A senior police officer said, “Prima facie, it seems like the accused persons received a tip-off that the victim was going to withdraw money from his bank account around afternoon and hence, started following him."
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday once again slammed Delhi s Lieutenant Governor V. K. Saxena over his "Delhiites are accustomed to receiving freebies" remark and termed him an "outsider". 📰 Freebies Row: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Slams LG VK Saxena Over His Delhiites Are Accustomed to Receiving Freebies Remark, Calls Him Outsider .
Police said they had received a PCR call about a stabbing from locals. The complainant, Rahil (16), had sustained stab injuries to his stomach. He said he was walking in the garden with his cousin Laraeb (15) when four unknown people approached them.