Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday once again slammed Delhi s Lieutenant Governor V. K. Saxena over his "Delhiites are accustomed to receiving freebies" remark and termed him an "outsider". 📰 Freebies Row: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal Slams LG VK Saxena Over His Delhiites Are Accustomed to Receiving Freebies Remark, Calls Him Outsider .
Amid the ongoing row over poll freebies, Tamil Nadu Finance Minister Dr P Thiaga Rajan has slammed the BJP and asked if the free facilities in states it is ruling "descend from the hand of God".
Kejriwal has come under heavy attack from BJP leaders over his allegations against the Centre and Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said that Kejriwal is giving a perverse twist to freebies on Health and Education.
Currently, not only are political parties taking jibes at each other over freebies, the Supreme Court is also hearing arguments to curb political parties from distributing irrational freebies from public funds. Here is what the stakeholders have to say about freebies.