See how the government uses its muscle to delay justice? By the time this goes to trial – if it goes to trial, the big fish – Rodrigo Duterte may be dead. In which case there will be no trial – because the ICC requires the defendant’s presence.
California Civil Rights Department CRD announced potential extensions, as the expanded pay data reporting obligations in California’s new pay transparency law, particularly the requirement to file Labor Contractor Employee Report, as it has caused confusion among employers
The ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II’s authorization to resume the investigation into the Afghanistan situation comes amid a disagreement with the Office of the Prosecutor regarding the temporal scope of the investigation and the alleged incidents it covers.
The Office of the Prosecutor’s analysis of the merits of Afghanistan’s 2020 request to defer the ICC’s investigation not only underscores its own views of the law applicable to deferral requests but also sheds light on how the court views the de facto authorities as they relate to ICC proceedings.
Venezuelan government Saturday rejected a decision by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to resume an investigation into alleged human rights violations by the country s official.