. Maya knows how QualIty Care can brIng out a smIle, but Its been a few dog years sInce she was able to enjoy a smIle of her own. 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MIke huckabee Is so that relaxIum wIll work for you. Hes asked us to gIve away 1000 bottles. TrIe RelaxIum Dot Com or call 808 011737 when you cant watch. LIsten. Get the latest News BusIness and news headlInes on sIrIus. AnytIme, anywhere. Fox News RadIo on SIrIus Xm AmerIca Is lIstenIng. More bad economIc news today. Federal government reported that core cpI, whIch Includes excludes, the rather Energy Ane prIces, rose 3. 2 year overree year, whIch means that thIngs are stIll gettInpoIn oveggettIn more expensIve, even after three long years of CrushIngg Oo InflatIon from harrIs and bIden. So Its not a surprIse that as h new survey Is showIng, get thIs, 23 . A 23 cethats lIke 20. Ts thats lIke a quarter of younglI adults claIm fInancIal worrIesIr are preventIng them fromeventI havIng chIldren. Some sayIng they dont want to spend the money. Soay the Its too expensIve to raIse kIds these days. LastpensIv nIght. Kamala harrIs dId nothIng to explaIn what she would do to brIng dowIng Tot Shn the cosr than raIse taxes and hand out more government freebIes. SaI she says she wIll fIx the economy on day one. BIg problem wIth that argument. Day one for her was january 20th, 2021, and shes the one along wIth joe bIden, that ruIned the economy In the fIrst place. And she was, as she proudlyeakIg states, the tIe breakIng vote for the InflatIon reductIon act. Inn reduct. Thee here wIth reactIon, the host of makIng money on the fox busIness networkey, charles payne. Now, Ive always felt that the fee. D and Jerome Powell would probably do everythIng In theIr power to get a, you know, a 505s BasIs PoInt or halIsf a Rate PoInt Cut when It comes to the electIon, probably to help out the democrats. Does that put that In jeopardy Is do you vIew that decIsIon at thIs poInt In tIme, based on the raw economIc dataday, that you study every day, Is that a polItIcal Move O ar Is thIs Is thIs warranted t . ThIs poIn many people, myself Included, belIeve the fedhave should have started cuttIng rates back In july. So If they wer stIng be to go 55 poInts, It would be warranted becaus e, you know, thIs Is as two pronged problem. ThIs Is the ultImat e one two punch on. On one hand, you already reference thIs InflatIon foryeah the 40 year hIgh InflatIon. We never thought wed have to deal wIth anythIngIg thIs. So to counteract that, the fed has to take monee thIsounteracye system. They have to raIse Interest rates and It becomes tought of. RIght, because now your CredIt Card, a basIc CredIt Card, 23 Interest Store cards, 39 Interest. People couldnt afford to buy a house wIth mortgages over 7 . Ushe had to do that because on the other end, he has no t contro hanl. IronIcally, as the whIte C House Is spendIng. You knowlean, Kamala HarrIs tald about wrItIng a whole lot of checks, less lIke nIllyrI. No one on that. None of the moderators saId, how do you pay for thIs . PayIn all use youre not were payIng for all the money that they wrote, all the checks that they wrote whIle moneade t, In offIce so far. Its by crushIng InflatIon. And what IronIcally, what happens Is when the fed has to slow the economy down wt they have to crush the jobs market. So all eyes are on the Job Job E whIch, by the way, Its absolutely ImplodIng. Weve had revIsIons to thIs jobs number. And Im to tell you, thIs august number, whIch was weak In opInIon anyway, probably ratchet It lower. Son anyway the fed, whether theo 25 BasIs PoInts or 50 BasIs PoIntse 25 the needle a lot between now and november. But there Is a desperatet race In amongst 80 of the populatIon that are sayIng youve done the rIch people arent hurtIng. In fact, rIch people made noe 0 bIllIon off these hIgher rates. Its mostly that 75 80 of amerIcans, though, who are sayIng no mass. Wecent of need relIef. We need help now. You mean the people that cant buy a home for the fIrst tIme . R but her plan Is totIme, gIve 0 to fIrst tIme homebuyers endan student loan forgIveness. And, you know, BasIcIveness Glt Incr sort of lIke, well, Incremental new green Deal Ism when you look at her economIc plan on top of goIng after corporatIons and quote, PrIce GaugIng and then even the Ideaae the InsanIty to me of unrealIzed CapItal GaInss and taxIng those, thats madness to me. Yeato mh. Sean, thInk about thIs, t though, because the rhetorIc does not matchhIs so. What realv are doIng. What they have done In the last three and a half years Is they have made the wealthIese dt people and wealthIest corporatIons more money. She wants to go after krogewt. They make kroger has a net ProfIt MargIn of 1 to 2 . In meantIme, we are wrItIng rId checks to semIconductor companIe s bIllIons bIllIon, 6 bIllIon to mIcron, you know, more money to thIs one. W Roanee Weve wrItten Checkt To Automakers to ramp up evs. And No One No One wants themto to the poInt where ford saId, well take a 2 bIllIon hIt. We cant do thIs. In thetw meantImo bIe, Jobs Areg shIpped to mexIco. People need to understand the rhetorIc does not match theIr real Game Plan. TheIr real Game Plan has been very successful. Beenthey have been rIch. Come theIr donors, the Top 1 , are theIr donors. TthIs Is the party of the rIch. The rhetorIc says one thIng the actIons have crushed actIo the mIddle class and made the rIchest people have ever walked the Planens Thatddlet wealthIer. Were addIng 2 TrIllIone AddI annually to the to the Budget DefIcIt or the deb2 trIlt, and e now approachIng 40 trIllIon. So IthIs Is thIs Is unsustaInable by any objectIve measur IstaInable. You know, years ago, FlorIda Congressman ConnIe mack came up, wIth the penny plan, whIch Is you cut one penny out of every dollar the government spends every year for fIve years. You balance the budget. Is that somethIn spends Y Yearg . Is that doable . SomethIng lIke that Is doable. One thIng that PresIdent Trump DI D Is every tIme they had regulatIons, they made sure they pulled to 2 out ford every 1. Actually, It was more successful than that. Government spendIng Is obvIously the key here. We just learned yesterday In august, our government took In 307 bIllIOn And spent 688 bIllIon. ThInk about that for a mInute. Its just unsustaInable. The Interest on that now are were talkIng 2 trIllIon a year. That could, wer that be goIng o that can solve so many of the countrys problems and Insteadao ,agaIn, all of thIs money, soc sean, that goes to socIety, It endsIe up somewhere and more often than not and ends up In the pockets of the 1 . The 1 and the people payIng for Itp are the folks watchIng thIs people. Ht now yeah. All rIght. Charles payne, always great to see you. ApprecIate you beIng wIth us. When we come back, bIden, harrIs, theIr weakness on the World BId Stage Is emboldenIng amerIcas enemIes. We have the latest. Well get reactIon. The great VIctor DavIs Hanson straIght ahead. Get them back. Okay. Hes been back. When I saw that ethan was not breathIng, I determIned that I needed to use somethIng to remove the obstructIon, hIs aIrway. Its very Important for every household to have a lIfe. Everyone should have one In theIr home. AnythIng can happen at any moment. I want my frIends and famIly and the people that I serve to know that we have thIs devIce to potentIally save lIves, protect your famIly, go to lIfe, back up that go to LIfe Fact Net or call eIght, seven, seven lIfe back at doans. We know one thIng and one thIng only backs straIght and backs from weekend Chores TIp pulled backs doIng your favorIte hobbIes we even know quarterbacks dont the experts In back PaIn RelIef for more than 100 years avaIlable at a store near you. HI grandma. I played baseball today. 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We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud joIn the mIllIons of people takIng back theIr prIvacy by downloadIng duckduckgo on all your devIces today. At fIeld of green Scan Product Is not Intended to dIagnose, treat, cure or prevent any dIsease. Money back terms and condItIons apply ]. All rIght. Last week, Kamala HarrIs pIcked up an endorsement from nonefromn other than russIas vladImIr putIn. Now were fIndIng out why apparently vladImIr has easIly skIrted sanctIons wIth few repercussIons from the bIden admInIstratIon In. Fact the u. S. And brItaIn just formally accused Iran of supplyIng short range ballIstIc mIssIles to russIa o, whIch offIcIals are callIng rusIgnIfIcant escalatIon In russIas ongoIng war agaInst ukraIne. Exch blInken announced that In exchange for the mIssIles, russIa Is sharIng technologychny wIth Iran related to theIr nuclear programs. Ran the u. S. Has now Imposed new new sanctIons on Iran. But we all know Its lIttle too late. They never enforced the old sanctIons that allowedrcIng th n from goIng from the verge of bankruptcy to accumulatIngen tens and tens and tens of bIllIons of Dollarsd Tens fos all theIr Proxy Wars theyve been fIghtIng. And under the bIdenharrIs admInIstratIon, youre watchIng a new axIs of evIl formIngrrIs rIght your eyes that amerIca Is no longer respected In these world. Under HarrIs BIden and a woke unde AdmInIsrIs AdmInIstratIon and that would only make thIngs worse. Aktoday marks 23 years sIncers september the 11th, 2001. Remember, Kamala HarrIs Is more concerned preventIng you, the amerIcan people. She want,s you to be courageousn and abandon usIng the termtsal RadIcal IslamIc terrorIsm. You know, the peopleIslam that attacked us on 911 have the courage to object when they use that term. RadIcal IslamIc terrorIsm. How much . And the greatest vIctIms of terror and also have the courage to reject that term. Illegal alIen alIen. T the worst of crImInal behavIor. I have seen the worst of crIme. An undocumented ImmIgrant Is not a crImInal. All rIght. Here now[ InaudI the reactIon. Hoover InstItutIon senIor fellow VIctor DavIs Hanson Inst after last nIght, Is Itr La possIble that we are goIng democ to have a Democrat PresIdent Ial candIdate that Is takIng on all of these radIcal posItIons, supported all of these radIcal bIlls, IncludIngcn the new green deal, elImInatIng prIvate health Insurance. Thyou know, defund, dIsmantle the polIce and decrImInalIze Illegal ImmIgrants and free housIng, Health Care, EducatIon And Change, operatIonegal and shes not goIng to be asked a sIngle questIon about It or have to explaIn herself. Is that Is that the amerIca were now lIvIng In . ThI yeah, I thInk so. I thInk that was a Candy Crowley debate, only much worse. And I thInk they totally dIscredIt themselves. Themse abc and the whole genre of havIng medIa people conductfa any presIdent Ial debate the In the future. People conIts Its not goIno be dIsInterested. Its goIng to be bIased. But I thInk more, sean, as to your earlIer comments, the world lookIng at allll of thIs and the developments the last three and a half years,f thIs they see a wIndow of opportunIty that mIght not come up agaInst Anof Oppord a lt of people, bad actors are goIng to try somethIng stupId. Maybll Tryo Sne next four and af months of the bIden lame duck tenure. Go you know, putIn dIdnt go In and foreIgn mInIster and four admInIstratIons. He only dId not go In durIngs the trump all three of thee earlIer ones he dId. As soon as BIden Cam thee In thn afghanIstan pullout, the crazyy comments about the reactIon would depend from the unIted states on whether It was a majotoIted star mInor InvasIoa and suddenly we have the bIggest war In europe, sInce World War II chIna that If Chg Add In the dressIn In anchorage, the chInese balloon, thIs Inane comments that chIna from bIden, he saId, Is not really a rIval. Itd, pose a challenge and suddenly theyre threatenIng taIwan. Theyre phIlIppIne shIps. And you look at the who days weh lIft the terrorIst under bIden and they control the red sea. We restore to hamas and the palestInIan authorIty Is we get october 7tan auth, we gIve T Sweetheart OIlhe deal, Allowa Th that wIth syrIa, theyre attackIng troops. Ar. MentIoned Iran as soon as we lIft the embargo and beg them to get the Iranls deal, theyre supplyIng all of Israels exIstentIal enemIes and when you look at why thIs Is I mean, were 50,000he troops short In the mIlItary, were mothballIng 17 major shIps of the merchant marInes. Weve go at a presIdent who andt a State Department Team that has thIs therapeutIc vIew. W and these people are goIng to do somethIng stupId because were stIll a Stronges W Countrh but they thInk that In the next few months and thIs lame Duck PresIdency and the possIbIlIty that Kamala HarrIs EIthe R Acta harr as De Facto presIdent or get elected, that TheywIll Havea Chance of opportunIty of changIng borders and changIng strategIchanc calculus. And weve got to restore deterrence as fast as possIble or were strat goIng to be In bIg,ll bIg trouble In the 20 seconds we have left. Do you thInk thIs thIs Duck And HIde and Bob Weave Strategyr works In the end . Its worked for about 30 days. Kt I dont thInk It has a Shelf LIfe much longer. Shelot gre gettIng tIred of It ,so she cant do It another 60 days. So I thInk that fInally shes goIn dg to have to comee clean and say what shes for and what shes not. VIllean an. VIctor davIs hanson, thank you. More. HannIty straIght ahead you. AllergIes wIth a leg. They wont stop me. 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What Is that . What that means Is that a crImInal . Theyre able to steal the tItle to your home typIcally by transferrIng It to another persOn And then sellIng or borrowIng money agaInst the house. They dont really want the physIcal property. No, they just want to borrow agaInst It or sell It. The great thIng from a tItle thIefs Is that nobody realIzes I sold your house or refInanced It and borrowed money agaInst It untIl I stop makIng those mortgage payments. So It could be sIx months later they start gettIng foreclosed on. Most people CredIt Cards and the CredIt Card generally protects fraudulent charges on It and so on. But what about your home, though . Thats where your bIg equIty Is. Thats not the way It works wIth tItle theft. Thats not the way It works all. And nobodys helpIng you. Nobodys lookIng out for you. Whats a homeowner to do . I mean, when they fInd out theyre a vIctIm, what can they do next . They would have to go to maybe theIr local sherIff or local polIce, and they would have to notIfy them of thIs crIme. And try and explaIn what happened, whIch Is a mess In Itself. And nobodys to do that. The thIng about Home TItle Lock Is that never has to happen. Why Is that . They notIfy you when theres any change to your tItle so you get notIfIed that your deed was transferred or your mortgage was satIsfIed and youre able to contact Home TItle Lock, contact the authorItIes and, hopefully catch the thIef In the mIddle of thIs whole process and even If the tItle has been transferred out of your name, TItle Lock has a RestoratIon Team that wIll come In, fIx your TItle And Place the property back Into your name. TItle fraud Is real. Its scary, but now theres a way to protect yourself. A way to protect yourself. GIve us a call or go to homengs TItle Lock IcOn And start your trIple Lock TItle ProtectIon today. Your wo fIve. There are some thIngs that work there are some thIngs that work better togetheat. Your workplace benefIts your workplace benefIts and RetIrement SavIngstomake PresentatIon looks great. PresentatIon looks great. Thanks for can rea you provIdes, that help you make the rIght that help you make the rIght Investment And BenefIt choIces so you can reach todays fInancIal goals. That one and look forward to a more confIdent future. That Is one dynamIc Duo SIde wellplanned, well Invested, well protected. Foxnews. Com just got a lIttle better. Were stIll the go to for polItIcs breakIng News Weve got so more Sports EntertaInment LIfestyle foxnews. Com com brIngIng you the world accordIng to fox eIght unfortunate It Is all the tIme we have left thIs evenIng as always thank you for beIng wIth us for makIng the show possIble. Please say your Dvr Soev you never ever ever everenIns pf an epIsode of hannIty. And In the meantIme, Ive go te good news. Let not your heart be troubled. Greg gutfeld Is next to Pu T a smIle on your face. Have a great nIght

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