Admiral but she also has been indicted and the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity and genocide in Darfur more than 300000 civilians have been killed since 2002 and the conflict has displaced some 2000000 people the verdict is the 1st in a series of ongoing trials against Bashir and the 1st by the transitional government that has ruled the country since his removal now bomb he Dean for viewing news code to Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited former strongholds of his labor opponents in northern England Saturday and pledged to repay their trust for helping to deliver a stunning victory for his conservative party in Britain s national election. Lauren Anthony Reports time is to parse Johnson s Senate race and his election win on Saturday in the fullness strongholds of his labor opinions in northern England he pledged to repay that trust for aiding a stunning victory for his conservative party in Britain s general election a death by now produce prices on the side t
One about shake one. Yeah cancel him we re going back we re going to cancel everything started a everything s cancel cancel the show straight ahead. Start your day with Armstrong and getting to mornings from 6 till 10 and i Heart Radio Station talk 650 k.s. Lead Rancho Cordova Sacramento. Music at the top and bottom of the hour on the dotted line $1530.00 am now traffic on toxic spill way is to easy just one accident right now it s eastbound I 80 at the Richard bought off ramp in Davis it s on the ramp itself so it s not causing a backup on the freeway only slowing on the freeways westbound 80 as you head out across the causeway at West Capital also got some flowing north on I 5 from just past El Paso just past Highway 99 to new traffic every 10 minutes mornings and afternoons news 93 point one k f b k this report is sponsored by Yvonne Howes and the automotive group get Black Friday specials now on housing driving home sales of it you ll find our cities visit much less than you d exp
Say the push for disclosure goes too far they say the government would force them to publicly disclose rates they negotiate as part of private contracts that normally are beyond the purview of authorities defense secretary Mark esper says the United States and South Korea have indefinitely postponed a joint military exercise we have made this decision as an act of good will can be good environment conducive to diplomacy and the advancement of seeking in Bangkok where he s attending an Asia Defense Ministers Conference as percent as the postponement of a joint exercise is not a concession a point yes I see this is a good faith effort by the United States and the Republic of Korea to enable page to shape the brain if you will to facilitate a political agreement a deal if you will at least to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula although the u.s. Military for years called its exercises with South Korea an important means of keeping troops and commanders ready for combat on short
So today exercising instead of smoking again away from alcohol when I was 1st quit . I kept on trying learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes we did it. For free help called 1800 quit now a message from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services and c.d.c. . All show all show all show weekdays noon good to him 13 j.f.k. Said last year all of the nuggets are missing his playoff experience now they have it I 100 percent expect a championship from the neck it s all show he said it was a good question he looked at Mann s and wow that changed my life I think it was maybe a pleasant surprise the Eagles are just always a talented hockey club no matter where they are all show Colorado head coach tad Boyle this issue is one that is a major issue Dick and the spear be if the boy is an organization in certain areas Hall show the voice of the Colorado buffalos Mark Johnson I don t bring this up to help that all work the other one. Was all show up a b
New this is the biggest outburst we have seen from a straight even serious he wants players that play the game the right way Brian Khalidi is the general manager Cody Livingston is Drake s dad has really been great with the guys and the team atmosphere of it is really been important for him but I want to play baseball fast Steve Case in c.b.s. News a Maryland man visiting Alaska with his family was killed them one of his 3 children was critically injured when their float planes take off was a boarder the critically her child was flown to Anchorage for treatment along with 2 other family members there were 7 people aboard the plane Tom 40 c.b.s. News with the stock market. Here s w e l is n.b.c. 10 1st alert weather for the weekend will be hot and humid on Saturday with a mix of sun and clouds the high 9090 degrees with the real feel of 109 Saturday evening hazy woman humid below 80 on Sunday and it s of sun and clouds with a late afternoon thunderstorm the high 98 feel like 111 and on